From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 67: Acquired Spiritual Roots Xuandu Becomes a Disciple

The prehistoric world is vast and boundless. Just one Qingyu Mountain is thousands of miles away. Lei Ming left the tribe and took several days to get out of Qingyu Mountain.

After leaving Qingyu Mountain, Lei Ming was a little confused and didn't know where to go. He looked back at Qingyu Mountain. This mountain range was inconspicuous in the prehistoric world. After all, it was his home!

"I didn't expect that I would be so sad." Lei Ming shook his head and quickly strengthened his determination. He looked at the sun in the sky and decided to go east.

Lei Ming sat on the back of the golden-crowned eagle and flew eastward, but the speed of the golden-crowned eagle was not as fast as in the mortal world.

The space in the prehistoric world is very stable, and only Daluo Jinxian can shake the space. As for the space teleportation array brought back by Lei Ming, it cannot be set up. The level of the array is too low to break through the prehistoric space.

In the mortal world, the Golden Crown Eagle's speed is equivalent to teleportation, but in the prehistoric world, it can only fly a thousand miles at most in a day. But even so, it is faster than Lei Ming's escape method.

While on the road, Lei Ming understood the formation. The formations in the mortal world are not complicated. As long as you pay attention, you can understand them quickly. However, these can only be regarded as the basis of the formation.

Even if Lei Ming did not practice deliberately, the spiritual power of the prehistoric world was rich, and within a few months, he reached the peak of the early stage of divine transformation.

"The Five Elements Kung Fu has reached its extreme level. If you want to break through, you can only try to deduce it yourself." Lei Ming thought helplessly. He stopped comprehending the formation and watched the creatures during the day and the stars at night. He watched the sun rise and set, and the moon fade. Circle, trying to imitate nature.

Lei Ming flew for a whole year without meeting anyone. He simply descended and entered the mountains. To his surprise, he did not encounter any danger along the way.

"At this time, the ancient wilderness should be occupied by the two Lich clans. There are few people in the Lich clan, so it's understandable that they can't meet them. But there are so many demon clans, why can't they be seen?" Lei Ming still had some doubts in his heart. He didn't You know, if it weren't for the fact that Emperor Jun took care of the saint and ordered the demon clan to temporarily evacuate Buzhou Mountain thousands of miles away, how could Lei Ming be so stable?

Three years have passed, five years have passed...

"It is said that there are countless great powers in the wild, how come I can't meet any of them?" Lei Ming was a little frustrated, "Is it because I don't have this opportunity?"

Although disappointed, Lei Ming did not stop, but the expectation in his heart slowly disappeared. After walking for more than ten years, Lei Ming came to the foot of an extremely beautiful mountain. At sunrise, the sky is filled with clouds, and at sunset, red clouds cover thousands of miles. The mountain is rich in aura, the vegetation is strange, and eagles fly and apes crow. It is really a spiritual place!

Lei Ming decided to live temporarily in this mountain, and he set up a formation at the foot of the mountain. The five-element formation laid out by Lei Ming is not exquisite, but it is very powerful when it is arranged with spiritual objects from the prehistoric world.

When the Five Elements Formation is completed, the Five Elements' spiritual power rolls like waves, vibrating in all directions.

Lei Ming built a house on the mountain, and there were many elixirs in the mountains. He transplanted the elixirs he liked into the Five Elements Space. The Five Elements Space is filled with various elixirs, and the elixirs feed back into the space. The spiritual power in the space is already considerable.

"Now the spiritual power of the Five Elements Space is no less than that of the holy land of cultivation in the mortal world, but it is nothing in the ancient world. It's just that the level of the Five Elements Space is too low and cannot accommodate more spiritual power."

Lei Ming knew that with his current state, the Five Elements Space had reached its limit.

Looking at the clouds in the morning and the sunset in the evening, I feel the vastness of the world and gradually gain new insights. He immediately went into seclusion and practiced the exercises. More than 30 years later, Lei Ming finally succeeded and successfully broke through to the middle stage of spiritual transformation.

Just when the thunder broke through, colorful mist suddenly appeared behind the mountain. Immediately afterwards, a fragrance filled the air. The fragrance was thick but not greasy, simple and elegant, and Lei Ming was intoxicated by it.

"A treasure has been born!" Lei Ming was greatly surprised. According to legend, there were treasures everywhere in the ancient world, but he had never seen it before. Now that they finally met, Lei Ming couldn't hold back his excitement and turned into a rainbow and headed towards the back mountain.

In the back mountain, a verdant tea tree stretches its leaves. The tea tree is surrounded by mist. The mist is slowly absorbed by it and turns into white frost covering its leaves.

"This is the acquired spiritual root!" Lei Ming felt like he had hit the jackpot as soon as he saw the tea tree. There were many acquired spiritual roots in the ancient world, but most of them were in the famous Cave Heaven Paradise, occupied by those powerful people. If the acquired spiritual roots appear on such a mountain, the probability of winning a big prize is no higher than in the previous life!

