From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 606 A satellite passes through the gravitational field! Zhu Qiming: Thanks to them, the test

Spacecraft Industries did not give any notice for the new flight test, and no media reporters came to interview or conduct live broadcasts on the ground during the test.

However, flight testing still receives a lot of attention.

The light pressure engine is too big, and the engine research base is also public. Many international satellites will monitor the base 24 hours a day. As long as the light pressure engine takes off, it will attract attention.

Hexagonal Building is one of the institutions that attaches most importance to the situation of the light pressure engine research base.

The day before, through intelligence analysis, they already knew that the light pressure engine would be tested, but they did not know the specific time of the test.

Staff members have been watching satellite images and are ready to report on the situation at any time.

When the light pressure engine was preparing to take off, the thermal satellite had detected abnormally high temperature data.

Several officials with decision-making power and hired technical consultants came to the data room and sat in front of a large screen showing satellite images.

The large screen display is divided into nine small screens.

Seven of them are from satellite perspectives, including images from thermal satellites, and two are ultra-long-distance ground radar detection images.

The performance of the satellite's own radar is very low, while the ultra-long-distance large radar on the ground can conduct all-round detection of space.

This is the famous global space detection system.

Any large rocket launched by any country will be detected by the system as soon as it takes off, and its position can be accurately locked.

In the detection of light pressure engines, the space detection system plays the greatest role, and the images captured by satellites only serve as auxiliary observations.

After the light pressure engine took off, several officials looked at the screen images carefully, and some professionals reported the data.

"Height 12,000 meters, acceleration 30."

When this data report came out, it immediately aroused discussions among officials and technology consultants, "The acceleration is very high!"

"The acceleration of 30% is almost as fast as a conventional rocket."

"This data shows that the performance of the light pressure engine is higher than we expected..."

"And the acceleration continues to increase."

High acceleration means high thrust.

The light pressure engine is so huge that it can accelerate more than 30 meters per second, which can be described as incredible.

The Hexagon's investigation methods are indeed extraordinary.

The space detection system can calculate the acceleration of the light pressure engine in a timely and accurate manner, and the thermal satellites in space can detect the temperature under the light pressure engine.

Through the two data of acceleration and temperature, we can learn a lot of information, and even estimate the concentration of light energy at the engine nozzle, and roughly estimate the maximum thrust to release the light pressure.

One step closer, the weight of the light pressure engine can be calculated.

This is of course not accurate data. The light pressure engine has not released its maximum performance. At the same time, it can only be roughly estimated, but the magnitude of the estimated data is amazing enough.

Technology consultant Matt Laches came to a conclusion with surprise, "Based on the estimated values, we can make a very accurate judgment——"

"The power generation system inside the engine has nothing to do with the intensity of light energy produced by annihilation particle technology!"

This conclusion made others frown.

Matt Laches continued, "In other words, the annihilation particle system may not be involved in generating electricity..."

Laches did not make his words very clear, but others also understood what he meant. They had always been interested in the source of power for the light pressure engine, but they did not have any relevant intelligence information about it, as if the power was created out of thin air. of.

Now Laches' statement made them even more confused.

Although the source of electricity for the light pressure engine is not known, the initial judgment was that electricity is directly related to the annihilation particle system. After all, only high enough heat or light energy can be converted into high enough electricity.

Others also thought along the way, "So, they are definitely not using light-to-electricity technology, at least, not conventional light-to-electricity technology."

"If it is to convert heat into electricity, a very large generator is necessary, but the power generation system cannot be seen at all from the outside."

"Where does electrical energy come from?"

"Is there really a brand new power generation technology?"

The light energy magnetization power generation system of the light pressure engine is located on the inner edge of the concave reflector, close to the side where the annihilation particles release light energy, and is naturally invisible from the outside.

The light energy magnetization power generation system only occupies a small volume and will not affect the normal operation of the concave reflector at all.

Hexagon was right.

Light energy magnetization power generation is indeed a brand new power generation technology, but they do not have any relevant information and cannot make an analysis at all.

Under the space monitoring system, it was found that the acceleration of the light pressure engine reached 36 meters per second.

"The highest number reached 36, which was not beyond expectations, but it was also very amazing."

"It's really high."

"It's no worse than a conventional manned rocket!"

What surprised them was not the acceleration value, but that the light pressure engine could achieve such high acceleration.

