From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 583 Directionality of Universe Space? Paul: Could it be wormhole technology?

Gravity, what is it?

Basic annihilation theory believes that gravity is the product of the combination of annihilation force field and space action.

Microscopically, the effect of gravity is minimal. What comes into play is the annihilation force field. The annihilation force field has no direction and no distinction between up and down. It is like the pressure of water, squeezing toward the mass point from all directions.

"The Theory of Relativity" believes that massive objects will cause ripples in space, thereby forming gravity and gravitational waves.

The gravitational field created by experiments now has no correlation with the annihilation force field, and the annihilation force field cannot have a direction. Otherwise, the microstructure of the mass point will be destroyed, and very large changes will occur at the particle level. Therefore, However, the fact that instantaneous disintegration did not occur means that the generation of the gravitational field is only an effect at the spatial level.

Space is difficult to understand.

According to existing scientific theories, there is no answer to what space is made of.

But what if it’s a directional spatial expansion?

Edward Witten believes that there is space only if there are particles, so certain special particles or energy forms can naturally create new spaces.

Wang Hao asked others with thought, "If we create a space similar to the expansion of the universe, will it be able to produce a directional effect in space like what is discovered in current experiments?"

A group of people frowned and thought.

Helen was the first to speak, "Teacher Wang, do you mean to say that a new space has been created?"

"That's understandable." Wang Hao nodded.

Chen Mengmeng said, "The new space is generated in a direction, so a gravitational field will be generated..."

"That does explain it."

Everyone else nodded.

Wang Hao had received the correct feedback, and he already had the accurate answer in his heart, and he suddenly became very excited and excited.

The discovery helped open a gap in the theory.

Although I still don’t know what space is specifically, I already know the principle of the formation of gravitational field, which means that a new space is created, and the direction of the new space is the direction of the gravitational field.

He continued to ask thoughtfully, "If our idea is right and we create a new space, how will it be reflected? For example, how to verify and measure it?"


Helen got the answer instantly and said seriously, "There is a microwave radiation background in the universe. If the universe is constantly expanding, the expansion speed must be related to the radiation waves."

"That may be an upgraded radiation wave that exceeds the speed of light, but the specific kind of radiation is not clear."

Chen Mengmeng said, "It's difficult to study. It's an unknown radiation, and its intensity must be very weak. It's not easy to measure."

Wang Hao also nodded thinkingly.

Chen Mengmeng is talking about the issue of radiation measurement. Existing technology can measure very weak radiation. Even very gentle blackbody radiation can clearly give measured values.

But the problem is that radiation is everywhere, and there will definitely be interference during the measurement process.

If the target data is very weak, even if it can be measured, it cannot be analyzed from the data at all.

This is like searching for the Higgs particle. When the intensity of particle collision was not enough, the data displayed was very weak, even so weak that it was smaller than the allowable error range. Naturally, it was impossible to judge from the data.

A group of people were lost in thought.

Ding Zhiqiang suddenly said, "I think it can be judged through comparison."


Wang Hao looked at Ding Zhiqiang and said expectantly, "Xiao Ding, please tell me carefully."

Ding Zhiqiang nodded and said, "The "Cosmic Inflation Theory" believes that annihilation force will cause the universe to expand. It can also be understood that strong annihilation energy will create new space."

"Since it is believed that the generation of a gravitational field also creates a new space, we can collect radiation data around the conventional environment, the strong annihilation field, and the gravitational field, and compare the three types of data."

"If our idea is correct, there must be some differences between the radiation data around the strong annihilation field and the gravitational field compared with the conventional data. Once there is enough data, we can analyze it."

The others' eyes widened immediately after hearing this.


The strong annihilation force leads to the expansion of the universe, which naturally creates new space. Two experiments to create new space can collect surrounding radiation data and compare it with conventional data.

If it is just a set of experimental data, the deviation within the error range cannot explain anything at all.

The two groups are different.

Once a large amount of data has a commonality, it is likely to be associated with the creation of a new space.

Wang Hao couldn't help but be filled with admiration. He was now more and more aware of Ding Zhiqiang's excellence. Ding Zhiqiang was usually silent, but occasionally put forward ideas and suggestions and could always get to the key points.

This is true genius!

Helen and Chen Mengmeng also lamented a lot. They thought they were both geniuses, especially Helen. She always felt that her IQ was much higher than ordinary people, but in many cases, IQ didn't mean anything.

