From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 107 Chen Jianlin: Regular results, don't worry!

The excitement of Peng Hui, Shi Guifang, Wan Yiming and others is justified.

They manufactured a new titanium alloy with a tensile strength of 1400 MPa, which is the world's top. At the same time, the manufacturing process is relatively simplified. It is indeed an exciting result, and it can be said that it has reached the expected goal of the project research.

Titanium alloy is a material field that the world attaches great importance to. There are many institutions conducting related research, and there are many types of titanium alloys.

From the perspective of internal matrix structure, titanium alloys can be divided into α alloys, β alloys and (α+β) alloys.

In China, it is represented by TA, TC, and TB, each of which has several or more than a dozen models. In other words, there are as many as twenty kinds of standard titanium alloy materials sold on the market.

There are many types of titanium alloys, which are mainly related to the application direction.

In the field of application of titanium alloys, it does not mean that the higher the strength, the better. In fact, if it is just to compare the strength, the strength of the special steel produced in China can exceed 2000 MPa, which can be said to be the world's leading. But that kind of steel Without plasticity, processing and welding are big problems, and the application difficulty will be very high.

Compared with special steel, the biggest advantage of titanium alloy is lightness, because the density is relatively low. Under the same volume, the weight is only about 60% of steel.

Because of its low density, titanium alloys are widely used in the aviation field. Many parts of aviation aircraft and military aircraft are made of titanium alloys.

However, the disadvantages of titanium alloy are also obvious, the biggest disadvantage is that it is expensive.

The expensive titanium alloy is not because of the low titanium content, but because the 'titanium' element is very easy to react with many other elements at high temperature. It will be very troublesome to get titanium out of other impurities, and in the end When forming, it is often operated in an inert gas or vacuum environment.

Such a complicated operation is destined to be very expensive for titanium alloy materials.

The laboratory uses refined titanium to manufacture titanium alloys. The operation at high temperature also requires isolation of the air. The process seems simple, but in fact, only a small piece is manufactured because it is a laboratory operation, and some of them need to be isolated. The air steps are all carried out in professional equipment.

The second disadvantage of titanium alloy is that it is difficult to process and weld.

There is an example that can directly illustrate that Amerikan is a fighter called the "Immortal Blackbird". It can fly at a maximum speed of Mach 3 and is known as the fastest aircraft in history. The reason why it can fly so fast is because Thirty tons of titanium alloy were used, and most of the parts were made of titanium alloy.

However, this aircraft has a very obvious shortcoming, that is, oil leakage.

American tried various methods but failed to solve the problem, because at that time they had not mastered the perfect welding technology of titanium alloy.

This is enough to show how difficult it is to process and weld titanium alloys.

However, at present, China has mastered the high-end 3D titanium alloy printing technology, which can directly shape the corresponding parts with 3D printing, skipping the welding process.

This is off topic.

The project conducted by the metal laboratory is the research of ultra-compressive titanium alloy materials. The purpose of their research is not to apply it, but to study how to improve the strength of titanium alloys manufactured at 'normal costs'.

Internationally, the highest strength of titanium alloy can reach 1700 MPa, but it is manufactured by abnormal means, and it cannot be widely manufactured at all.

In the case of conventional manufacturing processes, the compressive strength of the final product can exceed 1400 MPa, which is already a very high data.

This project belongs to 'material science research' rather than 'material application research'. The manufactured titanium alloy is not used to manufacture products, but to study conventional methods to manufacture titanium alloy, and what process can improve its strength.

This is of great reference value for the application research of titanium alloy materials.

Other research teams doing targeted applications can improve the strength of the corresponding titanium alloys based on their process references.

In other words, the manufacturing process is more important than the result.

This is why Ma Wenjun is worried about the results of other teams' research.

If the research of other teams is fruitful, there will definitely be many experts who specialize in analyzing the manufacturing process and various data. Their alloy laboratory has done the same project, and even if it is suspended halfway, the data related to the experiment has already been reported.

