From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 134 This Will Be Their Best Memory!

The internal meeting of Wuhan Iron and Steel Research Institute decided to suspend all ongoing research and development projects related to the improvement of twin-roll casting and rolling technology.

The first to bear the brunt is the project of the Alloy Laboratory of Donggang University.

The meeting of the day was only to determine the suspension of the project, and the suspension of the project is to suspend the allocation of funds to the cooperative organization first, and then to retroactively settle part of the funds that have not been used, and to review the use of funds for each project.

This process is against the R\u0026D cooperation agreement.

Therefore, the follow-up retrospective settlement and project funding review are basically just a formality. If there is a large amount of funds that are not used, they will be recovered. If there is no large amount of funds, they will not care.

In fact, this is not bad news for R\u0026D cooperation laboratories.

Although the cooperating laboratory cannot get follow-up funds, because the project is suspended by the partner, even if the research and development has no results, it will not be held accountable, and the funds invested in the early stage and the funds already in the account will be taken back by the project sponsor It's not easy, or even give up directly.

Chen Jianlin didn't know the news yet, he almost forgot to sleep and eat for the WISCO project.

He not only seriously prepares experiments, but also checks other people's work results and reports.

Just like what Peng Hui described to Chen Jianlin, when working on a project seriously, Chen Jianlin almost does everything by himself, participating in every detail of the work to ensure that there will be no problems.

The report submitted by Ma Wenjun will naturally be seriously read and even seriously studied.

Chen Jianlin didn't trust Ma Wenjun at all. From the perspective of other people in the laboratory, the relationship between the two was very close. In fact, because of some private issues, they had always been suspicious of each other.

Chen Jianlin didn't trust Ma Wenjun; Ma Wenjun didn't trust Chen Jianlin either.

However, Chen Jianlin carefully studied the report submitted by Ma Wenjun, and found no problems. He even felt that Ma Wenjun worked very hard.

"Isn't it Ma Wenjun's problem? It's the experiment itself?"

Chen Jianlin thought about it.

He called Ma Wenjun again, had a detailed communication about the experiment, and discussed many research and development directions and ideas, and finally established a certain degree of trust.

"The most important thing now is to get the project done well." Chen Jianlin patted Ma Wenjun's arm and said, Thank you for your hard work, Professor Ma. I've been really busy recently. I hope this project can meet expectations, or even exceed expectations. Only in this way can we prove the level of capabilities of our alloy laboratory. "

"Let me tell you the truth, WISCO still has a follow-up project, and it is a very high-end project. Only by doing a good job in this project can we strive to get a follow-up larger project."

After hearing this, Ma Wenjun nodded in thought, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Bigger project?

Over 100 million dollars?

He suddenly understood why Chen Jianlin took the project seriously.

If you do a good job in the project, you can win a large project with a budget of more than 100 million yuan, then it is definitely worth doing.

For horizontal projects with a cost of over 100 million, even if only one-third of the funds are stuck, there are more than 30 million.

Now that Zhou Xiaolong is gone, he is Chen Jianlin's only "person of his own". By then, how much will he get out of the 30 million?

Ma Wenjun didn't trust Chen Jianlin, but he had to admit that Chen Jianlin was very generous in attracting people. If he made 10,000 yuan himself, he could distribute 5,000 yuan to others.

Because of this, there has been no news from the Alloy Materials Laboratory, because everyone involved will be very satisfied.


After Ma Wenjun left, Chen Jianlin continued to work. He began to design new experiments, hoping that a new batch of funds would arrive, and then large-scale experiments could be carried out to make significant progress in research and development.

The phone at hand rang.

It's Ding Zongquan.

Ding Zongquan called, exchanged some pleasantries with Chen Jianlin, and then said hesitantly, "Professor Chen, I'm really sorry this time. You don't have to wait for the follow-up funding for your project."


For a moment, Chen Jianlin thought he had heard it wrong.

"Let me tell you, you don't have to wait for the follow-up funds for that project." Ding Zongquan said, "The research institute just held a meeting two days ago, and all projects related to twin-roll casting and rolling technology have been suspended. The announcement of Wuhan Iron and Steel has not yet come out, because your I’m waiting for funding, so I’ll let you know in advance.”

After he finished speaking, he explained, "I can't do anything about it. The research institute has done a test experiment, and the results show that there is a direct relationship between the appearance of steel cracks and the instability of the magnetic field, and the impact on other aspects is very small. very slow."

"This matter, the process is very complicated, I feel like a dream these two days."

