From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 58: Joining the War Treasures

Lei Ming and Han Li walked into the stone hall, and the eyes of many old monsters in the hall immediately gathered around them. Lei Ming is now regarded as an existence that surpasses the great monk, and no force dares to ignore him.

"Fellow Daoist Lei, you're here!" Long Han stood up and faced Lei Ming, asking Lei Ming to sit on the main seat. Others did not dare to have any objections.

"It's not too late for me to come." Lei Ming sat down with a smile, and Han Li sat next to him.

"Not too late, not too late, just right." Long Han said, "This time with the help of fellow Daoist Lei, we have a little more confidence."

After Lei Ming and the others sat down, other monks arrived one after another, and Long Han introduced them to Lei Ming one by one. Regardless of whether they were from the righteous path or the demonic path, these monks greeted Lei Ming respectfully. In the world of immortality, strength is still respected after all.

Lei Ming also responded with kindness to these people's overtures. However, with his powerful spiritual sense, he still felt the dissatisfaction and malice of some people.

Not long after, Master Zhiyang and Old Demon Hehuan walked in from the side door of the main hall. They slowly walked to the center of the main hall and stopped.

Originally, Wei Wuya should also appear on such an occasion. It's just that he lost most of his blood essence a few months ago and is still adjusting his breath, so he can't participate in this battle against Master Mulan.

The Acacia Old Demon caught a glimpse of Thunder and immediately looked away. It's not that he doesn't hate Lei Ming, on the contrary, the Hehuan Old Demon wants to take out Lei Ming's soul and torture him for ten thousand years. Just thinking of the thundering demon-binding net made the Hehuan Old Demon feel powerless. Before finding the magic weapon to compete with the demon-binding net, the old devil Hehuan would never dare to provoke Lei Ming.

"Fellow Taoists, you all know me here." Master Zhiyang said, "This gathering is held because just this morning, the Mulan people sent an envoy and sent a letter of challenge, saying that if not Agree to their conditions and we will have a decisive battle at the border in seven days."

"What conditions?" There was a commotion among the monks.

"This is the opponent's letter of challenge. Fellow Taoists, please take a look at it first." Master Zhiyang handed the letter of challenge to Lei Ming. Lei Ming read it and handed it to Han Li... Soon everyone had read it. Everyone's face looked grim. The conditions proposed by the Mulan people were too excessive. They wanted half of Tiannan, and it was impossible for everyone to agree.

Among the monks present, the one who reacted most violently to the conditions proposed by the Mulans was undoubtedly the Nine-Nation Alliance. They hoped to end the war as soon as possible. Some sects living in the interior want to fight a protracted war and compete with the Mulan people. The two sides quarreled over this issue, while Lei Ming watched coldly.

"The battles in the world of cultivation are really everywhere. In the world where mortals are cultivating immortals, major forces plot and fight for cultivation resources. In the prehistoric world, everyone is also competing for luck and merit. The world of cultivation is a world of struggle. !" Lei Ming had a clear understanding in his heart.

Master Zhiyang suppressed everyone's quarrel: "The Mulan people were attacked from the rear by unexpected people, and they can no longer hold back. However, no matter what tricks the Mulan people have, this is also a good opportunity for us. This gambling battle We must participate and we must win.”

Some people were dissatisfied with what Master Zhi Yang said, and they were unwilling to be led by the Mulan people.

Master Zhiyang explained: "When the Mulan people came all the way, they captured many monks, most of whom were from the Nine Kingdoms Alliance, and there were also many from our various sects. The Mulan envoy did not tell the story of killing the prisoners. They kept saying that they would give us a chance to rescue these monks. In addition to gambling materials, they also added more than a hundred captured monks in each of the ten gambling battles."

Many Yuanying old monsters looked at each other, and no one said any more words of rejection. Speaking of which, the number of monks captured by the Mulan people was not large, only more than a thousand, and most of them were low-level monks, but no one dared to give up on them at this time.

"It seems that we have to accept the conditions of the Mulan people." Long Han sighed, and the others felt helpless after hearing this.

"A decisive battle is a decisive battle. It would be better to end this war as soon as possible." A monk named Kuang said, "But how to arrange the candidates for the gambling battle?"

Master Zhiyang glanced at everyone in the hall: "Because this is a life and death battle, whether you are willing to fight or not depends entirely on the voluntariness of each fellow Taoist."

