From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 75 The World of Dust and the Law of Time

Lei Ming told the Third Ancestor what had happened over the years. The Third Ancestor was furious when he heard that the demon clan had eaten so many people.

"How dare you be so rampant, a mere demon. Even if you were the demon king, we killed dozens of them!" Suiren shouted. He is the most powerful among the three ancestors. His Sui fire is neither innate nor acquired, and is extremely powerful. , is very mysterious, and has killed many demon kings.

"First clean up the monster clan near the ancestral land!" Ziyi said.

The three ancestors took action together and quickly killed the demon clan approaching the ancestral land. However, not long after, another demon clan approached, and this time it was a big demon from the Xuanxian Realm. If the three ancestors hadn't all reached the Golden Immortal Realm, the human race would be in big trouble this time.

While the Third Ancestor was out of seclusion, Lei Ming returned to Qingyu Mountain and broke through to Tianxian. His speed increased several times and he reached Rainbow City in a few days. Lei Ming was relieved to see that Rainbow City was safe.

"In the past six months, there have been a few big demons near Rainbow City. Fortunately, they were not very high in cultivation and were killed by us." Ku Yuan said to Lei Ming.

The Great Demon is a collective name for the demon clans in several realms, corresponding to the demon clans from the Earth Immortal to the Mysterious Immortal realm.

"I don't know what has happened in the world. The strength of the demon clan has greatly increased. We must be more careful in the future." Lei Ming said, "We also have to make plans to evacuate Rainbow City in case we encounter a powerful demon clan."

"Are you going to evacuate again?" Ku Yuan said with a face full of reluctance. Everyone spent a lot of effort to build Rainbow City, and no one was willing to give up.

"If we can build one Rainbow City, we can build a second one. Don't be reluctant. The prehistoric era is so big and there are many good places." Lei Ming advised.

Considering the future lich war, Lei Ming decided to keep the tribe away from Mount Buzhou. He asked Ku Yuan to lead his people eastward, preparing to move to the coast of the East China Sea. After that, Lei Ming returned to his ancestral land again. As soon as he returned to his ancestral land, people sent by the third ancestor came to visit him.

"What happened?" Lei Ming asked, and an Earth Immortal named Zhu Yang from the ancestral land said: "Two months ago, a demon king came to the ancestral land and asked us to dedicate our young clansmen to him as tributes. The Third Ancestor Furious, Sui Zu personally took action and used Sui fire to destroy both body and spirit of the demon king. Before he died, the demon king said that he was a subordinate of the demon clan's great sage Yingzhao. He also said that the demon sage's Yingzhao would come soon. The clan members listened. After hearing the news, I was a little panicked.”

Lei Ming was also surprised. Yingzhao is one of the ten legendary demon saints of the demon clan and has a high status in heaven. His strength is at least Taiyi Golden Immortal, and more likely Daluo Golden Immortal.

The current human race would never be able to offend such a strong man. Thinking of this, Lei Ming hurriedly went to see the Third Ancestor.

"Lei Ming, you're back." Seeing Lei Ming, Suiren's expression relaxed a little. Although Lei Ming is not as strong as them, he has many ideas and has a deeper understanding of the ancient world than they do.

Lei Ming nodded, his expression serious.

"I heard about Yingzhao. In my opinion, we are going to leave here and go elsewhere!" Lei Ming said straightforwardly.

"No!" Yousi flatly refused, "This is our ancestral land, how can we give up?"

Lei Ming looked at Suiren and Ziyi. Their attitudes were the same as Yousi's.

Lei Ming had a headache. In fact, it was an inevitable choice for the human race to leave Mount Buzhou. You must know that Buzhou Mountain is the main battlefield of the Lich War. Buzhou Mountain collapsed and the Tianhe River flooded... If the human race stayed in Buzhou Mountain, even if there were saints to look after them, they would suffer heavy losses.

But these thunders cannot be told to the Third Ancestor.

"Then wait." Lei Ming was helpless. His status in the human race was not as good as that of the Third Ancestor. Without the Third Ancestor's nod, the Human Race would definitely not leave the ancestral land.

After leaving the affairs of the ancestral land to the third ancestor, Lei Ming began to retreat and prepare to refine the Kunlun Mirror. Only those who are above the Heavenly Immortal Realm are qualified to refine such top-quality innate spiritual treasures as the Kunlun Mirror.

The Kunlun Mirror has 48 innate restrictions, each of which is a mountain that is difficult to climb for Lei Ming. If you want to refine these restrictions, you must understand the fragments of laws contained in the restrictions, so refining the innate spiritual treasure itself is also a process of understanding the laws.

