From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 489 Nolan's curse, the upcoming nuclear fusion ignition experiment!

Ledley-Parsons is of course very clear that using mathematical logic to refute theoretical physics is meaningless in the academic field.

But his purpose is not to achieve any big results, just to attract attention.

From a top professor at the University of Florida to an ordinary teacher on the verge of dismissal at a community college, Parsons felt that he could no longer be too miserable.

He already has nothing, so what is he afraid of?

Parsons doesn't care what the scholars say at all, what he cares about is the significance of completing the proof itself - refuting Wang Hao's theoretical research.

That's what matters.

The public opinion of American and Ozhou also highly respects Wang Hao, and at the same time, they also hope to see if Wang Hao has any wrong research, or has any other stains.

This is like a very powerful person coming out of a foreign country. While the domestic public opinion is admiring, some people hope that this very powerful person will "go to the street".

After all, that's not 'one of my own'.

So Ledley-Parsons cares about the opinions of ordinary people, that is, those non-academic groups. Of course, they will not seriously read the content of Parsons' papers, and they only need to understand things based on a few words.

The information they learned was, "Parsons has completed a study that negates Wang Hao's results, and the content is well-founded and logical, without any problems."

The problem found by those scholars is only, "mathematics cannot be used to negate theoretical physics".

math? Theoretical physics?

Whatever it is!

In short, Parsons is amazing, he used mathematics to negate Wang Hao's research.

Many people who saw the news thought so, and naturally there were a lot of supportive voices, and the voices of those scholars were quickly drowned out, "There is no mistake in the research, and that is the most important thing."

"Parsons did use mathematics to negate Wang Hao's achievements. This matter itself exists. You can't negate his research just because of jealousy..."

"Parsons is a great scholar. He was a professor at the University of Florida and has published many research papers internationally!"

"These people must be jealous..."


Seeing a lot of supportive voices on social networking sites, Parsons couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that posting a link would have such a good effect.

Of course, the voice of disdain is indispensable.

Parsons immediately saw an article that said, "A meaningless study that draws a meaningless conclusion."

The number of likes for this message is not bad.

Parsons knew that it was impossible for everyone to support him, but he was still very angry when he read the text. He immediately replied, "What is a meaningless conclusion? My research has denied the existence of β and β-elements!"

The other party also quickly replied, "This conclusion does not make any sense."

Parsons hesitated and typed, "It doesn't make sense? Can you provide evidence?"

The other party replied, "As far as I know, β and β-elements are likely to exist."

Parsons smiled immediately, "Very likely? In other words, there is also 'impossible'. I don't know what you are talking about. What is the difference between this and saying nothing?"

The other party seemed a little angry, and immediately said, "I mean, β and β-elements exist."

Parsons replied, "You should be a comedian, right? If you say that there is, it exists? You are the biggest in the world, and you are what you say? Don't talk about it. If you think β and β-elements exist, please take Show direct evidence!"

"Just like first-order iron, only the material itself is convincing!"

This time the other party did not speak.

Parsons waited for a long time, but did not wait for the other party's reply, and suddenly showed a smug smile. He then searched the chat history and clicked on the other party's homepage curiously.


He found that he seemed to have pissed off someone he couldn't afford to mess with.

"Frost Thor?"

Parsons slapped his forehead hard, and suddenly became a little scared, "I thought it was just a duplicate name, but I didn't expect it to be him. This guy won't speak ill of me in front of the decision-maker, will he?"


Frost Thor is a staff officer in the White House. His daily job is to process intelligence information and provide confidence and advice to the No. 1 decision maker.

Now he is gnashing his teeth and staring at the computer screen, which shows line after line of content, "You should be a comedian, right? If you say that you exist, you exist?"

"The world is big and you are the biggest?"

"Stop talking!"

"If you think β and β-elements exist, please show direct evidence!"

Thor thought he had a good temper, but he didn't expect to meet such an unreasonable guy, "Ledley? String theory traitor? Academic scum!"

"Why am I angry with a scum!"

He consoled himself.

At this time, an internal group message popped up on the computer, and several members of the staff group were discussing military-military intelligence information.

