"Su Hao, this king wants to raise, do you dare to follow? If you don't follow, this king will win!"

Su Hao waved his hand and said with some dry lips, "Oh, you can add it, add it as you like."

He was also a little drunk.

Tashkent raised his head and looked left and right, feeling that there was nothing wrong with him, and then lowered his head and continued to drink.

"Well... I want to add... Add... Oh, yes! I bet with you, add Befa, if you win, I will let Befa go to your house with war exhaustion, if you lose... …Hiccup~ I lost… Well, come to the Royal as the commander, this king will cover you!"

Regardless of what Elizabeth said, Su Hao nodded in response.

"Haha~ Then, victory is awesome!"

Elizabeth asked loudly: "Hurry up and tell this king, do you like Su Hao?"

Victory and awesome:? ? ?

What is this problem?

"Quickly answer, this question is very heavy...very heavy..."




Awe-inspiring glanced at victory.

"What to do, your majesty seems to be crazy about drinking."

"This king is not drunk!" Elizabeth stared, her 11-year-old pink face was a little blushing, she was drunk, and it was normal to say that she didn't do it.

"Obviously drunk." Fearful murmured.

"Well, don't worry about these little things."

Befa smiled, but the smile looked a little silly, drunk and silly, that's probably the case, "Victory is awesome, please answer your majesty's question quickly and speak boldly."


The two looked at each other, okay, nothing happened.

In order to end this farce as soon as possible, Victory nodded: "Of course I like it. Dawei and I are now quasi-marriage ships."

"Ah!" Elizabeth called.

"So, of course I like the commander."

"Ah!" Elizabeth called again.

"Like it, like it, like it, if you hear it clearly, there is no majesty, I and Dreadful love Commander, we have done it!"


Elizabeth fell asleep on the table, snoring, and fell asleep.

The war-weary head was also dizzy, and finally squatted on Elizabeth.

Befa leaned on the chair, with his head on his side, and fell asleep.

Victory was speechless, "So, what's the matter?"

They were puzzled and wondered, Su Hao smiled silly twice, and finally lay down.

Dido wanted to take care of Su Hao and go back to the room, but she didn't have enough energy to lie next to Su Hao.


Triumphant and fearless are speechless, a group of drunks.

Finally, Tashkent, who had drunk several bottles of water of life, raised his hand and said to the two of them: "This incident tells us that minors are not allowed to drink."


Chapter 517 But, I refuse!

When Su Hao woke up again, it was already the next day.

Having been in this world for so long, it was the first time that he drank himself so drunk.

What? Don’t you get drunk once at the beginning?

Who said he was drunk?

Of course, I was really drunk this time.

No way, the drink is so delicious.

And who would have thought of going crazy after drinking a bit of wine?

Even if he was drunk, he dragged other people to drink, and became drunk because of war exhaustion. Even the rigorous maid, Befa, was also drunk.

Su Hao couldn't help it either. The beauty persuaded the wine (referring to Befa), of course she wanted to drink it.

Befa pours you wine, can you drink it?

Befa pours the poison for you, do you drink it?

Befa is going to be drunk and is about to jump over, can't you pick it up?

Anyway, Su Hao didn't expect it, and he didn't even expect to drink Tashkent three big cups at the beginning and say that he was not intoxicated, but he was still alive and kicking in the end.

It's very unreasonable.


Su Hao patted his head. The first time he was drunk after his body strengthened, he yawned and sat up, a bit unable to lift his energy.

"Are you comfortable?"

A familiar voice came from around.

As soon as he turned his eyes, he saw Richelieu sitting on the side of the bed looking at him.

"Sister Li... what time is it?"

Su Hao touched the phone and turned it on. It was already ten o'clock the next morning.

"You really slept long enough this time."

Richelieu came and handed him a glass of warm water, with a slightly angry expression, "Drink so much, are you going to die?"

Had it not been for the doctor who had been forcibly arrested by Richelieu from the infirmary, he had repeatedly stated that Su Hao was really fine, Richelieu would have been making trouble.

She doesn't care whether Su Hao is a human or a siren. If something goes wrong, it's a problem. Who said that the body of the siren would be fine when drinking?