Do research, do new research, ideas are more important.

Without a correct idea, no matter how high your IQ is, it is just a calculation machine. At most, it can only combine what you understand, but it is difficult to make new developments in research.


The two of them could only sigh.

Huang Xing's mood was even more complicated. He went to an academic conference and listened to a lot of academic content. When he came back, he talked about the theory of universe expansion, and Wang Hao was directly connected to the theory.

After Wang Hao finished speaking, his three students quickly analyzed and immediately found the next experimental method.

Everything seems to have been resolved.

Research seems to have nothing to do with him. His sense of existence is so low that I can only sigh in two words——


After having a clear experimental direction, Wang Hao immediately applied to call Shen Huiming's team to do radiation detection work in three environments.

Shen Huiming's team belongs to the annihilation force field experimental group, but first-order electromagnetic wave technology is very important, and the science and technology department and the military are very concerned about it. Shen Huiming is currently still at the light pressure engine research base.

Now Shen Huiming's job is also very important. He needs to provide first-order radar technology for the engine unit. First-order radar has great advantages over conventional radar. First-order radar will not be affected by electromagnetic interference, so that the ground control of the engine will not be affected. , the safety of the light pressure engine can be ensured to a greater extent.

In the next step, the light pressure engine will be raised to high altitude for testing.

When ascending to high altitude, manual control on the ground is required. Only by using first-order radar technology can the test be more certain.

In addition, the first-order radar technology will definitely be used on the space carrier.

Now the design work of the aerospace carrier has begun. After the appearance plan is determined, the design content will be added one by one. The first-order radar technology is also very critical, which makes Shen Huiming's team even more important.

Of course, the current main work of Shen Huiming’s team is to install a first-order radar on the light pressure engine.

If Wang Hao wants to call Shen Huiming's team, he must first apply to the science and technology department and the military department.

After the approval of the two departments, the installation of the first-order radar of the light pressure engine will also need to be considered, so that Shen Huiming's team can come over for experiments if there is time.

After submitting the application, the science and technology department may have received the news soon, and the application was sent to Teacher Xu’s office as soon as possible.

Teacher Xu glanced at the application content with curiosity, and immediately his face showed doubts, "Spatial orientation research? What does it mean?"

He read it carefully several times, but could not understand the meaning at all. Later, he simply shook his head and asked Deng Huaizhen, "Academician Deng, take a look at this application."

The report was sent to Deng Huaizhen's computer.

Teacher Xu walked over, stood behind Deng Huaizhen, and said, "Spatial orientation research, the title is a bit...I don't understand it anyway, Academician Deng, do you understand?"

Deng Huaizhen nodded, "I know."

Teacher Xu suddenly opened his mouth in surprise. Deng Huaizhen's answer was completely unexpected, "You know? Then tell me, what is spatial orientation research?"

"It has something to do with gravitational field technology." Deng Huaizhen said with certainty.

Teacher Xu asked curiously, "Academician Deng, do you really know this? Has this technology existed before? Or has any research group applied for a project?"

"That's not true."

As he spoke, Deng Huaizhen turned his head, pointed at a line of words on the document, and said, "I don't understand it just by looking at the main title, but it also has a subtitle."

Teacher Xu looked at the finger, his face suddenly darkened, and he saw a line of words written on it——

A technology suspected of creating a gravitational field.

Deng Huaizhen pursed his lips and smiled. He suddenly realized that something was wrong, turned his head and looked at Teacher Xu.

The two looked at the subtitle together and shouted almost simultaneously, "Gravity field technology!"

"real or fake?"

"Academician Wang wants to study gravitational fields? Why do I feel like I'm entering metaphysics? Is this definitely technology?"


"The main title of this gravitational field technology is spatial orientation...but I can't connect the spatial orientation with the gravitational field."

"I want to take a closer look at the content!"

Deng Huaizhen immediately began to study the document, which explained the experimental findings.

There is no annihilation field.

A special area was created to allow gravity to rise...

There are a lot of introductions below, which are basically theoretical briefs and derivation, and also involve some mathematical explanations.

Deng Huaizhen was so confused that he thought about it and simply said, "Mr. Xu, just give it the approval. Academician Wang is making this report just to mobilize Shen Huiming's team to go back and participate in the research..."