Last month, the Loren radar ship and the aircraft carrier formation did not detect any missile signals around the military restricted area designated by the florists, and it is still a heavy topic.

In the process of processing various intelligence information, they will also conduct a series of discussions on the reasons.

Now there are two views.

One is the radar ship sent by the flower growers. What kind of signal jamming technology was used to block the missile signal by using close-range radar warfare.

The second is that the missile itself uses high-end technology.

For example, materials.

Senior official Luther Strange is talking about this problem, "Maybe they have special materials that we don't know about, and they have the ability to block radar signals."

"It's possible."

"Our intelligence system shows that they have not released all the results of advanced elements, and some have participated in the research and development of material technology, which is likely to be the so-called β and β-element materials."

Frost-Toll posted a screenshot showing Parsons' speech against him, "Look at this! The backwardness of technology really makes people speechless. He asked me to show material evidence..."

Many people in the group laughed, "Ledley Parsons? I know this guy, he was beaten up by a group of string theory scholars!"

"He's really aggressive, Frost, poor you!"

"We also hope to have β and β-element materials. What a pity, we also know these two code names in the public results..."

Decision maker No. 1 suddenly sent a sentence, "Why didn't we find these elemental materials?"

The group was suddenly quiet.

Strange replied, "Mr. Decision Maker, whether it is any kind of upgraded element or upgraded magnetized material, it is directly related to the strength of the annihilation force field."

"So, you can only ask Ronald Nolan this question."

Decision maker No. 1 immediately said, "I have already decided to fire him."

"For what reason?"

"Do you still need a reason?"


"The screenshots posted by Frost are good. We don't have any materials, so we should blame Ronald Nolan for his poor research, right?"

After decision maker No. 1 made a decision, he began to compile public information on social networks. The screenshot is the one posted by Frost Thor, and the accompanying text reads, "We can't produce material evidence. Therefore, Ronald - Nolan, you can pack up and leave."

The information released by decision maker No. 1 has received a lot of attention in a short period of time.

Good Media also forwarded the report, "Ronald Nolan has been fired, and the head of the Groom Lake project team is about to be replaced!"

"Members of the staff group encountered Internet trolls, and the No. 1 decision-maker stood up for his subordinates, and decisively fired Ronald Nolan!"

"Ronald Nolan, turned out to be a fish in the pond..."

"The reason for Ronald Nolan's dismissal was found, and Ledley Parsons became the ultimate killer..."

A lot of reports, a lot of information.

Many netizens left messages for Ledley Parsons, marveling at how he sprayed Frost Toll with a few words, which would lead to the resignation of the head of the Groom Lake project team.

Ledley Parsons wasn't happy at all.

He had only the word 'fear' written all over his body, and he was thinking about a terrible question, "The person who discussed the issue with me, wouldn't it be Mr. Decision Maker? Maybe he just borrowed Frost's account?"

"I actually scolded the decision-maker?"

"He fired Nolan as soon as he got angry... Then, will he send someone to arrest me?" Parsons became afraid the more he thought about it. He crouched behind the door and looked outside, fearing that the police would suddenly appear.

Later, he simply walked out wrapped in a quilt. He walked to the side of the street and squeezed together with a few homeless people.

The bread in my hand was snatched away.

Parsons looked left and right, smiled at the guy who grabbed his bread, but felt very at ease, in this environment...

The police couldn't find me either!

It's safe now!


Ronald Nolan is not a direct employee of the government, but the Groom Lake Project is a project sponsored by the government for scientific research, and the No. 1 decision maker naturally has the right to change the person in charge.

A single order was enough to make Ronald Nolan leave.

This is somewhat unacceptable to Ronald Nolan. He is psychologically prepared for his departure, but it is definitely not in the way of being "fired" by the decision maker.

What's the difference between that and the previous Gamow-Shapley!

Gamow-Shapley is considered to be "the loser who led the project to the wrong path", while Ronald Nolan successfully led the project team to create a strong annihilation force field, including magnetized iron materials, extracted First-order iron, and so on.

Of course.

