From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 6 It’s actually the Kunlun Mirror (Please recommend and collect!)

Lei Ming was attacked by two demon tribes. At the critical moment of life and death, he felt clear-headed and was not so nervous.

Lei Ming made up his mind that even if he died, he would fight to the death with a bang and kill one or two demon beasts.

A few short breaths seemed so long to Lei Ming. Just as he was waiting for the giant python and the blood-toothed porcupine, an ancient mirror suddenly appeared in his mind. The ancient mirror flickered, and Lei Ming seemed to see ripples in the space in front of him.

A black hole appeared out of thin air, and Lei Ming stepped into it unconsciously. When he was swallowed by the black hole, the black hole disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

The next moment, the blood-toothed porcupine and the giant python collided with each other, and the two demon tribes fought.

After a dizzy spell, Lei Ming regained consciousness. He opened his eyes and saw that he was in the green mountains. Everything around him was so peaceful, and there was no blood-toothed porcupine and giant python at all.

"What happened?" Lei Ming tried hard to recall, and finally thought of the ancient mirror in his heart.

A message appeared in his mind, Lei Ming was surprised and happy.

"I actually got the Kunlun Mirror!" Lei Ming shouted unconsciously, he couldn't believe it himself. When he tried to communicate with the Kunlun Mirror again, the Kunlun Mirror didn't respond at all.

Lei Ming finally gave up.

"The Kunlun Mirror is a legendary innate spiritual treasure with great power. I have just started to refine my Qi and can't control it at all." Lei Ming figured it out quickly, "But this time the Kunlun Mirror took me through time and space, and saved my life, but I don't know where I am now."

Lei Ming couldn't tell the direction at this time, so he chose a road at random. This area was very desolate, with weeds spreading everywhere on the mountain, and no trace of people could be seen.

After walking for half a day, Lei Ming noticed that there was movement in front of him, and sure enough, five people came out from behind the woods soon. The leader was a one-eyed dragon with a rough appearance. He held a big knife and looked very fierce.

"I didn't expect to meet a fat sheep here. It's really God's gift." The one-eyed dragon looked at Lei Ming as if he was looking at food. The other four people surrounded Lei Ming from both sides.

"Who are you? Where is this place?" Lei Ming asked.

The one-eyed dragon didn't understand Lei Ming's words, and he smiled grimly: "You are unlucky to meet our Jiayuan Five Rats. Remember to keep your eyes open when you walk in your next life."

The Jiayuan Five Rats are five gangsters in Jiayuan City. Although they are not strong, they are extremely fierce. Because they offended a small gang in Jiayuan City, the five rats had to flee Jiayuan City. They didn't dare to take the main road and could only cross the barren mountains. They haven't found any food for several days and are already starving.

The one-eyed dragon took the lead and rushed over. The big knife in his hand chopped down, fiercely.

"Die!" The one-eyed dragon licked his lips. He saw that his big knife was already in front of Lei Ming. Suddenly, the one-eyed dragon's expression froze...

In the flash of lightning, Lei Ming reached out and grabbed the back of the knife. No matter how hard the one-eyed dragon tried, the big knife didn't move at all.

"Is this all your strength?" Lei Ming gently broke the big knife, and Lei Ming used the broken knife as a weapon, and instantly cut the throats of the other four rats.

In the blink of an eye, the one-eyed dragon was the only one left of the Jiayuan Five Rats.

"Spare my life!" The one-eyed dragon was very straightforward, and he knelt down in front of Lei Ming. Lei Ming frowned, he looked down on such people.

"When did our human race produce scum like you?" Lei Ming said, and the broken knife in his hand pierced through the one-eyed dragon's body and sank into the stone.

After killing the five rats, Lei Ming searched their bodies and got a few ingots of silver, a book, and several bottles and jars. Lei Ming threw away the bottles and jars and put the books and silver in his arms.

A day later, Lei Ming came to a big city, which was the Jiayuan City mentioned by the five rats. Lei Ming had just entered the city when a man who looked like a servant came to greet him.

"Sir, is this your first time in Jiayuan City? I can be your guide. I am very familiar with Jiayuan City." The twelve or thirteen-year-old servant said enthusiastically.

