From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 225 Putting these contents together, won't the brain explode?

"Can the Natural Science Award also award special prizes? I mean, this year even awarded special prizes!"

"The grand prize has never been awarded, has it?"

"This should be the first time in history!"

"But Wang Hao really deserves this award. His research achievements in the field of mathematics are too many and too big, NS equation, Goldbach's conjecture..."


When the leader announcing the awards said the words 'Grand Prize', the audience couldn't hold back their exclamations and discussions.

The natural science award is divided into two levels: the first prize and the second prize.

There is also a special rule of the award that special prizes can be awarded to citizens who have made particularly important scientific discoveries or technological inventions, or to citizens and organizations that have completed scientific and technological engineering projects of special significance and made outstanding contributions.

There is such a rule in the regulations, but since the establishment of the award, no grand prize has ever been awarded.

Now the sudden announcement of the Grand Prize in Natural Sciences has shocked many people, and some people also sighed in surprise, "This time the jury has done a good job of keeping secrets."

The grand prize came out for the first time and it was truly amazing.

At the same time, it is definitely a very important affirmation to award Wang Hao the Special Prize in Natural Science.

The significance of this award is even greater than the Supreme Science and Technology Award, because the Supreme Science and Technology Award is awarded every year, and there are two winners every year, while the Natural Science Special Prize has never been awarded.

Wang Hao became the first winner in history, and he may be the only winner in the next ten years.

When the awards had been announced, others couldn't help discussing, "This grand prize is so rare. In some years, even the first prize in natural sciences is vacant, let alone the grand prize."

"It is also right to award the special prize to Wang Hao. His achievements are indeed much better than others."

"Compared with the results of mathematics, Mr. Chen Jingrun also won the first prize in natural science, but he only came close to proving Goldbach's conjecture, not completely proving it."

"Wang Hao proved Goldbach's conjecture, not to mention the more significant NS equation!"

"Indeed it is……"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Wang Hao stood up slowly. He was really caught off guard, and at the same time, he felt very excited.

This was the first time he felt so excited to hear that he had won the award.

He has also won major awards before, but whether it is the Chern Mathematics Award, last year's first prize in natural science, or this year's Fields Medal, he did not feel particularly excited when he won the award.

That's probably because he knew he had won the award a long time ago. Even if he knew that he was very excited to win the award, the emotion would have passed when the award was presented.

Now it is very unexpected, it seems to be of a sudden nature, and I got a very important award.

This award means a lot.

Because in history, there has never been a special award in natural sciences, and he will be the first person to receive this award.

The first person in the country!

Wang Hao suppressed the excitement in his heart, and walked towards the aisle. The person next to him stepped aside, and he patted his arm as he walked, and said various congratulatory voices.

Wang Hao even forgot to respond, and just walked towards the rostrum step by step.

The applause continued.

In the warm applause, Wang Hao stepped onto the rostrum, turned to face the audience, and accepted the leader's award with great excitement.

Holding the medal and certificate in his hand, he pursed his lips vigorously facing the audience.

At this time, the leader presenting the award sighed, "Professor Wang, congratulations. When we were discussing, we all said that you have reached the pinnacle of mathematics and are the best mathematician in a century. You deserve this award."

"You are still young, and you still represent the future. We look forward to more achievements from you in scientific research!"


Wang Hao thanked very hard.

The awarding leader gave up his seat after speaking.

Wang Hao naturally knew what to do next. He faced the audience and said, "I know, I should give my acceptance speech now, but I am really excited and I am not prepared."

He showed off his medals and certificates, and then said, "The grand prize is completely unexpected. This award is very heavy, very heavy!"

When Wang Hao said this, the scene had become quiet.

He put down the medal and certificate in his hand, and continued, "Standing here now, I feel a lot of pressure. Think about it, I have become the only winner of the special prize in natural science. After I go out, maybe every time I say Every sentence becomes extremely important.”

"I can even imagine that kind of scene, for example, I said '1 plus 1 equals 3', someone spread this sentence, saying that it was Wang Hao who said it, it was Wang Hao who won the special prize in natural science, what he said Could it be wrong?"

"Then, 1 plus 1 equals 3, which may be accepted by some people, and many people even dare not refute it."

"I mean, everything I say about mathematics in the future may be regarded as a wise saying."

"This will bring a lot of pressure. I feel that I have to be careful when I speak in the future."

Many people in the audience laughed out loud.

When they thought about it carefully, it was true.

This is no joke.

