From the wilderness to the myriad worlds

Chapter 96 Gilmer's threat Lei Ming's plan

Lin Lei was stimulated by Lei Ming and practiced harder. He even postponed the trip to the Blue Water Paradise with his roommates.

"Old Third, except for Dixie, you are the strongest among our freshmen. You are already a Level 2 magician. It's time to take a break." The eldest brother Yale advised.

"I am the strongest?" Lin Lei smiled bitterly. Not to mention that he was a Level 2 magician, even if Dixie reached Level 4, what would he be in front of Lei Ming?

"By the way, Boss, I heard that your Yale Chamber of Commerce did a big deal not long ago?" George was always very well-informed.

Yale smiled indifferently: "I just found out about it. I don't know what the Fenlai Kingdom is crazy about. They bought ten level nine magic crystal cores at once. I heard that it was the third prince Lei Ming who wanted it."

"Nonsense, the level nine magic crystal core can only be used by level nine masters, or even Saint Domain masters. Does Lei Ming use it for cultivation?" Renault said, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen Lei Ming since I entered the academy, and I don't have any news about him. His talent is stronger than Dixie, who is already a level four magician. I don't know what his strength is now..."

"It's not surprising that I haven't seen him. Maybe he has returned to the palace a long time ago. What's the use of having strong talent? It's useless if you don't work hard." Yale snorted. He has the worst talent among the four brothers and is the slowest in cultivation. In his opinion, Lei Ming was born in a wealthy family, and he must be like him in cultivation, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

Lin Lei smiled bitterly helplessly. He wanted to tell his brothers what he knew, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. It was too discouraging for them.

"Lin Lei, you should also take a break..." Seeing that Lin Lei rejected Yale's suggestion to relax, Dolin Cowart couldn't help but say, "You can't just practice hard all the time. Sometimes you need to relax."

"Forget it, Grandpa Dolin, Lei Ming has such a talent and hasn't relaxed his practice. If I relax, I'm afraid I will never catch up with him in the future!" Lin Lei was very determined.

Dolin Cowart had no choice but to teach Lin Lei the skills of flat knife carving in advance. Under Dolin Cowart's guidance, Lin Lei began his journey to become a master of stone carving.


In the palace, Gilmer visited Clyde again. This time, he was accompanied by Marcus, the leader of the Glory Knights. Both of them were level nine masters, and Clyde immediately felt a huge pressure.

"Clyde, is Lei Ming okay?" Gilmer asked with a smile, without any anger when he was rejected last time.

"It's okay, and I have to thank the ascetic for saving me." Clyde said.

"Lei Ming is the prince of the Kingdom of Fenlai after all. The Kingdom of Fenlai is the most important kingdom of the Holy Alliance. It is right to protect him. Have you found out the assassination?" Gilmer asked.

Clyde's face immediately turned ugly. His people had traced it to Kare and Shak, but Clyde concealed this matter. After all, Lei Ming was fine, and he couldn't really deal with Kare and Shak.

Gilmer looked at his expression and understood it in his heart.

"The assassin of the Dark Alliance lurked in the Holy City to assassinate the prince of the kingdom. This matter is very serious. After His Majesty the Pope knew about it, he immediately asked the Inquisition to investigate, but the results of the investigation surprised us..." Gilmer stopped halfway through his words, and Clyde's face became even gloomier. He could find out about Kare and Shak, not to mention the powerful Church.

"The Church severely punishes anyone who has a relationship with the Dark Alliance, even the prince of the kingdom." Gilmer pointed out something.

Clyde was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. He knew that Gilmer was threatening him.

"Clyde, His Holiness the Pope admires you very much. A few years ago, you made great contributions to the Church, and the Lord also rewarded you. And this time, you cultivated a genius like Lei Ming, which is also a contribution to the Church." Gilmer changed the subject, "The Church has always focused on cultivating geniuses. I believe that with the training of the Church, Lei Ming will be able to reach the Holy Land within 30 years, and Lei Ming will become a famous strong man on the continent within a hundred years."