Everyone had different expressions after hearing this and remained silent. Not to mention the strangeness of this gambling battle, everyone has worked hard to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, and no one will take risks easily.

Regarding everyone's reaction, Master Zhiyang and Hehuan Laomo had already expected it.

"This gambling battle is indeed a bit more dangerous. If the Taoist friends who participate in the battle win, the precious materials won in the gambling battle will belong to the winning Taoist friends. The cultivation resources of Mulan Grassland are not as rich as those of Tiannan, but there are some rare materials that we do not have. In addition, we also have some collections that can satisfy several Taoist friends."

Everyone was still silent. Although the treasure touched people's hearts, everyone cared more about their own lives.

"What the Master said moved me." Thunder's voice broke the silence in the hall. Seeing him speak, Master Zhiyang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If Lei Ming can play, Tiannan will win a game in advance.

Master Zhiyang smiled and said, "It's great that Fellow Daoist Lei is willing to fight."

"Of course it's okay for me to play. If the rules allow, I can take over all ten gambling games by myself." Lei Ming said calmly.

"I'm afraid this won't work..." Master Zhiyang certainly hopes so. If Lei Ming takes action, Tiannan will be in an invincible position. But the rules of this duel were set by the Mulan people, and they would not allow this.

Lei Ming was still a little disappointed: "Forget it then. Fellow Taoists also know that I am collecting top-notch five-element spiritual objects. This is the condition for my participation in the battle."

Master Zhiyang nodded: "We have prepared before coming, Star Iron Essence, Earth Fire Spirit, Treasure Light Stone Marrow, Wanluo Tree Heart and Ten Thousand Year Ice Crystal, I wonder if you are satisfied?"

"Okay." Lei Ming was delighted. The five spiritual objects that Master Zhiyang mentioned were all the top five-element spiritual objects in the world, and Lei Ming himself had not found them. It must be said that the forces where the three great cultivators are located are rich and even have such treasures.

Master Zhiyang finally put his mind at ease. These five-element spiritual objects were also carefully prepared by them, and they spent a lot of thought.

As soon as Lei Ming was confirmed to participate in the war, Master Zhiyang and Hehuan Old Demon sent a message to other cultivators to discuss the battle. Lei Ming took the treasure from Master Zhiyang, and he did not participate in the following things. When he left, Han Li had not left yet.

Tianyi City specially prepared a cave for the Yuanying Patriarch, but it was quite simple. Lei Ming placed the Five Elements Flag around the cave, and five streams of light shot out from his Dantian, transforming into Five Elements Spiritual Beasts and merging with the Five Elements Flags. The Five Elements Formation was instantly formed. Once the Five Elements Formation was formed, the spiritual power between heaven and earth surged, and the Yuanying ancestors who were still in the stone hall all changed color.

"Don't worry, everyone. This is the Five Elements Formation of Fellow Daoist Lei." Master Zhiyang said hurriedly, and at the same time he was shocked by the power of the Five Elements Formation.

"I hope these top spiritual objects will not disappoint me." Lei Ming said secretly.

With Lei Ming's current strength and status, it is not difficult to collect Five Elements Spiritual Objects. The number of Five Elements Spiritual Objects swallowed by Five Elements Pine Nuts over the years is amazing. Coupled with the Five Elements spells collected by Lei Ming, he has made great progress in the way of the Five Elements.

Even so, Lei Ming still failed to make the Five Elements Divine Light produce divine patterns.

Lei Ming's divine sense saw that the foundation of the five-color light in his Dantian was already covered with mysterious patterns, but these patterns were still a little dim and failed to be fully transformed into divine patterns.

The texture on the five-color light represents Lei Ming's mastery of the five elements. The dim texture is because the five elements' spiritual power is insufficient, and the incomplete texture is because Lei Ming's understanding of the five elements is still incomplete.

Lei Ming put aside other thoughts and began to devour the star iron essence. The star iron essence is the evolution of countless years of star meteorite iron, which contains a great deal of gold spiritual power. And this time, the star iron essence that Master Zhiyang took out was as big as a head, which was very rare. The five-element pine nut devoured the star iron essence, and the part of the five-color light representing the gold divine light was bright and grew directly to a foot long.

What made Lei Ming most happy was that the texture of the gold divine light was shining with golden light, and it was obvious that the spiritual power was enough!

"It is worthy of being a top-level spiritual object. It actually supplemented the spiritual power of the five-element divine light." Lei Ming was overjoyed and continued to devour the Wanluo tree heart.

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