When you really stand on a high ground, what you say occasionally may be taken seriously, especially the content related to your own field.

Now Wang Hao is the top mathematician.

Few people dare to directly refute what he said in mathematics. Even if what he said is wrong, some people may think deeply.

Wang Hao continued, "I remembered a few years ago, when I was unknown, just a doctor who had just graduated, and I never thought about getting any awards."

"I walked step by step. The whole process felt really hard. I was doing research almost every day, and there was only one thing in my mind—research."

"However, I'm happy because I'm doing a job I love."

"Mathematics is the basis for the development of all disciplines. The research on mathematical theory is very important. Compared with foreign countries, our country still has a gap in this regard."

"I hope that more people in the future will devote themselves to the research of basic mathematics and lay a solid foundation for the development of science!"


After Wang Hao said a few words with excitement, he ended his acceptance speech. He was not mentally prepared for winning the special prize, and he did not prepare his acceptance speech at all.

Everything is temporary.

He just said what was on his mind.

After he finished speaking, Wang Hao bowed politely, and walked back to his seat under the applause. He felt that what he said was very sincere, and he did get strong applause from the audience.

Many people in the audience felt a little uncomfortable when they substituted themselves. They heard Wang Hao say that he was "very difficult along the way".

How old is Wang Hao?

Less than twenty-seven years old!

Many people in the audience are in their seventies and eighties. They have worked hard in scientific research positions all their lives before they have the opportunity to come to this venue, and they can only win a small award.

They feel that they are called 'very, very difficult'.

Wang Hao's kind should be called...

Smooth sailing!


After Wang Hao returned to his seat, the awards ceremony continued.

The first prize of natural science is vacant this year, and the second prize of natural science will be awarded next.

The second prize in natural sciences only announces the award-winning projects, and there is no corresponding award ceremony.

Afterwards, the first prize for scientific and technological progress was awarded.

The research project of the physics laboratory was ranked second to receive the award. He Yi and Xiang Qiansheng walked up to the podium on behalf of the laboratory, and they were more excited than Wang Hao.

Both He Yi and Xiang Qiansheng are standing on such a high stage for the first time.

He Yi even cried out excitedly. Xiang Qiansheng performed relatively better, but his face was flushed and he was obviously very excited.

The reaction from the audience was very flat.

Many people think that He Yi and Xiang Qiansheng are lucky.

If it were someone else who followed Wang Hao to do research, he would probably be able to win the award, because the theoretical work was obviously done by Wang Hao, and it was precisely because of the theoretical research work that the physics laboratory project was able to win the award.

When thinking of this, many younger scholars wondered whether they should go to Xihai University and cooperate with Wang Haoyi to conduct research, maybe they can also win the first prize of scientific and technological progress?

Even if you don't go to Xihai University, you can cooperate with Wang Hao!

A top mathematician, especially an expert in mathematical analysis, is very, very important for any research project.

The awards ceremony is over.

A lot of media also made instant reports. The outside world has a lot of discussions about Wang Hao winning the Grand Prize in Natural Science, and most people think that he deserves this award.

"Wang Hao has made too many achievements in mathematics. If he still wins the first prize in natural science, he will feel that he is not at the same level as other winners."

"He is the first Fields winner in China, and he is likely to win the Nobel Prize in the future. Combining Fields and Nobel, he can be regarded as the first person in history, right?"

"Now it is only natural to win the Grand Prize in Natural Science!"

"The special prize is awarded to individuals, and it is just right to award it to Wang Hao."

"If anyone can achieve the same results as Wang Hao, it will be no problem to win the special prize in natural science."

At the same time, Wang Hao also accepted the reporter's on-site interview, "I was very surprised when I heard the news of the award, very surprised."

"I knew I could win the Natural Science Award, and others said it was the first prize, but I didn't expect it to be the special prize. When it was announced, I was a little caught off guard."

The reporter asked, "Now that you have won the Grand Prize in Natural Science, what do you say to other people?"

Wang Hao thought for a while and said, "Let me just say the acceptance speech. I hope more scholars can devote themselves to the research work of mathematical theory."

"Mathematical work is very important. In addition, mathematics is beautiful. This is very fascinating work."

The reporter obviously didn't understand the beauty of mathematics, so he quickly changed the subject, "Can you talk about anti-gravity and superconductivity research? This is the most popular content now."

"for example?"

"For example, anti-gravity, many people are concerned about anti-gravity technology, when can it be applied?"

