From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 335 The Major Flight Test Work Officially Begins!

"Superconducting battery technology is the most advanced technology. You can manufacture ultra-high-performance batteries with a storage capacity of hundreds of thousands of kilowatt-hours..."

"We are working on the design of a new aircraft carrier. I heard about your technology and want to see if it can be applied to the new aircraft carrier."

Li Hongshuo said very bluntly.

The purpose of his coming to the anti-gravity aircraft experimental base is for superconducting battery technology.

This technology is unique in the world and is an ultra-high-end energy storage technology, so it will naturally be included in the design considerations of the new aircraft carrier.

Wang Hao asked suspiciously, "Do you want to use superconducting batteries as an energy supplement for the aircraft carrier?"


Li Hongshuo said, "The new aircraft carrier will mainly adopt nuclear power. This is also our basic goal, but other aspects must also be taken into consideration."

"Before I came, I had already discussed with other people. If there is a high-performance battery of hundreds of thousands of kilowatt-hours, it can be used as a backup energy source for the new aircraft carrier, and it can be used separately for radar and electronic system equipment."

"In this way, the electronic system can be separated and the safety can be further guaranteed."

The so-called supplementary energy and the independent operation of the electronic system are considering the situation of war.

When the aircraft carrier is under attack, having a backup energy source coupled with the independent operation of the electronic system will definitely increase the safety performance of the aircraft carrier ship.

Even if a certain part is hit, it does not affect the overall operation.

However, according to Li Hongshuo, superconducting battery technology is obviously not a necessity, because the new aircraft carrier uses nuclear power as its energy source.

No matter how high-end superconducting battery technology is, it is only a battery that supplies electricity, while nuclear power is a continuous source of energy, and the two are not at the same level at all.

Wang Hao was interested in the issue of using nuclear power for the new aircraft carrier. After listening to Li Hongshuo's talk for a long time, he couldn't help asking, "Do we have the ability to manufacture nuclear-powered aircraft carriers now?"


Li Hongshuo did not expect Wang Hao to ask such a question, and then said, "The use of nuclear power for the new aircraft carrier is the basis. It is not certain yet, but we are definitely going to design a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier."

Wang Hao didn't know how to answer the conversation.

He thought that the country already had the technology of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, but he got such an answer.

Li Hongshuo continued, "It's still early. The new aircraft carrier is only under design, and the planned construction time is five years later. We have been improving nuclear power technology."

Wang Hao nodded knowingly.

Although he didn't pay much attention to the development of aircraft carriers, there would be a lot of reports on each aircraft carrier. He also knew that nuclear power was the main direction. Normally, the next aircraft carrier would definitely be nuclear powered.

This is already a direct task.

If nuclear-powered aircraft carriers cannot be manufactured, the navy will not have long-range navigation and strike capabilities without continuous power support. There are already several conventionally-powered aircraft carriers, and it does not make much sense to manufacture new conventionally-powered aircraft carriers.

From this we can see...

The work pressure of Li Hongshuo and related scientific research units must be very high.

Of course, they are definitely not directly responsible for the nuclear power technology of the aircraft carrier, but without perfect nuclear power technology, there is no way to complete the design of the new aircraft carrier.

This is also an important factor restricting the progress of the work. No wonder Li Hongshuo made a special trip to pay attention to the unimportant superconducting battery technology on the aircraft carrier.

The two were talking, and the topic turned to another part.

Although superconducting battery technology is not a necessity for aircraft carriers, superconducting battery technology can be applied in many fields, and one related field is directly related to the navy.

Electromagnetic gun technology.

"We have always hoped that in the future we will be able to install electromagnetic guns on large ships."

"However, the technology is difficult to implement."

"Although there have been related researches and many experiments, the performance is very unstable." Li Hongshuo talked about the electromagnetic gun technology, but he said a lot, "If superconducting batteries can be used as energy sources, maybe we can solve the problem." The most basic energy problem of the electromagnetic gun."

Wang Hao nodded in thought, and did not make a direct comment. He said modestly, "I am only responsible for research on related technical applications, and you are the experts."

This is the truth.

His job is technology research and development, not technology application. Whether it is superconducting batteries or anti-gravity technology, they are all directly related to superconductivity in essence, so he has researched related technologies and continued to expand in depth.

After the technology is researched, there are many directions to think about the application, and people in specialized fields are needed to do research.


During the process of the two talking, the visiting group also learned about the parameters and performance of the prototype, as well as the high-end technology involved.

The prototype is being assembled, and the theoretical parameters of the design can give people great expectations. Several representatives of the visiting group immediately said, "I will definitely come back when the day of the real test flight."

"This aircraft is so high-end, I can't wait to see it take off!"

"Is it October?"

"According to the plan, we will be able to see it in a month."