"A layman came to point out the experts, and he was right..." Ding Zongquan sighed.

Chen Jianlin asked suspiciously, "What kind of layman is an expert?"

"Well, I can't say more."

Ding Zongquan and Wang Hao have conflicts, but it does not mean that he likes to make trouble for Wang Hao, or to make trouble for himself. In case Chen Jianlin's sloppy mouth spreads, it is he who said it, and he will not be able to get along in the WISCO Research Institute in the future. "Anyway, the project must be suspended, but it should have no impact on you. WISCO will not take back the research and development funds invested in the early stage."

"And if there are other projects, Wuhan Iron and Steel will give priority to you..."

Chen Jianlin knew very well that what Ding Zongquan said afterwards was nothing different from nonsense.

Other programs prioritize Alloys Lab?

This is almost impossible, because there are several institutions competing for each horizontal project, and there is no priority in the competition for horizontal projects.

Of course, with sufficient contacts and abilities, more projects can definitely be won. In this regard, Alloy Lab or himself has priority.

So the last paragraph doesn't make sense either.

After Chen Jianlin put down the phone, he frowned and thought for a long time.

If there hadn't been a thunderstorm about the ultra-high pressure alloy project hanging over his head, he wouldn't have cared about WISCO's project at all, and he felt that it would be fine as long as it proceeded normally.

Whether the progress is fast or slow, there will be no problem in coping with it in the past. Similar technical improvement projects are very difficult, and doing research is a bit of luck.

Now that the project in hand has been inexplicably suspended, it means that there will be no results at all, but after thinking about the news revealed in Ding Zongquan's words, he also understands the reason for their slow progress.

The project development direction given by WISCO is itself wrong.

As Ding Zongquan said, this is not bad news for their lab, because the suspension of the project is not their problem.

However, the root of everything is still the ultra-high pressure alloy project.

The research results of Peng Hui's team have been classified as confidential, and the results of the project will definitely be carefully analyzed, and the results of the same type will also be used for comparative analysis.

This time is not far away.

Chen Jianlin estimated that there will be news by the end of the year at most. The top material experts gather together and it is easy to judge that their experimental data are all fake.

At that time, it will be an organization at the level of the Science and Technology Department, who will directly send people to investigate.

Then, how to explain?

It is impossible for him to say that he fabricated the data, so he is suspected of a major fraud issue, not to mention whether the professorship can be kept, and he may be subject to criminal punishment for this.

To put it bluntly, it is jail.


Chen Jianlin frowned, and carefully sorted out the matter from beginning to end.

Suddenly, I thought of a person——

Ma Wenjun.


Xihai University.

Wang Hao continued to live a relaxed and leisurely life, but he also began to devote a lot of energy to reading and studying, constantly supplementing his own knowledge, and thinking about a new research and development direction.

At the same time, he also began to look forward to his students.

The postgraduate re-examination will start soon.

Wang Hao has six places under his command, four in mathematics and two in informatics, Helen occupies one in mathematics, and there are five places left.

There is a fixed ratio for postgraduate applicants to enter the re-examination. The graduate school has admitted eight high-scoring students, of which five are students in the direction of mathematics, and three are students in the direction of informatics.

They will all enter the retest.

Because the exam passed most of the people, the re-examination admission rate is still very high.

Wang Hao must be one of the interviewers for his students, and he is the most important interviewer who has the right to make decisions.

It was his first time interviewing a student, so he was looking forward to it.

Before the start of the postgraduate re-examination work, he carefully prepared the work, summarized the gains of the recent period, and then established a research and development task.

【Task 1】

[R\u0026D project name: Navier-Stokes equation research (difficulty: S+). 】

[Inspiration value: 0. 】

After setting up the task, Wang Hao was very prepared when he saw the difficulty rating of the task. The NS equation is one of the seven mathematical conjectures of the millennium, and there has been no progress in research for a long time. The related research difficulty rating is natural is very high.

S+, rated over Prime Number Distribution Probability Study.

Wang Hao’s understanding is, “Perhaps it’s because the study of prime number distribution involves a wide range of subjects. Some of them are relatively difficult, while others are relatively difficult. There are many research and development directions, and the overall rating is s.”

"The Navier-Stokes equation is a research dedicated to a problem. The research and development direction is very single, and the difficulty rating is very high."

"Maybe like Goldbach's conjecture, Riemann's conjecture, etc., the high-difficulty research on a problem will have a very high rating."