Wang Hao shook his head and said, "Anti-gravity is still a future technology for the time being. This technology is very imperfect now. We can only create an anti-gravity space through experiments, but the cost of each experiment is very high, and the realization of anti-gravity The time is short."

"I think that if antigravity wants to be applied, the premise is that superconducting technology can be applied on a large scale."

The reporter continued to ask, "So when will superconducting technology be applied on a large scale?"

Wang Hao said, "In order to achieve large-scale application of superconductivity, we still need to make breakthroughs in the direction of technology, for example, very directly, to manufacture higher-temperature superconducting materials."

"Superconducting technology is directly related to the critical temperature of superconducting materials. Every time the critical temperature increases by ten degrees, the range of technical applications will increase exponentially."

"I have been doing related theoretical research."

"I hope to support the improvement of technology through theory, and I hope to make a greater breakthrough in technology as soon as possible..."


The awards are finally all over.

Wang Hao did not leave the capital, but went to Shuimu University to find Birkar the next day.

Just like Birkar went to Xihai University, Wang Hao also went directly to Shuimu University. He walked into the university with Birkar, and they walked while talking.

Wang Hao wore a hat and was not recognized by a few people, but the person who recognized him still exclaimed, but luckily he didn't bother him directly.

Wang Hao and Bill Carr went to an office building, where they talked about their recent research.

"My research hit a wall."

Wang Hao first said, "I have been thinking about how to continue. I need to find the direction of inspiration for the next step."

Bill Carlton had a feeling of sympathy, "Me too. Since I came back here, I don't have any ideas anymore, and I don't know why. When discussing issues with you, I always feel that I have a lot of ideas."

He looked at Wang Hao with that very urgent look.

Wang Hao felt cold all over. Fortunately, he knew that Birkar had a family. He asked, "I only know that you are doing research on the program of minimal models. Can you tell me more about it?"

Birkar nodded and said, "I'm studying the singularity problem of a minimal model program..."

He went into detail.

Birkar's research field is birational geometry, with special emphasis on theoretical research and singularity problems.

When it comes to related research, Wang Hao feels that he can't keep up with the rhythm. He also has research on algebraic geometry, but he has not studied such in-depth issues.

Mathematics, the scope is too broad.

A subject of algebraic geometry is enough for one person to study for a lifetime.

In fact, from the field that Bircar is good at, we can get a glimpse of how extensive mathematics is. Algebraic geometry includes double rational geometry, and an important field of double rational geometry is called the program of minimal models.

In the minimal model program, there is a problem called the Borisov-Alexeev-Borisov conjecture.

Bilkar used 130 pages of papers to prove the Borisov-Alexeev-Borisov conjecture, that is, to prove "the boundedness of a class of Fano algebraic varieties with singularities".

Then he won the Fields Medal.

Therefore, the minimal model program alone is enough for top geniuses to study for a lifetime, and it will be even larger when it is expanded to double rational geometry. I don’t know how many mathematicians are exploring in this field.

Expanding to algebraic geometry, there are several mathematicians who have won the Fields Medal by relying on the research of algebraic geometry.

Wang Hao didn't have the energy to study the minimal model program, and he couldn't finish his own research. Listening to Birkar's explanation, he felt that some content could not be understood.

Algebraic geometry was not his area of ​​expertise, and it was just one area in which he hoped to increase his breadth of knowledge.

He is good at number theory and partial differential equations.

If you want to be proficient in algebraic geometry, even if you rely on lectures and research, it will take at least several years.

He is temporarily not interested in research in this field.

Now studying algebraic geometry, for him, is just a means to complete semi-topological theory.

While the two were talking, Qiu Chengwen came over suddenly. He hurried into the office and said, "Wang Hao, you came so suddenly. If it wasn't for other people to say, I would have no idea."

He went on to say, "Congratulations on winning the Grand Prize in Natural Science!"


Wang Hao and Qiu Chengwen exchanged a few words.

Qiu Chengwen took a long breath after sitting down. He was very worried when he heard that Wang Hao came to Bilkar.

He is over seventy years old.

In the past ten years, he has devoted himself to education, hoping to develop domestic mathematics.

The development of mathematics in China is also divided into colleges and universities.

He thinks that he is not yet great enough, and regards all colleges and universities as a family, and regards them as the development of domestic mathematics.

Mathematicians not only have nationalities, but also the distinction of "university affiliation".