"Lei Ming has his own ideas. Whether to enter the Church is up to him." Clyde said helplessly.

"Why don't you invite Lei Ming out and I will talk to him." Gilmer smiled.

Lei Ming followed Ransom in. When he was still outside the door, he felt two powerful auras of light.

"People from the Church..."

"Lei Ming, sit down." Clyde asked Lei Ming to sit next to him, "This is Master Gilmer, the Cardinal of the Church of Light, and this is Marcus, the leader of the Knights of Glory."

Lei Ming just nodded casually.

"Father, what's the matter with you calling me here?" Lei Ming asked.

Clyde showed an ugly smile on his face: "Master Gilmer has something to ask for your advice."

Gilmer said: "Lei Ming, this is not the first time we meet. I heard that you have reached the sixth level of magician, which is amazing. As a member of the Holy Alliance, I am proud of you."

"Thank you, Master Gilmer, this is nothing." Lei Ming said.

Gilmer shook his head and said: "The sixth level magician under the age of ten has not appeared in the entire Yulan Continent. Your talent has even shocked the Pope. His Majesty the Pope asked me to personally invite you to join the Church. He will come to teach you in person when the time comes."

"But I don't have the talent of light..." Lei Ming said.

Gilmer said: "The Church of Light does not exclude magicians of other attributes, so you don't have to worry."

Lei Ming looked at Clyde, and Clyde's face was full of helplessness. Lei Ming knew that he must have been threatened by Gilmer.

"I am a member of the Holy Alliance. It is my honor to join the Church of Light. But I want to wait until I graduate from Ernst College before entering the Church. I believe it won't take long." Lei Ming said.

Gilmer thought for a while and said, "It is not easy to break through to the advanced magician."

"With my talent, I will become a seventh-level magician in three years at most." Lei Ming said confidently.

Gilmer believed Lei Ming's words: "There has never been a thirteen-year-old seventh-level magician in the ten thousand years of history of Yulan Continent. I believe His Majesty the Pope will be very happy to know. You want to continue studying at Ernst College, there is no problem. You can join the Church first and become a prepared white priest. When you officially join the Church, you will get the position of bishop. It won't be long before even I have to call you an adult. Speaking of this, I should first congratulate Clyde, you have such an excellent son."

Clyde twitched the corner of his mouth and said nothing.

"Thank you Master Gilmer for your appreciation." Lei Ming did not agree or refuse, so Gilmer took it as his agreement.

After Gilmer left, Clyde asked, "Lei Ming, do you really want to join the Church of Light?"

Lei Ming shook his head: "The Church of Light has no future. It will be a question whether it will exist in the near future."

Clyde was confused after hearing this.

Lei Ming did not explain.

"Father, I plan to go to the Magic Mountain Range for training, so that I can avoid the Church of Light." Lei Ming said.

"No!" Clyde immediately objected. The Magic Mountain Range is one of the most dangerous places on the continent. Even he, a level nine warrior, dare not easily set foot in it.

"Don't worry, father, I have broken through. You don't have to worry about my safety." A layer of jade armor appeared on Lei Ming's body. This is a level seven earth defense magic.

"Just a breakthrough..." Clyde personally tried the defense of the jade armor and was ecstatic. A ten-year-old level seven magician, what kind of talent is this?

When Clyde calmed down, he began to consider Lei Ming's suggestion.

"You can go to the Monster Mountain Range, but I will send Caesar to protect you." Clyde weighed the pros and cons and decided not to let Lei Ming enter the Church of Light. "Don't worry about the Finlay Kingdom. Come back when you become a strong man in the Holy Land."

Lei Ming did not refuse Clyde's help. He knew that Caesar was another ninth-level warrior in the Finlay Kingdom. Although he didn't need his protection, Lei Ming still agreed.

That night, a black-horned vulture took Lei Ming and Caesar away from Finlay City. Their goal was the Monster Mountain Range in the east. Before leaving, Lei Ming deliberately disguised himself and temporarily deceived the people of the Church of Light.

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