From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 54 Han Li gets married

"Sister, you have achieved your goal, you should be very happy. I just hope that you can still be happy after today."

"What do you mean? What do you want to do?" The cold woman asked hurriedly, "People from all forces are here, and Patriarch Wei is here in person. I advise you to cooperate well, be more obedient, and don't force me."

"You have trapped my mind, what else can I do?" Nangong Wan said lightly.

"This is the best."

Except for Lingshou Mountain, the Yuanying ancestors of the other major sects of Yue Kingdom have arrived. There are more than ten Yuanying ancestors alone. Together with the Yuanying ancestors of other forces, Linglong Mountain has gathered more than 40 Yuanying cultivators, including the two great cultivators Zhiyang Shangren and Wei Wuya, as well as Long Han and Feng Bing, who are comparable to great cultivators.

It can be said that this double cultivation ceremony has concentrated more than half of Tiannan's top-level combat power!

Han Li and Lei Ming mixed in the crowd. Seeing such a grand scene, even though Han Li was bold, he couldn't help but worry at this moment.

"Brother Lei, these people won't attack us in unison, right?" Han Li sent a voice message to Lei Ming.

"Definitely not. Although the various sects in Tiannan have united to fight against Mulan Fashi, they are not united internally. There are also many people who want to see Wei Wuya laugh. As long as Master Zhiyang and Long Han and his wife don't attack at the same time, no one else can make a big wave." Lei Ming said confidently.

Han Li was also confused by his concern, and he figured it out when he came to his senses.

"Brother Lei is right, Wan'er is about to come out, and it's up to us next." Han Li said.

"Don't worry, brother can hold on." Lei Ming said.

At today's dual cultivation ceremony, Wei Wuya sat in the main seat, and Wei Lichen wore a red wedding dress and greeted guests from all sides. Although he was a newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivator, with Wei Wuya's face, others were polite to him. In addition, he married the most beautiful female cultivator of Yanyue Sect today, and Wei Lichen was really proud.

Soon, Nangong Wan's senior sister, Qiushui Laozu, appeared with her. There was a difference between the dual cultivation ceremony and the wedding of ordinary people.

In order to prevent Nangong Wan from getting into trouble, Qiushui Laozu had activated the ban to control her. Seeing this, Han Li was furious and decided to teach her a lesson when he had the chance.

Near noon, the ceremony officially began. Wei Wuya stood up, and the noisy voices slowly calmed down. Wei Lichen and Nangong Wan stood beside him respectively, and many people below couldn't help but envy them.

"Everyone, today is the dual cultivation ceremony of my grandson Wei Lichen and the ancestor of Yanyue Sect, Nangong Wan. Thank you very much for attending." Wei Wuya bowed and said, "I, Wei Wuya, appreciate your kindness."

"Ancestor Wei is too polite."

"It is our honor to participate in such a dual cultivation ceremony."

"Daoyou Wei and Daoyou Nangong are a perfect match, and their union is also a good thing for Tiannan!"

The guests were polite, and at this time, an inappropriate voice sounded: "Today is a good day to hold a dual cultivation ceremony, but why do I feel that Wei Lichen is not worthy of Nangong Wan?"

The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone turned around and saw Lei Ming's disdainful expression.

"Who are you?" Wei Lichen was furious, pointing at Lei Ming and shouting, Wei Wuya stopped him.

Wei Wuya's face was also not looking good: "Lei Daoyou, what do you mean?"

"It's just the literal meaning. Didn't I make it clear?" Lei Ming stood up, and the people around him retreated. "This Daoyou Nangong is beautiful, and Wei Lichen..." Lei Ming kept shaking his head.

"He is not worthy of her at all. And I see that Daoyou Nangong looks reluctant, I seriously suspect that she was forced." Lei Ming said loudly.

After hearing what he said, everyone also felt that Nangong Wan was a little strange. The highest cultivation master Zhiyang has already discovered that Nangong Wan was controlled by someone.

Zhiyang Master shook his head secretly, thinking that Wei Wuya's behavior was indeed inappropriate.

"You are talking nonsense!" Wei Lichen was the most angry. "Wan'er and I are in love with each other. What is your intention to disrupt our dual cultivation ceremony? In my opinion, you must be a spy of the Mulan people. Two senior brothers, please help me take him down!"

The two ancestors of Huayi Sect immediately took action after hearing this. Like Wei Lichen, they had heard of Lei Ming's reputation, but had never seen Lei Ming, let alone Lei Ming's capture of the old demon Hehuan.

