From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 78 Lei Ming comes out of seclusion, the map of mountains, rivers and the country

"Oh no, save Suizu and Chaozu!" Chisongzi and others saw this and rushed over without caring about anything else. Seeing this, the silver dragon swept its long tail and hundreds of thousands of human cultivators were swept away. Among them, tens of thousands of people were beaten into a blood mist by the power of the silver dragon, and their bodies and souls were destroyed.

A ball of red and white flames spewed out from the ground and blocked the silver dragon.

"Chisongzi, quickly lead people to retreat and retreat to the vicinity of the statue." Suiren shouted, he really didn't want to see the human race suffer more losses.

Chisongzi and others experienced the power of the silver dragon and knew that such a battle was not something they could intervene in, so they retreated to the vicinity of the Nuwa statue according to Suiren's order.

A trace of determination flashed in Suiren's eyes, and he spit a mouthful of blood at the fire, and the fire immediately turned pure white and could not be seen by the naked eye.

"Even if I die today, I will kill you!" Suiren shouted angrily, and the white fire spread to the silver dragon, and the scales of the silver dragon immediately began to melt, making a sizzling sound.

The silver dragon was in great pain, roaring to the sky, and its huge body rolled wildly.

Suirenshi didn't give up. He gathered all his magic power and turned the fire into a long sword. With this sword, he wanted to cut off the head of the silver dragon!

The claws of the red-eyed demon god firmly grasped Ziyishi, and the golden light outside Ziyishi's body gradually dimmed. The defense of the golden light of merit is indeed strong, but it is not invincible.

"This defensive treasure belongs to me!" The red-eyed demon god said happily. He opened his long jaw teeth, which pierced through the golden light of merit and clamped Ziyishi's body, but was blocked by hemp clothes.

"Die!" The red-eyed demon god shot out a red light from his eyes, and the red light fell on hemp clothes, and the light of hemp clothes dimmed again. The jaw teeth bit down, and Ziyishi was about to die.

An invisible giant sword came through and cut off the jaw teeth of the red-eyed demon god, and Ziyishi immediately broke free from the restraints.

After the white giant sword passed through, two flames attached to the body of the red-eyed centipede. The flames burned through his hard shell and remained in his body. The red-eyed demon god twisted wildly and shrank into a ball.


After severely injuring the two demon gods with the flint fire, Suiren could no longer hold on and whispered to Yousui and Ziyi.

Yousui and Ziyi knew that Suiren had burned his blood essence to make the flint fire so powerful. At present, Suizu had no strength to fight again. The two wanted to kill the Silver Dragon Demon God and the Red-Eyed Demon God while they were injured, but they were not good at attacking. If they really fought, they might not even be able to break the bodies of the two demon gods.

"Retreat." Yousui said unwillingly.

After a full stick of incense, the Silver Dragon Demon God and the Red-Eyed Demon God calmed down. Although the flint fire was powerful, it could not last long without Suiren's magic power. This level of flint fire can easily refine the demon king, but it is still not enough to deal with the demon god.

"Human race, I must destroy you!" The Silver Dragon Demon God looked at the two big holes on his body with hatred, and the Red Eyed Demon God was almost the same, he was also seriously injured.

The two demon gods took a short rest and led their troops to chase after them. This time they did not fight alone, but let their men form a formation to attack the human race's ancestral land together.

Lei Ming set up a formation outside the ancestral land, and Chi Songzi led people to activate the formation. However, this five-element formation seemed vulnerable under the demon clan's formation. The demon clan broke the formation with only three attacks and injured millions of human races.

"It seems that we can only fight to the death." Sui Renshi sat cross-legged on the ground. He had lost too much blood and essence and had no strength to stand.

Sui Renshi looked at Chi Songzi and glanced at other human races. There was regret, fear, and anger in the eyes of many human races, but no one wanted to compromise!

"We have no way out!" You Su stepped forward and said, "Who wants to fight with me?"

"We are willing to follow Chao Zu to fight!" The shouts of one billion human races resounded through the world.

"Okay, let the demon race see today that even if our human race perishes, we must stand tall and proud!" You Su shouted loudly.

"Who wants to destroy our human race? Who dares to destroy our human race? Who can destroy our human race?" When everyone was determined to die together, Lei Ming's voice suddenly sounded, and in a blink of an eye, Lei Ming appeared next to Sui Renshi.

