From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 116 The Privileges of Celebrities and the Invitation from the Academy of Aeronautical Materi

After listening to what Wang Hao said, Zhang Zhiqiang stared at him for a long time, and took a deep breath, but he didn't know what to express.

He returned to his seat silently.

After lighting up the computer screen, he typed four words on the search page - be safe with the situation.

The explanation of the search page is, 'No matter what the environment is, you can be at ease and feel satisfied. '

Zhang Zhiqiang thought carefully about literary issues, "This word is used to solve research problems, which means to think about it without taking the initiative. When you encounter a special opportunity and think of a problem, you should think about it. It doesn't matter if you solve the problem or not." .”

"Then, this process will take one or two years, at least a few months? At least, it will take ten days and a half a month?"

"Before the class, I said to be happy with the situation, but after the class, I figured it out..."

Zhu Ping walked over silently, staring at Zhang Zhiqiang's screen, as if she fully understood his feelings, and put a hand on his shoulder.

Zhang Zhiqiang looked back with sadness on his face.

The two looked at each other and sighed at the same time, "Oh!"

After Zhang Zhiqiang finished lamenting, he looked at Luo Dayong's expression again, and there was no "angry and indisputable" anymore, but envy and jealousy.

That is a graph isomorphism problem, one of the NP problems!

The NP-complete problem, that is, "NP=P?", is one of the seven mathematical conjectures of the millennium, and it is the number one super problem.

This question is very complex.

The P problem is easy to understand. It is some calculation-determined problems. For example, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be deduced according to the formula, and the result can be obtained as long as the calculation is performed.

However, some problems cannot be calculated step by step.

For example, looking for a large prime number, there is no formula that can deduce the next large prime number step by step.

This kind of question cannot be answered by calculation, and can only be obtained indirectly by 'guessing'.

For example, 7 is a prime number, which one is the next prime number? You can check 8, 9, and 10, none of which are prime numbers. Check 11 and find a prime number.

This is a non-deterministic problem. It cannot obtain results through calculation, but needs to be verified one by one.

This kind of question whose answer is obtained by exhaustive method is a complete polynomial question, and the final result can be obtained after checking one by one.

However, the complexity of such an algorithm is exponential, and when the number is too large, it will soon be impossible to perform calculations.

Some scientists have discovered that similar complete polynomial non-deterministic problems can be converted into a type of logical operation problem called "satisfaction problem".

Since all possible answers to this type of question can be calculated in polynomial time, is there a deterministic algorithm for this type of problem that can directly calculate or search for the correct answer in polynomial time?

This is the famous "NP=P?" conjecture.

The above example of finding prime numbers is just the simplest NP problem.

In fact, NP problems cover a very large field and are an important direction of complexity theory. The "graph isomorphism problem" studied by Luo Dayong is one of the classic NP problems.

"Graph isomorphism problem" refers to the comparative calculation of complex networks.

For example, there are eight points on each side, and the point distribution is different. Each of the eight points is connected to at least one other point.

Because the distribution of the points is not the same, and the connection of each point is consistent, the drawn graphics will also be very different.

So how to prove that the two graphics are completely consistent?

This is the graph isomorphism problem, proving the consistency of two complex networks.

Before Luo Dayong studied for several years, he had already found the direction and thought of a solution, what was missing was a 'flash of inspiration'.

A lot of research will be limited to 'this foot'.

Some people are lucky and solve the problem when they suddenly think of it. Some people are unlucky and can't get over it in their whole life.

Wang Hao took a class, got some inspiration, and he found a "way to take the first step".

After returning to the office of the complex building, Wang Hao began to talk to Luo Dayong. Even if it was a very important research, they did not find a secret environment.

Mainly because of self-confidence.

The first self-confidence is that the people in the office have good character and will not do anything to steal results or publish in advance.

Second, including Zhang Zhiqiang, it is impossible to understand the content.

Perhaps it was also because the course he explained was "Nonlinear Functional Analysis", the method Wang Hao found was to start with the analysis of the entire system.

Starting from the analysis of the whole system, it slowly connected to each point, and then connected to Luo Dayong's research.