S+ difficulty evaluation naturally has the benefits of S+ evaluation.

The task of S+ evaluation, the result can bring 10,000 teaching currency rewards, which is a level higher than S-level research, but the difficulty is relatively higher.

"S+ task, how long will it take to complete?" Wang Hao thought about this question carefully, and found that he didn't need to pay too much attention to it, because there are three research and development tasks to be carried out together, and one task bar is occupied by a research with the highest level of difficulty, and some inspiration can also be accumulated at ordinary times. value, otherwise the taskbar is empty.

The study of the Navier-Stokes equation was not thought of suddenly, but a decision made after careful consideration.

Wang Hao sorted out the scope of his knowledge. His main direction is number theory and partial differential equations, and then related to teaching content. The Navier-Stokes equation is a good research object. The reason why he decided to do difficult research is also because The situation is different.

In the past, he was just an ordinary teacher in a college, but now he is recognized as the 'top'.

At the top level, if you want to make a breakthrough, you must have major results. General research is not meaningful at all, so you must find a main research and development direction.

He is going to use this research to apply for this year's Outstanding Youth Fund.

This year's situation is different from last year's, because there are already enough fame and achievements, even if it is a very important research project, the probability of passing is very high.

After Wang Hao established the S+ difficulty task, he had already thought about the retest questions, which were related to the Navier-Stokes equation.

"For the topic at that time, let each student explain the solution direction for the NS equation, and it will take 15 minutes."

"Even if you don't even understand the NS equation, you can still share your thoughts. If any student can bring inspiration to the research, it must be a surprise, and he will pass it directly."

"It can't bring inspiration, let others judge..."

Wang Hao felt that his idea was very good, and he also briefly wrote the content of the NS equation, and planned to show it to the students who will take the re-examination.

When he was preparing, Professor He Yi suddenly came to the door.

He Yi is a professor in his early fifties, and he can barely be called a "middle-aged". He is in charge of the work of the physics laboratory and is the chief researcher of the laboratory.

It is worth mentioning that Yan Jing worked on the project with He Yi.

"Professor Wang, excuse me!"

He Yi walked in the door very politely, and directly explained his intention, "In two weeks' time, the Institute of High Energy will hold a spectrometer detection experiment conference. There are three places in the university. Do you want to participate?"

Wang Hao was stunned by the question, he had never paid attention to the experiments of the Institute of High Energy.

He Yi explained, "This is an experimental meeting. The first thing is to conduct experiments, and then hold meetings and assign tasks based on the experimental results. At that time, thousands of scholars will participate."

"Our university's high-energy physics research is not its strong point, but it would be a pity if we don't go to this level of experimental conferences."

"The school has a total of three places, so let me decide." He Yi said with a wry smile, "Professor Wang, let me tell you the truth, I used to join in the fun, and when the time comes, I will join the team from Xijing Jiaotong University , but we represent Xihai University, so we can’t make people look down upon us, right? So I wanted to find you, you are the face of our university.”

"I study theoretical mathematics..." Wang Hao said hesitantly.

"That's okay." He Yi said expectantly, "You may not know that in this kind of experimental meeting, mathematicians are the most popular, and those physicists can only do statistical work or make judgments based on conclusions , Mathematicians are the first to put into work the main force.”

"... How long will it take?" Wang Hao asked hesitantly. He is also interested in high-energy physics. Going to see particle collisions and participating in large-scale physics research sounds really interesting.

He Yi said, "About a week, the delay won't be too long."

"All right!"

Wang Hao still agreed.

After the two made an agreement, He Yi sat down and chatted for a while. He looked down at what was written on the table. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but the symbols 'NS' were really eye-catching, so he asked curiously, "Wang Professor, are you studying NS equations?"

"To be precise, it's for research." Wang Haodao, "This is a brief introduction I wrote, and it's for retesting by graduate students."

He Yi originally asked the question out of curiosity. Even if he knew about Wang Hao's research on the NS equation, it was nothing at all.

Many mathematicians will be interested in the seven mathematical conjectures.

However, after hearing Wang Hao's explanation, he froze in place, and asked in disbelief, "Are you going to use the NS equation as a re-examination question?"


"Are you taking graduate students? The retests are all undergraduates..."



He Yi held back for a long time before uttering a comment, "The experience of this re-examination will definitely become the best memory in their lives..."

Because I have to write new content, I sorted out the outline for a long time today, but I haven't started writing for a long time, which caused the update to be delayed until the evening. I'm sorry, but there will be an update tonight, don't worry.

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