Comparing the two, there is a high possibility that problems will be found.


After the experiment was successful, Peng Hui and Shi Guifang talked a lot around Wang Hao, but he still didn't quite understand the excitement in the metal laboratory.

Because there is no innovation in the finished product, and there is no qualitative improvement in performance.

Isn't scientific research all about making qualitative breakthroughs? Isn't it just to solve those unsolved problems?

Spending tens of millions of funds and making a little bit of progress, it is really hard to find something exciting.

Wang Hao went back with some incomprehension. Maybe there was another reason why he was not excited, because he didn't participate in the project at all, and he just made a small suggestion to his heart.

While on the plane, Wang Hao began to count the harvest.

This trip to Xijing Jiaotong University, the harvest of inspiration is still very large, and the corresponding task inspiration has increased to '79' points, which shows that the experimental data has been very well understood.

This value has almost reached the peak of the understanding of "experimental data". Even if we study the experimental data again, it will be very difficult to improve a few points.

When there are enough foundations, what is lacking is analytical inspiration, which requires other means to obtain.

For example, research methods of data analysis, or feedback through teaching.

The latter is the easiest to achieve.

Wang Hao misses the students a little bit, and he can't wait to take a class, hoping to increase the inspiration value by more than 100 points.

After returning to Xihai City, he went home and rested for a day.

The next morning, Wang Hao came to school energetically, and when the time came, he went to class with 100% enthusiasm.

"Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics".

This course has entered the final stage, and when it enters the final stage, the knowledge difficulty has also been raised to the highest level, and some content involves knowledge that is not required to be mastered at the undergraduate level.

However, Wang Hao's explanation is still very detailed. I hope more students can understand and master it. Of course, it can also give back more inspiration.

Teaching, giving back, mutual benefit!

After eating lunch, he immediately returned to the office in the complex building, and after one class, he brought a 20-point inspiration boost.

For an R\u0026D task with A-level difficulty, 20 inspiration points in one class can be said to be quite high.

This value confirms Wang Hao's previous judgment. Only with a sufficient foundation and a sufficient understanding of the experimental data can we obtain more inspiration values.

After opening the quest system, he found the embarrassing thing that the inspiration value of the quest reached 99 points.

"Just a little bit!"

The inspiration value is only 1 point away, and it’s not just about the data. He feels that he already knows an analysis method, but he is just a step away from it, but he can’t get past it. It’s like solving a math problem and knowing the approximate solution The idea of ​​the problem, but there was a problem at the beginning, and I don't know where to start to solve it.

Wang Hao could only bite the bullet and continue to analyze the data. After more than an hour of research, there was no result. He somewhat understood why Zhang Zhiqiang often scratched his head.

Zhang Zhiqiang happened to look over and asked, "What's the matter, Wang Hao?"

Wang Hao said with emotion, "There is a problem that I can't think of."


Zhang Zhiqiang agreed, then turned his head and continued to do his own thing.

Wang Hao continued to struggle with the problem.

Zhu Ping burst out laughing when she saw "Pu Chi", she pointed to Zhang Zhiqiang and asked, "You guys are really interesting, shouldn't you ask, do you have any questions?"

Zhang Zhiqiang immediately shook his head, "It's useless for me to listen to Wang Hao's unsolvable problems."

After hearing this, Zhu Ping was taken aback, nodded sympathetically, and found that Wang Hao was looking at her, and immediately sat back in her seat, turned her head and pretended to be reading seriously, as if to say, "Don't ask me." , 'Don't ask me'.

She even covered her ears with her hands.

Luo Dayong broke away from the state of "thinking about life", and reminded with the corner of his mouth, "No need to do this. Don't worry, Wang Hao won't ask you."

Zhu Ping's face darkened immediately, and she stared at Luo Dayong with gritted teeth.

Wang Hao burst out laughing when he saw this scene.