In her eyes, Su Hao will always be the younger brother she is going to take care of.

"Ha... I didn't expect to watch Tashkent drink so easily, so... Where is Dido? How is she?"

"Dido is fine."

Richelieu shook his head, "How can you compare to Tashkent? None of their northern ships are normal."

"Well, you can't say that. Majesty is normal."

There is also Aurora. I hurriedly met yesterday, but unfortunately, I went to the crown fortress to conduct a comprehensive search. It is estimated that I will be back in these two days.


Richelieu smiled helplessly, "Xiao Hao, do you know what Majesty is called in Northern United?"


"The wine man who can't pour a thousand glasses."


No, looking at the majestic room, I feel that the style of painting is fairly normal.

"It's better to drink than Majesty. It's probably only Aurora." Richelieu shook his head. "Xiao Hao, Jian Niang can't just look at the appearance. It's as if you look at Xiao Beifa and Xiao Guanghui and think they are just Children, but in fact they are all battleships, and their abilities exist, but they are biased towards children in their minds."

"Well, that's right."

It’s true that you can’t look at it. It’s the most suitable to put it in the ship’s mother. Richelieu understands Su Hao. After all, when I think that Xiao Jiajia is also a very powerful main aircraft carrier, everything can’t change. Is it possible?

But Su Hao is not so keen on drinking, this time it was an accident, and it was Elizabeth's relationship.

Thinking about this, he got off the bed and asked, "Where's Elizabeth? I remember it seemed to be a bet with her yesterday, what's the matter... Oh right!"

Su Hao remembered.

My war exhaustion and Befa!

Even though he was drunk and dazed, Su Hao would never forget this kind of thing. Anyway, he remembered the victory and the terrible things very clearly.

Then, with the high-profile announcement of victory, Elizabeth fell, and then he didn't remember what happened.

Then he heard Richelieu sigh: "This, it's more troublesome."


As soon as the voice fell, a voice came from outside the house.

"Su Hao! Su Hao, are you up yet!? How long do you want this king to stand here!!"


Elizabeth was very anxious, very anxious.

It's over, it seems that something terrible has happened!

A meal of wine lost both the war-weary prince and the maid of Befa. What is it called?

If it spreads out, what kind of majesty does Queen Elizabeth have?

So, can't say!

Resolutely can't say!

After I got up in the morning, I went to tell everyone who was there yesterday. Now I only wait for Su Hao here. It's a pity that Su Hao never wakes up, and Elizabeth wanted to do it a few times, but Richelieu has wanted to do it directly. Now, it's useless for anyone to come.

By his side, Belfast was a little worried.

"Your Majesty, what should I do now?"

The maid is worried now.

Come out, I am gone, what is this called?

By the way, this bet was personally said by Elizabeth, and she was also there with war exhaustion. It would be impossible to say that an accident was impossible, and other reasons could not be found. What should I do?

Can't you really just lose like that?

Will I become the ship's mother of someone else's port area in the future?

In her heart, Befa never thought of becoming someone else's ship girl. She really likes the current pace of life. Every day, she has bubble tea and just do some things that the maid should do.

As for going to the port area... Although she didn't think Su Hao was a terrible person, after all, humans had many problems, it was troublesome to take care of, and it was also very inconvenient.

In addition, in the port area, people who are unfamiliar with each other, how can there be a royal family?

I heard that the port area is very big, so how big is it? Is there a Royal Maritime Administration?

I heard that Minato is very rich, what about it? Is there a Royal Maritime Bureau rich?

I heard that the ship maidens in the port area are all very good, so what about it? Everyone in the Royal Fleet is very nice.

All in all, even if there are a thousand in the port area, Befa feels that it is definitely not as good as the Royal.

So she was very worried.

"Don't worry, this king is here!"

Elizabeth raised her head, walked around again in a little anxiety, and looked back a few times, "What about war exhaustion? Why isn't war exhaustion coming?"

She doesn't have the confidence to hit the door when she is tired of war!

"War exhaustion is having a meeting with the people from the North."

"When are there still meetings?"

Elizabeth was a little upset, and was about to shout again, when the door suddenly creaked and opened.

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