"Lei Zu has come out of retreat!" Seeing Lei Ming, many human races had hope in their hearts. Lei Ming passed down the way of cultivation to the human race, making the human race no longer weak, and Lei Ming therefore gained extremely high prestige.

Lei Ming's divine sense swept through, and the scene outside the ancestral land was in full view.

"Lei Ming, why do you want to come out of retreat at this time?" Sui Renshi saw Lei Ming, and there was no joy on his face, but a little sadness. He hoped that Lei Ming would not come out of retreat, so that a trace of fire would be preserved for the human race.

"Don't worry, Suizu, the demons can't destroy our human race." Lei Ming said.

Ziyi shook his head in despair: "The demons are too powerful, and our human race can't compare with them now. Although you have broken through to the True Immortal, it's useless. Now we can only fight to the death."

Lei Ming understood what Ziyi meant. Ziyi was right. Lei Ming, who had reached the True Immortal, could not be the savior of the human race now. Not to mention that he was a True Immortal, even the Daluo Jinxian could not stop the demons!

"Don't forget, everyone, the Holy Mother left here with divine power. Now is the moment of life and death for our human race, we can only ask the Holy Mother to help!" Lei Ming said, kneeling down in front of the statue of Nuwa.

"Holy Mother, now our human race is surrounded by the demons, and the power gap is huge. I pray that the Holy Mother will show her holiness and save our human race from danger!" Lei Ming said respectfully.

"Will this work?" The others looked at each other.

Suiren suddenly stood up and knelt beside Lei Ming.

"Please pray to the Virgin Mary to save our human race." said Suiren.

"Pray to the Holy Mother to save our human race." Yousu and Ziyi knelt down and said.

"Pray to the Holy Mother to save our human race." One billion human races knelt down and prayed to the statue.

Outside the thirty-three heavens, in the endless chaos.

In the Wahuang Heaven, Nuwa looked down at the prehistoric world, her beautiful face full of helplessness. Facing the human race's prayers, she sighed softly, and then the Nuwa statue in the human race's ancestral land shone brightly.

The Nuwa statue burned like a torch and turned into a picture. There were countless mountains and rivers in the picture, and the country was beautiful. It was the best innate spiritual treasure, the Mountain and River Country Map. The Mountain and River Country Map rotated above the human race's ancestral land, and then rolled around. The Silver Dragon Demon God and the Red Eyed Demon God and their men disappeared immediately.

At the same time, the Nuwa statue disappeared.

Lei Ming saw this and breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the human race was destined not to be destroyed, but there were many disasters. This time, Nuwa helped the human race to overcome a great hurdle.

"Thank you for your mercy, the Holy Mother." Lei Ming bowed again.

"Thank you for your mercy, the Holy Mother." Suiren and others bowed.

After the crisis, Lei Ming and the Third Ancestor were silent as they looked at the desolate ancestral land.

"Third Ancestor, we can no longer stay in the ancestral land. This time, the Holy Mother helped us, but what should we do next time? Besides, the two demon gods came this time. If the demon saint comes next time, I'm afraid my human race will really be exterminated." Lei Ming took the opportunity to propose his plan, "Why don't we avoid the power of the demon race first and slowly develop and grow ourselves. My human race has unlimited potential. As long as we are given time, we will definitely surpass the demon race in the future to avenge today's hatred!"

The last time Lei Ming proposed this plan, the Third Ancestor decisively rejected it, but this time the Third Ancestor was silent.

Chisongzi said, "I agree with Lei Zu's plan. Although the demons are powerful, the prehistoric world is vast and boundless. Our human race can always find a place to live."

After listening to Lei Ming and Chisongzi's words, everyone couldn't help but think. This time the crisis of extinction has greatly touched everyone. Although the human race is not afraid of death, they are not willing to die like this.

"Migrate, Sui Zu!" someone said.


More and more people agreed to migrate, and the third ancestor finally spoke.

"We should indeed leave our ancestral land. Lei Ming mentioned this matter before, but we refused. The price of refusal is painful. Our human race has lost 99% because of this!" Sui Renshi stood up and said, his face full of sadness.

You Sushi bowed to Lei Ming and said, "If I had listened to your advice before, perhaps this would not have happened."

Zi Yishi remained silent, but it can also be seen that he was blaming himself.

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