Lei Ming spent 10 years understanding the first prohibition, but gained nothing. Lei Ming practices the Law of Five Elements and knows nothing about the Law of Time. It is too difficult to get started. In fact, even an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian would have to spend countless years refining an innate spiritual treasure like the Kunlun Mirror that contains the law of time.

It's just that Lei Ming couldn't wait so long, and he failed to comprehend the restriction, so he began to consider other methods.

"Time...time..." Lei Ming thought hard, "The laws of time and space are inseparable. Can I understand time through space?"

Lei Ming suddenly had an idea. He used the Five Elements Law to evolve the Five Elements Space. Although the Five Elements Space was still very weak, it already had the essence of the world because of the existence of the Five Elements Imperial Seal. A complete world must be supported by the laws of time and space. The stronger the world, the more complete the laws of time and space.

According to the hierarchy of the world, the Great World of Heaven is the most powerful, containing a complete set of 3000 laws, including the laws of time and the laws of space. Then there is the Great Thousand World. Although the laws are not perfect, you can cultivate to the Great Luo Jinxian. If there is a monk who can control the entire world, then he has the strength of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. The prehistoric world is between the Great World of Heavenly Dao and the Great Thousand Worlds. Some of the laws are incomplete and can accommodate multiple Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals.

Under the Great Thousand World are the Middle Thousand World and the Small Thousand World. Weaker than the Small Thousand World is the dust world, and then there is the Dongtian. The Dongtian can only exist attached to the world and cannot exist independently.

"The Five Elements Space can only be regarded as a world of dust now, but it also touches the laws of time and space."

Lei Ming's heart moved, and the Five Elements Space was under his control. The laws in the Five Elements Space appeared in front of him. In addition to the Five Elements Law, the Space Law was also displayed. The Five Elements Law accounted for 99% of the laws of the entire Five Elements Space, and the Space Law accounted for 99% of the remaining 10%, and the last thing left was the Time Law.

Lei Ming carefully stripped the Five Elements Law, and used the Space Law to induce the Time Law, so that the Time Law appeared in the Five Elements Space. Lei Ming saw an illusory, vague river passing through the top of the Five Elements Space, and the other end of the river extended to an unknown place.

"The Long River of Time!"

Among the 3,000 laws, the Time Law is the most respected. There is a reason. Only the Time Law is eternal in the heavens and the worlds, and all worlds are connected to the Long River of Time, whether it is the prehistoric world or Lei Ming's Five Elements Space.

The long river of time is an extremely terrifying existence. Only the Daluo Jinxian can transcend the long river of time, integrate the past, present, and future into one, and last forever. But the Daluo Jinxian cannot swim in the long river of time. If you want to travel through the long river of time, only the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can do it. The saint can travel around the world with one thought. In other words, Lei Ming can travel through other worlds through the Kunlun mirror, and the saint can do it with his soul.

Lei Ming looked up at the long river of time, and his consciousness was empty. Fortunately, the Kunlun mirror took the initiative to protect the master and pulled his soul out of the long river of time.

Lei Ming was scared and sweated.

"The long river of time is too terrible. Without the strength of the Daluo Jinxian, you don't even have the qualifications to look up to it!"

Lei Ming was very glad that he got the Kunlun mirror, otherwise his soul would be lost in the long river of time and would eventually collapse.

"The more terrible the long river of time is, the more powerful the law of time is. I must master the law of time!" Lei Ming was inspired by what happened just now. He immersed all his energy in the Kunlun mirror and used the law of time in the five elements space to verify the restrictions in the Kunlun mirror.

Thousands of years passed quickly, and the human race had a cultivation method and grew rapidly. Nowadays, there are more than 100 billion human beings in the area of ​​​​Buzhou Mountain within a radius of tens of millions of miles. The powerful ones like the three ancestors have reached the peak of the golden fairy. Some talented human beings, such as Chi Songzi, rely on their own understanding and comprehend their own skills. They have reached the realm of true immortals in just a thousand years.

The human race is powerful, and most of them rely on the skills passed down by Lei Ming. Lei Ming has gained amazing luck because of this. In the past thousand years, Lei Ming has been immersed in comprehending the law of time and has not practiced at all, but his cultivation has still reached the peak of the celestial fairy, and he is only one step away from being a true immortal.

Of course, Lei Ming's biggest gain in the past thousand years is not cultivation.

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