The daily life in the office is still very funny. I always feel that Luo Dayong is a comedian. Every time he speaks, he can always catch the point and hit Zhu Ping's heart directly.

hit, heart?

Wang Hao frowned suddenly after thinking about it, and the next moment the system prompted--

[Task 1, inspiration value +1. 】

[Inspiration value: 100. 】

I see!

When a problem was figured out, everything suddenly became clear, and he immediately opened the computer file and started recording.

This is a voice suddenly coming from the door, "Wang Hao, excuse me?"

Wang Hao looked up and saw that it was Zhou Jianchun, the head of the department, and said, "Director Zhou, please come in."

Zhou Jianchun entered the office and asked directly, "Wang Hao, just now I ran into Zeng Guangxiang from the graduate school downstairs, and he asked me to ask, are you going to take a graduate student next year?"

Wang Hao suddenly realized that the postgraduate enrollment work was about to start, and the tutors and students must report in advance.

He asked, "How many students can you take?"

"You really bring it!" Zhou Jianchun said in surprise, "I just came here to help and ask. Generally, there are two to four students for a master's supervisor, and you are in the first year. I still suggest that you bring fewer students. It is best not to Take, math research doesn’t need any help from students, just focus more on research.”

Zhou Jianchun was indeed a little surprised, because Wang Hao's mathematics research results are outstanding, and he must have devoted most of his energy to research. He just came to help and ask, thinking that Wang Hao should not lead students.

Wang Hao is really serious about teaching, but teaching is to give lectures to many people, and there is a fixed time. It is different with graduate students. You have to care about the progress of graduate students, the papers of graduate students, etc., which will definitely consume A lot of energy.

Wang Hao said firmly, "I've thought about it a long time ago. I will definitely bring students. Since there are usually two to four students, then I will take four. This should be reported, right?"

Zhou Jianchun nodded incomprehension, and then said, "Just let me talk to the graduate school for you, and they will handle it."


Zhou Jianchun left after asking Wang Hao. He was still very puzzled. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure out the benefits of bringing graduate students.

For other professors, mentoring students is the same as teaching. Students can also help with experiments, etc., which is helpful for their own research, and having more students is also helpful for the evaluation of professional titles.

None of this has anything to do with Wang Hao.

Because he has achieved great results, he doesn't need to worry about the rating of professional titles at all. What he is doing is theoretical research in mathematics, and students are definitely not going to be able to help him.

"There's no benefit?" Zhou Jianchun thought about it for a long time but couldn't come up with a reason. He could only attribute it to Wang Hao's emphasis on teaching and his own high awareness of teaching.

This is also the evaluation of Wang Hao by many people in the school.


After talking a few words with Zhou Jianchun, knowing that the graduate school will deal with the problem, he put the matter behind him and continued to focus on his work.

He has sorted out the clues and found a method to analyze the data. After memorizing the content, he immediately began to write related programs and use the programs to analyze related data.

at the same time.

The metal laboratory of Xijing Jiaotong University has submitted the project achievement report.

Because it is a very important fund project, after the submission, experts came to check and found that they had produced a titanium alloy with a compressive strength of 1400 by conventional means, and they were very surprised.

"This Peng Hui, it's really possible. The research can be completed with such a small amount of funds."

"It is estimated that the funds have not been used up yet? I have been following the progress of this project, and there is still more than one-third left."

"Not bad, not bad, the results are outstanding, it seems that the settlement is not far away."

Several experts felt a little surprised after briefly reading the results report, because few people were optimistic about the project approval at the beginning, and the funding for the project of the Science Fund is limited, even if it has a certain level of research and development and limited funds. With support, it is also difficult to complete the research.

It was unexpected to be able to complete it now, and they began to look at the submitted report seriously.

An expert was watching seriously, and suddenly asked in surprise, "In your personnel list, is there a specially hired data analyst, Wang Hao from Xihai University?"