Among them, the technology exchanged from the flower grower is used, but the production of the leading research project from scratch, there is hard work without credit, right?

Ronald Nolan left anyway.

But unlike Gamow-Shapley who left silently, before leaving, he called the project team to hold a meeting in the name of handing over the work.

At the meeting, Ronald Nolan said bluntly, "Everyone knows that I was fired. They said it was because of Ledley Parsons. Of course, everyone knows what the reason is."

"The gap between our technology and Wang Hao's team is too great. They even created an annihilation force field with a magnification of more than 17, and we don't even have a concept about it."

"They have α, β, β minus, many new types of elements and materials, and the ultra-high annihilation force field will definitely allow them to make many new scientific discoveries."

"We have none, nothing."

"We don't know how to take the next step, and most importantly, we don't know how to catch up in a short time..."

"But that's impossible!"

"I can't do it, and neither can anyone else!"

"The White House and the military always hope that someone can stand up and lead the project team to develop technology close to Wang Hao's team, or even surpass their technology at once..."

"But, who can do it? So I'm sure that anyone in charge of the project in the future will only end up facing the same result as me..."

"Fired! Can only be fired!"

"Maybe the next one is Empoli Kubo, or someone else, but remember what I said, you can only be fired in the end, unless, you think you are better than Wang Hao..."

Ronald Nolan left after speaking.

However, every sentence he said was recorded by the video camera of the meeting. Those who heard the content thought it very reasonable after careful reflection.

Whoever will be the project leader dare not say that he can lead the team to develop technology that surpasses Wang Hao's team!

So no matter who is in charge of the project, the end result is to be fired.

Ronald Nolan did get fired, but his words stuck in the minds of many like a 'curse to the position'.


Nuclear fusion engineering construction base.

The construction of the central reaction device lasted for a long time, and the construction of the internal facilities has basically been completed. The next step is to improve the external production facilities, strengthen safety devices, and build temporary auxiliary heat removal, refrigeration and other equipment and devices.

These auxiliary equipment are temporarily built, and the purpose is only to cooperate with the nuclear fusion reaction inside the central device.

After the central reaction device is built, the first step is to ignite the nuclear fusion in the center and try to maintain the reaction in a controlled environment.

Only when it is confirmed that the central device can carry out controllable nuclear fusion reaction will it go to the next step to build a large-scale power generation facility for heat-to-electricity and build a real nuclear fusion power station.

Otherwise, nothing makes sense.

The nuclear fusion reaction test of the central facility is undoubtedly the most important.

Wang Hao specially asked Liu Yunli from the F-ray experiment group to lead the team, who is responsible for the small-scale F-ray generating equipment for precise ignition.

In addition, he asked Xiang Qian to come to the project team to be responsible for monitoring the internal DC anti-gravity and strong annihilation force thin layer.

Before nuclear fusion ignition, a series of situations need to be paid attention to.

Including internal field force, material problems, spiral magnetic field distribution, etc., each item is directly related to the control of nuclear fusion, and the ignition is also completed step by step.

Before preparing for the nuclear fusion ignition experiment of the central facility, everyone in the base became serious.

Nuclear fusion ignition is related to the success of the project.

If the ignition can be successfully completed and the nuclear fusion reaction can be controlled, the project will naturally be smooth sailing, and subsequent problems will be minor problems.

on the contrary.

Everyone is feeling the pressure.

Tang Jianjun also felt very nervous, but instead he comforted Wang Hao, "Academician Wang, don't be nervous, this is a nuclear fusion reaction, and the first ignition failure is normal."

"Ignition and then control are just two steps, but they are also the most critical. I don't think we can set our goals too high."

"If it can be successfully ignited within a year, it is already acceptable."

"As for control..."

"Three years? This time is enough. If we can do it, we can complete this project in five or six years!"

He spoke with anticipation.

Wang Hao pursed his lips, but he had to admit that Tang Jianjun's "comfort" was very effective.

This is nuclear fusion control!

Even in the experimental base, most people didn't expect to succeed once, and they even thought that it would be great to succeed in a few years.

What else is there to be nervous about?

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