Qiu Chengwen hopes to develop his own mathematics center, so he works very hard to find talents everywhere. Bill Carr is the talent he values ​​most. A Fields Medal winner in his forties can give him a lot of money, both in research and education. The Math Center brings a big boost.

Now he is very worried that Bill Carr will go to Xihai University to develop.

If it was someone else, Qiu Chengwen wouldn't worry at all, but it would be different if it was Wang Hao.

All three are Fields winners.

What Qiu Chengwen had to admit was that Wang Hao was stronger than both of them, even stronger than most Fields winners.

Fields winners are also divided into high and low.

Some Fields winners just scratched the surface of Fields in their research results; some winners went far beyond Fields.

Bilkar, not necessarily the former, but certainly not the latter.

Wang Hao obviously belongs to the latter.

In addition, Wang Hao is only in his twenties, and he still has a long scientific research career in the future. Many people hope to do research with him, and Birkar is no exception.

Of course, Qiu Chengwen couldn't express his worries, he just listened to the two talking about professional issues.

Finally, when the discussion stopped, he suddenly asked Wang Hao, "Wang Hao, why do you want to study this problem? Algebraic geometry should not be your main direction, right?"

"This is related to my follow-up research on the mechanism of superconductivity."

Qiu Chengwen nodded after listening. Of course he knew that Wang Hao was studying the theory of superconductivity, so he gave a suggestion and said, "I think that if you study the theory of superconductivity, you don't necessarily start from your geometric point of view."

"Oh?" Wang Hao listened with interest.

"I've seen your theory, and the angle is really novel, but, I think, your theory is incomplete, because you haven't connected particles, that is, the problem of quantum physics."

Wang Hao nodded as he listened. His research was indeed the case, but he only studied in one direction and did not cover all the content.

Even if the theory of semi-topology is perfected, if we want to explain the microscopic morphology of complex molecules, we may still have to relate to the particle problem, especially when it involves the topological process of microscopic morphology, which must be connected with the mainstream theory of condensed matter physics.

Qiu Chengwen continued, "Have you ever thought about studying the Yang-Mills equation?"

"Why?" Wang Hao frowned slightly. He hadn't thought about the Yang-Mills equation at all.

Qiu Chengwen said, "Because of your annihilation theory, I believe you have not given up on this theory."

"However, in order to prove the theory of annihilation, it is necessary to study quantum physics and to contact the standard model of particles, and the Yang-Mills equation is the basis for the construction of the standard model of particles."

"In addition, the Yang-Mills equation is a nonlinear partial differential equation. I always think that you are the most suitable person to study the Yang-Mills equation."

What Qiu Chengwen said was full of sincerity.

Wang Hao thinks about it carefully. This is indeed the case. He is good at partial differential equations and hopes to explore the annihilation theory. The topology of microscopic forms in the superconducting mechanism is directly related to the existence of annihilation force.

It is indeed a very good direction to do research from the perspective of the Yang-Mills equation.

Wang Hao nodded suddenly, "That's true, I'll think about it carefully when I go back."

Qiu Chengwen suddenly smiled, and he gave Wang Hao a very good suggestion. If Wang Hao concentrates on studying the Yang-Mills equation, it must have nothing to do with algebraic geometry.

At that time, Bilcar will not be needed for research, because the Yang-Mills equation and algebraic geometry are two completely unrelated fields.

At this moment, Wang Hao said seriously to Bill Carr, "Kaucher, I have already applied for the key project, and I have also reported your name."

"We can carry out this project together. We have applied for a research grant of 20 million yuan. When the time comes, we will do research together."

Birkar nodded expectantly, "I'm looking forward to it."

Although he is a Fields winner, he is also a person who needs to live. There is a total of 20 million funds, and some of them will definitely be allocated to him.

That's the extra big bucks.

Qiu Chengwen grinned and asked quickly, "Wang Hao, don't you consider the Yang-Mills equation?"

"Why not?" Wang Hao asked suspiciously.

Qiu Chengwen continued to ask in confusion, "Then why are you still doing this research? And you even applied for the project..."

"Can't the two be together?"

Wang Hao asked back, puzzled, "Doing research from two directions together will definitely be more comprehensive. Professor Qiu, thank you for your suggestion. If it wasn't for you, I really wouldn't have thought of it."

Qiu Chengwen's smile froze on his face.

Of course, it is possible to study the two directions together, but how can ordinary scholars have the energy to study complex Yang-Mills equations while doing topology construction research?

Partial differential equations, quantum physics, algebraic geometry, topology...

Putting these contents together, won't the brain explode?

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