"As for what the content is, whether it's true or not... doesn't seem to matter."

"All right!"

Teacher Xu let out a long sigh.

His expression was a little complicated, and he felt that Wang Hao's research was always unexpected. He could understand it a little before, but now he can't understand it at all.

Deng Huaizhen also felt very complicated.

Now that he heard Wang Hao's application, he was a little scared. As a consultant to the science and technology department, he thought he knew a little bit about all aspects, but whenever Wang Hao's research was involved, he didn't understand anything.

Just like this application document, the experimental content was somewhat understandable, but the content involving the theoretical framework was so complicated that he felt like giving up.

At the same time, it also made him feel as if he didn't understand anything...

The reaction of the military department was similar to that of the science and technology department. Knowing that Wang Hao just wanted to call Shen Huiming's team, they gave it a go.

The light pressure engine project base is much simpler.

Shen Huiming's team is only responsible for installing the first-order radar and providing certain data to the design team for reference.

After learning that Wang Hao was going to do new research and needed the cooperation of his own team, Shen Huiming stayed with a group of people at the experimental base, while he took the other groups back to Xihai.

This time the radiation measurement work is divided into three parts, one part is around the strong annihilation field area, and the other part is around the gravitational field.

The last step is routine testing.

Relatively speaking, conventional detection is the most complicated, because they have to consider the electromagnetic waves generated by current and balance the thermal radiation environment, so that the comparison of the resulting data sets is of research value.

Therefore, routine testing needs to be done many times, and the workload is also very large.

After Wang Hao met Shen Huiming, he began to hand over the work. Because the inspection workload was very huge, he made a special application and transferred more than 20 people from the Radar Research Institute to add manpower to Shen Huiming's team.

After that, he considered putting the experiment into the annihilation field experimental group, but later gave up after communicating with others.

The current research is on gravitational field technology, and many of the people involved do not know the annihilation force experimental group.

For example, the core Qian Hongyu didn’t even know.

These people are not qualified to go to the Annihilation Field Experiment Base. Of course, some people can be recruited to go there. However, considering that the gravitational field is a brand-new research and requires the cooperation of the Superconducting Materials Research Center and nearby military factories, he decided The experiment was divided into two parts. The part related to gravitational field radiation was placed directly in the antigravity center.

The subsequent experimental work will be left to Shen Huiming, and they only need to wait for the experimental data.

Light pressure engine experimental group.

There are still some impressions that Shen Huiming's team was transferred. For example, some core personnel knew that Wang Hao was doing a new research.

Cao Dongming talked about this matter with Paul Phil-Jones, "Paul, did you know? Shen Huiming was transferred to Xihai. It seems that he is doing a new research with Academician Wang."

"Why? We still need his team..."

"Not everyone left, but one group stayed behind."

Cao Dongming said, "A group of people is enough, and Academician Wang's research is more important."

"What research did you do?" Paul Phil-Jones asked curiously.

Cao Dongming shook his head, "I don't know about this. It is probably a brand new technology, maybe related to the first-order wave? After all, Shen Huiming..."


Paul Phil-Jones didn't show much concern. In fact, he cared very much. When Wang Hao left, he said that he had made a major experimental discovery.

Now that Shen Huiming has also returned, the situation feels even more unusual.

So, what kind of research could it be?

The more Paul Phil-Jones thought about it, the more curious he became, so he decided to ask other people indirectly.

Then he sent an email to Helen, Huang Xing and Ding Zhiqiang, writing, "What research are you doing? Of course, I will not ask directly about the content."

"You don't need to tell me the content directly. I'm just curious. You can just give a rough idea. For example, what does it have to do with?"

“What are the keywords?”


When Helen, Huang Xing and Ding Zhiqiang saw the content of the email, their first reaction was that they were a little confused. Didn't they ask about the content?

What are the keywords?

Isn't this kind of cover-up behavior too obvious?

However, thinking that Paul Phil Jones's character was quite normal, they simply followed what Paul Phil Jones said and just sent out a related word.

Helen posted, "Directivity."

What Huang Zhenfa said was, "Universe."

What Ding Zhiqiang said was, "Space."

Paul Phil-Jones was struck by three keywords and couldn't help but admire his own wisdom. When he combined the three words together, he was immediately confused, "Universe? Space? Directionality?"

"Could it be..."

"Wang Hao is studying wormhole technology?"

"my God--"


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