It sounds simple, but it is actually very complicated.

Luo Dayong's level is still very good. Wang Hao just talked about the beginning, and he seems to understand a little bit. After listening to a short section later, his eyes are already bright.

"I see!"

"It turned out to be like this, so simple! Wang Hao, you are really a genius, so genius, this method is really ingenious."

"I've never thought about it in this direction before."

Luo Dayong hugged Wang Hao excitedly. He noticed that Wang Hao didn't care, and said excitedly, "Maybe it's nothing to you, but to me, this is the result of several years."

"Thank you, Wang Hao!"

"Thank you!"

"We did this research together, and the honor for the results also belongs to you!"

Luo Dayong cried out excitedly.

It is said that "a man does not cry when he has tears", when it is determined to complete a result, especially after several years of hard work and see the result, the excitement is beyond the experience of other people.

So Wang Hao's expression was very indifferent. He was also happy for Luo Dayong, but he couldn't get excited at all. All he did was listen to Luo Dayong's talk about his research, and after he understood it, he went to a class and found the perfect solution. inspiration.

Zhang Zhiqiang and Zhu Ping were also very indifferent, and they were also happy for Luo Dayong, but they couldn't help but think of Luo Dayong's words just now, "So it's so simple."


Just now Zhang Zhiqiang leaned over and listened to it, only to find that a lot of content was beyond his knowledge.

Simple peat!

Not to mention Zhu Ping, she didn't even move her footsteps, she knew that she couldn't understand.


Anyone who says this research is easy, I'll go over and rip his hair off right away!

Zhu Ping stared at Luo Dayong's hair, and suddenly felt itchy.


Luo Dayong's research has been completed, and the only thing left is to summarize the content, or give a report at a mathematics conference, or write a paper and submit it for publication.

The news spread quickly.

Many people in the school came to visit after hearing about it. Several professors, directors and the like made a special trip to give Luo Dayong some advice.

For example, what academic conference to attend, what journal to submit to, what is the format of the paper, etc.

Zhu Jianrong came here.

Chen Qinghua, the dean of the School of Computer Science, also made a special trip and talked with Luo Dayong for a long time, making sure that he had completed his research, and then said some words of encouragement.

The office in the complex building is busy, and there are always people coming and going.

Wang Hao looked at the professors, directors, and leaders one by one, and felt a little like making a fuss out of a molehill. Even if he completed a large research, it wouldn't be like this, right?

When he saw that the vice principal of the school came to encourage Luo Dayong, Wang Hao said to Zhang Zhiqiang, "Is this a bit exaggerated?"

Zhang Zhiqiang's reaction was very flat.

He looked at Luo Dayong full of envy, then turned his head and said, "It's not an exaggeration at all."

"This is the correct way to achieve great results."

He nodded vigorously as he spoke, expressing his absolute insistence on his opinion, "It's not normal for you to publish a paper in silence."

Zhu Ping and Yan Jing also came over and agreed with Zhang Zhiqiang's words, "That's right."

Yan Jing nodded, "That's true."

"……All right!"

Wang Hao found himself standing on the opposite side of the office, and gave Luo Dayong a thumbs up, "You are great!"


Luo Dayong's achievements made a lot of noise, but in fact, Wang Hao also had a part in the achievements. He insisted on making Wang Hao one of the authors, and if he couldn't, let Wang Hao be the corresponding author.

Wang Hao still agreed.

Although most of the research was done by Luo Dayong, he was the one who kicked the key.

Also, it would be beneficial to have his name on the paper.

Such as contribution.

Some professors and directors in the school gave Luo Dayong some suggestions, some said to participate in academic conferences to make reports, and some said to submit articles to top journals. Wang Hao didn’t need any advice at all, “You can directly submit an article to the "New Mathematics" "Progress", the corresponding author writes my name, and I will say hello there."

This is 'celebrity' privilege.

"New Advances in Mathematics" has published two papers by Wang Hao, including "A Proof of the Boundedness of the Existence of A Ting's Constant" and "Conjecture on the Judgment Function of Mersenne Primes".