Wei Wuya was shocked and wanted to stop him immediately. But before he could, he saw a flash of five-colored light, and the two Yuanying ancestors of Huayi Sect had been captured by Lei Ming.

Lei Ming cast the Five Elements Forbidden Technique on the two people, and then threw them aside. With his current realm, even Wei Wuya would definitely not be able to crack his Five Elements Forbidden Technique.

"I just said a fair word, and Fellow Daoist Wei's reaction was so intense. It seems that there is indeed a hidden story." Lei Ming said lightly. This time Wei Lichen was not angry, but felt a little scared.

One of the two ancestors of Huayi Sect was in the middle stage of Yuanying, but he couldn't survive Lei Ming's attack. Not to mention Wei Lichen, few people at the scene were not afraid.

Ancestor Linghu secretly communicated with Ancestor Qiushui, and Ancestor Qiushui knew Lei Ming's identity.

Ancestor Qiushui stepped forward and said, "So you are the leader of Pangu Sect. I am really disrespectful. Today is a great event for Yanyue Sect and Huayi Sect. Daoist Lei is a guest from afar. Please forgive me if I didn't treat you well. The ceremony has already started. If you have any questions, we will talk about it later. It's better not to delay the two of you."

"You sound very nice, but why are you so vicious? In order to curry favor with the Nine Kingdoms Alliance, you actually sent your junior sister away. If you are dedicated to the sect, why don't you become a Taoist companion with him yourself?" Lei Ming pointed at Wei Lichen. After hearing this, Patriarch Qiu Shui's face turned blue and white.

Lei Ming changed the topic: "But you were right just now. There is indeed a great happy event today. Fellow Taoist Nangong is supposed to be blessed with a husband today, but..."

Before Lei Ming finished speaking, he suddenly appeared in front of Ancestor Qiu Shui. Wei Wuya was more than ten feet away from Ancestor Qiu Shui. Lei Ming's speed was so fast that he didn't even react.

The Five Elements Divine Light flashed, and Qiushui Ancestor was captured by thunder. Lei Ming took off her storage bag, found a forbidden jade tablet, and crushed it. Nangong Wanzhong's mental trap was immediately lifted, and she was free again.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!" Nangong Wan saluted Lei Ming. Although she was controlled by Ancestor Qiu Shui, she could still see and hear him. She already knew that Lei Ming was a helper brought by Han Li.

"Now everyone knows that what I said is well-founded." Lei Ming said with a smile, "Next, let me solemnly introduce to you Taoist Nangong's Ruyihuangjun, who is both beautiful and wise, the embodiment of hero and chivalry, Tian Han Li, the most promising and youngest Nascent Soul cultivator in the South!”

Lei Ming's introduction whetted everyone's appetite, and everyone looked in the direction of his finger. Over there, Han Li walked out slowly in a red wedding dress, and his cheeks couldn't help but feel hot at this time despite his thick face and dark heart.

Lei Ming's compliments made Han Li feel ashamed, although they sounded quite satisfying.

Nangong Wan couldn't help laughing when she saw Han Li like this. Her smile stunned many monks. At the same time, everyone also knew that Nangong Wan’s real crush was Han Li.

"Stop!" Wei Lichen was furious and blocked Han Li. A sword light shot from him towards Han Li. Han Li flicked his finger, and the golden arc of lightning trapped the sword light and reflected it towards Wei Lichen.

When Wei Wuya saw it, he couldn't sit still immediately. Two flying swords flew out from his sleeves, turned into giant swords about ten feet long, and fell towards Han Li.

"The two Taoist friends from Wei have gone too far. Now that lovers meet, why don't you two be as beautiful as adults?" Lei Ming quietly appeared in front of Han Li, and the divine light of the Five Elements brushed away Wei Wuya's flying sword.

Lei Ming turned around and said, "Leave these two to me, Brother Han just goes and hugs the beauty."

Han Li bypassed the two of them and came to Nangong Wan's side. The two people looked at each other with deep affection, which made the juniors below who were looking for love look envious.

"Wan'er, although this proposal is more than 200 years late, I'm still here. You are my wife in this life, come with me." Han Li stretched out his hand.

Nangong Wan smiled slightly and put her hand into Han Li's.

"You are also my designated husband. I have been waiting for you for more than 200 years, and now you are finally here."

Seeing that Han Li's proposal was successful, Lei Ming laughed. He absolutely loved to see such a scene.

However, Wei Lichen was going crazy. He was not even afraid of the thundering Five Elements Divine Light and wanted to rush over. If Wei Wuya hadn't been protecting him, Lei Ming would have captured him long ago.

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