"Is this Wang Hao the one fired by Donggang? The math genius who always made the news?"


"Xihai University should not have a second Wang Hao, a specially hired data analyst, and his name is very high, ranking fourth, even higher than a researcher in their laboratory."

"It seems that Wang Hao's contribution is very great, and Peng Hui also values ​​him very much, otherwise it would be impossible to arrange like this..."

In the achievement report of a major project, a list of people who contributed to the achievement will be submitted. For a major project with a budget of 15 million, because many people participated, the list can list more than a dozen or more than twenty.

Similar projects generally only look at the first few names, and it doesn't matter that the latter are just ordinary participants.

Wang Hao's name is ranked fourth, which is enough to show the importance to the results.

When several experts were studying the results report, Xijing Jiaotong University also issued a special announcement. The difference is that it only stated that the project of the metal laboratory had achieved the expected goal.

This kind of announcement has almost no impact at all, and even the people in this school are not interested in taking a look.

However, someone noticed.

Donggang University, Alloy Materials Laboratory.

Ma Wenjun has been paying attention to the developments of the Institute of New Metal Materials Technology and the Institute of Aeronautical Materials.

Although his judgment is the same as that of Chen Jianlin, he believes that the Institute of Aeronautical Materials has delayed the research, and the metal laboratory has limited funds, so there is no way to produce results, but it is related to his own problems, as long as there is even a slight possibility, he needs to pay special attention one time.

After seeing the announcement issued by Xijing Jiaotong University, Ma Wenjun felt incredible and panicked to the extreme. He immediately found Chen Jianlin.

After hearing Ma Wenjun's words, Chen Jianlin was also a little flustered. He quickly checked the news, then picked up the phone to inquire, and also knew the specific situation of the results.

"Peng Hui's team has developed conventional methods to manufacture titanium alloys with a tensile strength of 1400 MPa."

"This parameter... is not bad!"

Chen Jianlin let out a sigh of relief when he knew the result.

The tensile strength of the world's top TB titanium alloy can exceed 1200 MPa, and some even exceed 1400 MPa.

This data does not deviate from the 'normal' range, and even if it is researched, it cannot explain the problem exactly.

There are many factors that affect the strength of titanium alloys, including element ratio, manufacturing process, technical means, and removing impurities to make the purity of titanium high enough is also one of the important means.

For research and development results in the 'regular' range, the manufacturing process does not necessarily tend to be standard, and it may just be 'good luck'.

It's like a group of people running a clueless running race, they don't know which direction is the right one, but only one is the right direction.

After running to the time, you can only know the distance moved in the correct direction.

Some people ran 100 meters in one minute, and it also took one minute, while others ran 150 meters.

These are all conventional numerical ranges, and there is no way to rely on the running distance to determine the correct direction.

However, if someone runs 200 meters or 300 meters in one minute, to a certain extent, it can be determined that the direction of his running is very close to the correct direction.

The metal laboratory has produced a titanium alloy with a tensile strength of 1400 MPa by conventional means. It may be just luck, and it is not certain that the research is the right direction.

Naturally, the comparison of experimental data cannot fully explain the problem.

However, if a titanium alloy with a tensile strength of 1500 MPa, 1600 MPa, or even higher is manufactured, the situation will be completely different.

"Peng Hui, you really have some skills. I underestimated him."

Chen Jianlin said with emotion, and continued, "Professor Ma, at least you don't have to worry about the metal laboratory anymore. They have submitted their results, and the project will soon be over, so we can rest assured."

Ma Wenjun let go of what he had raised, and immediately felt relaxed all over, and asked, "How is Professor Zhou?"


Chen Jianlin sighed, shook his head and said, "Don't worry about this, I've already told him to let him go home and rest for a while, and after half a year or a year, arrange another job for him."

"Donggang University will definitely not be able to come back, but he can go to another university as a teaching post. That boy Wang Hao can go to Xihai University, so I still have some face."

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