Lei Ming looked confused. He could not understand what the other party said at all.

Waving his hand to reject the servant, Lei Ming walked around the city alone. He was sure that this place could not be the prehistoric world. The civilization of the prehistoric human race must not have developed to this point.

"It's good to leave the prehistoric world. This world does not look as dangerous as the prehistoric world. The most urgent thing is to learn the language and writing here as soon as possible."

Lei Ming thought of the silver he got from the Five Rats. He walked into an inn and took out a silver ingot. The shopkeeper smiled immediately when he saw the silver.

"Are you going to have a meal or stay in the hotel?" the shopkeeper asked.

Lei Ming pointed to the dining table and then upstairs. The shopkeeper immediately understood.

"Okay, Fuquan, you are in the Jiazi room on the second floor of this guest. Guest, I will send someone to deliver the food to you right away." The shopkeeper said.

Lei Ming didn't understand what the other party said, but just nodded slightly. When he saw a waiter coming over, the other party extended his hand to invite him to go upstairs, and Lei Ming went upstairs. Soon they came to a room, and the waiter helped Lei Ming clean up and left.

"I didn't expect that such a smart-looking young man was actually a mute." The waiter came down and said to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper knocked on his head: "Whether he is mute or not, you just need to serve him well."

Lei Ming lived in the inn for more than half a month. He went downstairs every day to drink tea and listen to other people's conversations. After more than half a month, he was able to roughly understand what others meant.

After that, Lei Ming asked the waiter to hire a teacher. The teacher was a down-and-out scholar. Although he was young, he looked old. He was not willing to teach Lei Ming, but for the sake of money, he still agreed.

"I didn't expect that I, a great scholar, would make a living by teaching a fool who can't even speak." The scholar looked at Lei Ming, who was stammering in speech, with tears welling up in his eye sockets, obviously lamenting his misfortune.

Lei Ming ignored the scholar's mood and devoted himself to learning. In less than half a month, Lei Ming could speak fluently and recognized all the words in this world.

The scholars couldn't believe it when they saw it.

"How can there be such a genius in this world?" The scholar murmured to himself, his eyes turning red again, "No wonder I failed the exam many times. It turns out that I am not talented enough. I am not even as good as a fool, so why should I take the imperial examination?"

Looking at the crying scholar, Lei Ming frowned. He threw a piece of silver to the scholar with disdain and then drove him away. The scholar took the silver and left happily. Before leaving, he no longer mentioned that Lei Ming was a fool, but kept bowing to him.

"It took more than a month, and I finally got to know the world." Lei Ming took out the books he found from the one-eyed dragon and looked through them. To his surprise, this turned out to be a secret book of martial arts.


Lei Ming read it carefully. There was a sword technique recorded in the book, and the one-eyed dragon was the first move. This sword technique is not simple. The one-eyed dragon should have just acquired it, and is just learning it for the first time.

"In this world, even people like Wu Shu can have martial arts secrets. I think there should be more powerful cultivation methods. It's really great." Lei Ming said happily.

Lei Ming walked downstairs and called the waiter.

"Xiao Er, is there a blacksmith shop in the city?" Lei Ming asked.

The waiter smiled and said: "Of course, I am familiar with three of them. Sir, do you want to make weapons or tools?"

"I want to make a knife, the heavier the better." Lei Ming said.

The waiter said: "That's a coincidence. There is a blacksmith shop that just received a batch of black iron. Dark iron is the heaviest. One foot square of black iron weighs thousands of kilograms."

"Take me to see it quickly." Lei Ming also became interested.

The scholar got the money from Lei Ming and entered Deyilou with a glowing face. Deyilou was a brothel in Jiayuan City. Turtle from Deyilou recognized him and stopped him immediately when he came in.

"You poor scholar are here to make trouble again. Miss Cuiliu has already said that she doesn't want to see you again. Leave quickly, or I'll be careful to break your legs." Turtle Gong threatened.

The scholar looked sideways at Mr. Turtle and said, "You slave, you are really looking down on others." He threw away the silver in his hand and looked up.

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