Wang Hao also talked about related plans, because the time is still very tight for the aircraft to appear in the military parade, and the installation and commissioning of the aircraft are planned.

During this month, it is the continuous installation and testing, followed by a small test flight experiment, but after the prototype is installed, the basic take-off, slow-moving flight and other tests will be carried out, and the formal test will be carried out after the basic test is completed. test flight.

At that time, there will definitely be many people watching.

That's the big moment.

After talking about the problem of anti-gravity aircraft, some experts and scholars in the aviation field also talked about technical issues, and they mainly talked about superconducting battery technology.

The application space of superconducting battery technology is too large.

Several experts from the aviation group are talking, and they are discussing whether it is possible to create a large drone.

What drones need most is power.

Some small UAVs directly use battery power, while some large UAVs need to install aero engines.

The aero engine will give the drone ample power, but because it has to carry a large amount of fuel, it also limits the battery life of the drone. If there is a superconducting battery support, one can have a sufficient power supply, and the other is still Can have a long battery life.

This is enough to support the manufacture of large drones.

"Superconducting batteries, coupled with superconducting motors, must have enough power, not even worse than aero engines."

"I think based on these two technologies, fighter jets can even be manufactured..."

Another expert thought about it and asked Wang Haodao, "Can you make a smaller anti-gravity aircraft? It doesn't have to be so big, such as ten meters in diameter, and the endurance time can be shorter, but it must ensure flexibility."

"I think such an anti-gravity aircraft is enough to replace a fighter plane..."

Another expert said, "Ordinary fighter jets are useless. The situation we will face in the future also includes the ability to strike in the open sea. The most important thing is to have a carrier-based aircraft with good performance."

"With superconducting battery and motor technology, carrier-based aircraft can definitely be manufactured, but..."

"Ordinary aircraft carriers can't be used?"

After this question was finished, many people looked at Li Hongshuo.

Li Hongshuo said dumbfoundedly, "If electric propulsion carrier-based aircraft are manufactured in the future, then our aircraft carrier technology will have to be adjusted."

"We also don't build ordinary aircraft carriers at all, and directly build an offshore nuclear power generation platform. Isn't that good?"

The others laughed immediately after hearing this.


After the visiting group left, the commissioning of the second prototype continued.

In order to catch up with the plan as soon as possible, Wang Hao also directly participated in the work. His main job is to help come up with solutions and solve some problems encountered in debugging.

One of the big problems is the electronic system.

One of the cores of the anti-gravity aircraft is the electronic system. The electronic system is the control soft core. The cooling system, anti-gravity system, superconducting battery, superconducting motor, and radar system are all directly controlled by the electronic system. If the system fails, it will have a huge impact on the operation of the entire aircraft.

Wang Hao devoted a lot of energy to the improvement of the electronic system, and decided to add two security modules in the middle of the process to ensure a more stable operation of the electronic system.

A month passed quickly.

The anti-gravity aircraft completed the basic debugging a week before the plan, and then continued to conduct inspections to prepare for the test flight a week later.

The test flight work is very important.

The test flight of the second prototype was completely different from the first one.

The anti-gravity aircraft has been exposed, which has aroused widespread international attention. The superiors also attach great importance to it, and always pay attention to the progress of the research and development of the second prototype.

In this context, before the second prototype flight test, many department representatives came to the base, and they all came here for the first time to see the test flight of the aircraft.

The flight test work is not a simple flight, but three resolute tasks.

The first is high-altitude suspension, with a planned suspension height of 45,000 meters.

The second is supersonic flight. The plan is to achieve a breakthrough in the speed of sound at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The third is high-altitude flexible steering.

High-altitude flexible steering is an item set up to avoid incoming missiles. As long as you can turn flexibly in time, you can easily avoid incoming missiles at high altitude.

In front of the experimental base, Wang Hao was standing with the representatives, watching the large disc-shaped flying saucer being slowly transported to the endless open space in the distance.

A lot of people are busy around.

Everyone who came to watch was looking forward to it, and a representative asked, "Academician Wang, are you confident this time?"

"It should be fine normally."

Wang Hao seemed very relaxed, because he had debugged many times, the take-off and landing test, and the near-ground test were all over, and there were no major problems during the process.

It is not too worrying about the official test flight now.

Of course.

There are also some projects that Wang Hao is a little worried about, and the most difficult one is the supersonic flight at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Anti-gravity vehicles are not like ordinary fighter jets. Flying near the ground at high speed has certain risks. Even supersonic flight at an altitude of 10,000 meters also has a little risk.

But no matter what kind of aircraft, as long as it takes off, there must be risks.

Wang Hao looked at the large aircraft that had put a lot of effort into the distance, and said with confidence and expectation, "Don't worry, there will definitely be no problems."

The person in charge nodded seriously and said, "Then let's get started!"

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