The so-called spiritual roots are special spiritual things. This kind of spiritual creature is born according to the destiny of heaven and earth, and each one has its own special mystery.

Spiritual roots can be divided into acquired and innate spiritual roots. Innate spiritual roots are transformed by laws. There are very few in number. Some have already transformed and become truly powerful people. The most famous one is the Chunti saint in the West. His true body is Gengjin Bodhi, and he has innate control over the origin of part of gold.

Acquired spiritual roots are acquired, and they contain very few laws, but they can suppress luck. Most powerful caves in the ancient world generally have acquired spiritual roots. There are many acquired spiritual roots, and the differences are also very large. They are divided into top grade, top grade, middle grade and low grade.

Lei Ming's consciousness communicated with the tea tree and learned its message. This tea tree is called White Frost Tea Tree, and it has low-grade acquired spiritual root.

Although it was only low-grade, Lei Ming was already very satisfied.

The White Frost Tea Tree had just matured and its spiritual intelligence was still extremely weak. Lei Ming took the opportunity to move it into the Five Elements Space. The hoarfrost tea tree was planted into the Five Elements Space, and Lei Ming immediately felt that the Five Elements Space was much stronger.

Lei Ming's heart moved, and the power of the Five Elements exploded, shattering the surroundings of the Five Elements Space. The space began to spread and expand in all directions. A few months later, the original Five Elements Space had expanded to a radius of thousands of miles. It was unknown how many times it had increased.

"As expected of the acquired spiritual root!" Lei Ming was overjoyed. The Five Elements Space grew. His understanding of the origin of the Five Elements further deepened, and he deduced the entire Five Elements technique of the Divine Transformation realm in one breath.

One year later, Lei Ming reached the perfection of his divine transformation stage.

"It is indeed right to travel. If we just hide in Qingyu Mountain, when will we have such an opportunity?"

After the breakthrough, Lei Ming was already planning to leave. He has searched the entire mountain and there is no other treasure. After receiving the benefits, Lei Ming decided to try his luck in other mountains.

Lei Ming was about to go down the mountain when he suddenly saw a human being at the foot of the mountain, who was worshiping devoutly at the foot of the mountain and said, "Disciple Xuandu of the human race, I wholeheartedly seek the Tao. I ask my senior to preach."

"Xuandu!" Lei Ming was so startled that he almost fell down. He was sure that he heard correctly. Looking at the ragged young man, Lei Ming suddenly remembered.

"In myths and legends, Master Xuandu, the only direct disciple of Saint Taiqing, is from the human race. It is said that Xuandu traveled alone in the wilderness in order to seek Taoism. He worshiped every mountain he saw, and finally worshiped me."

Lei Ming went to see Xuandu again. Although he was just a mortal, he was determined and his temperament was in harmony with nature. He was very extraordinary.

"He should be the Great Master of Xuandu." Lei Ming thought to himself, feeling a little excited at the same time. Xuandu had not yet joined the Taiqing sect. If he followed him, would he also have a chance to join the Human Cult?

Although Lei Ming has had adventures, he is not arrogant. In the mortal world, the reason why he rejected Li Yuanhua twice was because, firstly, Li Yuanhua's level was too low, and secondly, the karma between master and disciple was extremely heavy, so he did not just bow to him.

If he were to meet a great master who wanted to recruit a disciple, Lei Ming would definitely not refuse!

Thinking of this, Lei Ming opened the formation, and Shi Shiran went down the mountain and appeared in front of Xuandu.

"Disciple Xuandu of the human race, I wholeheartedly seek the Tao. I ask my senior to teach me!" Xuandu was still worshiping devoutly. Lei Ming quickly stepped aside. He did not dare to accept Xuandu's worship.

"I didn't expect Xuandu to be an ordinary human being."

Lei Ming was a little surprised. He originally thought that even if Xuandu was not an innate human race, he should be an acquired human race, but after seeing it clearly, he realized that Xuandu was just a human race of ordinary blood.

"I would actually accept an ordinary person as my disciple and train him to become a powerful person. The methods of a saint are really terrifying!"

Xuandu was still worshiping the mountain, and Lei Ming held him up with his hands.


Only then did Xuandu see Lei Ming, and a smile appeared on his dusty face. He has traveled in the wilderness for nearly a hundred years and worshiped countless mountains. This is the first time he has seen the immortals on the mountains.

"I beg you, senior, to preach!" Xuandu said.

Lei Ming did not let him bow down: "You don't have to be like this, little friend, I am also a human being."

Xuandu was even more happy. The human race in this era was very united.

"I really admire your firmness in seeking the Tao. I also have some Tao methods. If you are willing, my little friend, you can meditate with me."

"Disciple Xuandu thanks Master!" Xuandu shouted excitedly.

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