After two cooperations, Wang Hao got to know the review editor and the review editor, and he could quickly review it by just saying hello, because the paper itself has a high gold content, and after the review, the publication speed will be very fast.

This ruled out the situation that the submission was inexplicably brushed down.

Some top international academic journals are like this.

When you see an unknown person submitting a top-level research, you just brush it off without reading the content, because there are many similar submissions, and most of them are wrong arguments. If you read each article carefully, it is a waste of time and money. energy.

Add his name to the author of the paper, and then say hello to the editor and reviewer of "New Advances in Mathematics". As long as there are no major problems, you can wait for publication.

As for writing papers and the like, Luo Dayong was entirely responsible for it himself.

Wang Hao is not very interested in this research. Complexity theory is Luo Dayong's research field, and his field of concentration is analytic number theory.

The time has come to the end of the semester.

There is still a lot of work at the end of the semester, such as reporting the courses for the next semester. Wang Hao made a special trip to the Faculty of Science and confirmed that he will take two courses.

One is a retake course of "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics".

There are many undergraduates who will fail a course, and there will be a retake course in the next semester if there is no regular class. Wang Hao decided to help the old professor share the teaching pressure, and directly took over a retake course.

There is no need to prepare lesson plans for the same course, which makes teaching easier.

Another course is "Algebraic Geometry" by Yanyi, which is a basic course for a master's degree and a professional course for a doctoral degree.

This course is based on abstract algebra and complex analysis, and the difficulty is relatively high.

The remaining elective courses can be considered after a period of time, and there is no need to report them in advance.

In addition to reporting for courses, Wang Hao also participated in the invigilation work. After all the exams were completed, he began to mark the papers, record the results, and so on.

These complex tasks take a lot of time.

After everything is done, the time has also entered the winter vacation, students and teachers have entered the holiday, whether it is on TV, on the street, etc., there is a little atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese people.

Wang Hao also booked a plane ticket and went home. He was still very busy when he returned home, but he was not doing research and development related things, but started buying a car and a house according to the plan.

It only took three days to spend a million dollars.

He remitted more than 200,000 yuan to his family before, but Wang Haiqing was always reluctant to buy a new car, so Wang Hao just bought it directly, and a family car worth more than 100,000 yuan is not expensive.

The biggest expense is buying a house.

He bought a large square meter in the new community next to the park. He also hoped that his parents' living environment would be better. As for whether to move there, it was up to their own wishes.

After spending a million dollars in his big hands, Wang Hao felt more relaxed staying at home, at least he wouldn't hear words like 'girlfriend' and 'marriage' all the time.

He is not very old, he is only over 25 years old now, but in the eyes of his parents, he always hopes that after his children have a stable job, it is best to get married and have children as soon as possible.

Wang Hao felt his scalp go numb just thinking about it.


Do not make jokes!

Of course, the good youth in the twenties should be dedicated to the cause of science, how could it be wasted on women?

No, absolutely not!

Instead, it’s only love, not marriage...cough cough...


after the festival.

Wang Hao returned to Xihai University first, and then found that he had received various invitations.

The news that he was going to give a lecture at Shuimu University had already been announced. As a result, two universities in the capital invited him to be a guest, and there was also a very special invitation from the Institute of Aeronautical Materials.

It's Cao Dongming.

Cao Dongming invited him to visit the Institute of Aeronautical Materials and Aviation Equipment Base, and also invited him to give a report at the Institute of Materials. There were several signatures on the invitation letter, including two academicians.

As for visiting the Institute of Aeronautical Materials and Aviation Equipment Base, Wang Hao is not very interested, but making a report...

He thinks he can go.

After seeing the inspiration value data of "Mission Three", he became more interested.

【Task 3】

[Research project content: Step-by-step probability research on prime numbers (difficulty: S). 】

[Inspiration value: 64. 】

Although data mining-related fields are not closely related to the study of prime numbers, knowledge content in other fields may also bring additional inspiration.

This is hard to say.

"Let's go, anyway, it's a trip to the capital, and it's a trip to one place, and it's also a trip to two places."

"It's good to add some inspiration..."

(seeking a monthly ticket)

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