The acceleration of a general manned rocket is between 4 and 5 G, that is, 40 meters per second to 50 meters per second.

This is also a value that astronauts can withstand.

The acceleration of the light pressure engine is only 3.6 G, which is really not surprising in terms of numerical value. However, the light pressure engine is different from the rocket. The rocket uses fossil fuel. After the fuel is burned, the booster part will automatically disengage.

The light pressure engine uses light pressure thrust, so there will be no separation of the power assist system. Coupled with the amazing size, the thrust required to produce is also very amazing, which gives people a very shocking feeling.

When the flight altitude reached 20 kilometers, a white light appeared on the satellite monitoring screen.

From the perspective of a satellite, the white light is very weak and can even be completely ignored, or it can be regarded as the influence of sunlight.

At the same time, a small red dot appeared in the thermal satellite image. Because the red dot was too small, it would not be noticed.

But the light pressure engine has already completed a test-the laser weapon test.

When flying to an altitude of 20 kilometers, the laser weapon is planned to be tested. At an altitude of about 20 kilometers, a hot air balloon with a sensing device will be arranged to serve as a target for the laser weapon and gravity shield.

The light pressure engine fired a laser that accurately hit one of the target balloons.

This is also a test of the coordination of radar, electronic systems and laser weapons.

Although it only fires a laser weapon, it requires the coordination of various parts of the system to successfully hit the target.

First, the radar system is required for detection and locking, and the electronic system continuously analyzes and controls the laser aiming.

Then, release the laser to hit the target!


"Well done!"

"Mission successfully completed!"

There were excited shouts in the control room.

The main control cabin of the light pressure engine was quiet.

The two testers were still in a high-acceleration state. In this state, they controlled the radar to lock on the target and pressed the button to release the laser weapon. It was also quite remarkable.

After successfully hitting the target, they were also very happy, but the excitement in their hearts was quickly filled with depression.

Zhang Jian's voice kept coming from the intercom, "Did you hit it?"

"It must have been a hit. I heard the voice from the main control room. It's amazing. It's a pity that you don't have the energy to be happy, right?"

"I really envy you. Unlike me, I can only eat snacks and watch movies here. Work is really decadent!"



Zhang Jian simply ignored the angry scolding and continued to chatter calmly. He would not miss the opportunity to attack the opponent.

He has already thought about it.

After the engine starts to slow down, turn off the intercom directly so that the other party at least has no chance to retaliate on the engine.

After all, they were one against two, so they were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers.

The light pressure engine is still flying rapidly.

When the altitude exceeds 30 kilometers, the engine begins to gradually reduce power, and the acceleration soon drops to 0.

Then, it enters the deceleration state.

The deceleration of the light pressure engine relies on the gravity of the earth. The maximum is only ten meters per second and continues until an altitude of 78 kilometers. After that, the light pressure nozzle will be reopened and the engine will slowly enter a suspended state.

After entering the deceleration state, the officials at the Hexagon breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that we are not preparing to enter space."

"At this speed, the maximum will not exceed 85 kilometers, but it is still very close to space."


Many people took a long breath.

They are indeed worried that the light pressure engine will directly enter space, which means that the test progress has made leaps and bounds.

Now that I haven’t gone into space, I can still accept it a little bit.

"It seems to be worse. I guess I'm not prepared."

"Flower growers have always been very prudent in their actions. They probably did it only when they were absolutely sure."

"Based on the performance of the light pressure engine, they can levitate for a long time at an altitude of 80 kilometers, right? Can we defeat them at this altitude?"

"There should be no problem. Medium-range missiles can threaten it, but it is not easy to lock on. After the missile enters an altitude of 50 kilometers, it needs to automatically correct its route. It can only be navigated through satellites, but satellite navigation is not accurate at high altitudes. "

"The good news is, it's very big, and it still has a chance of hitting, provided of course it doesn't dodge."

"If you use a saturation attack, for example, firing 100 missiles at one go, such a big guy can still be shot down."

"But it has laser weapons."

"We don't know the specific performance of the weapon. We hope it's a little bit worse..."

While they were talking, a satellite image on the big screen suddenly shifted, which immediately attracted attention.

"TSA-395? That satellite at an altitude of 120 kilometers?"


"TSA-395 is very fast and can only detect for a short period of time, but it is still within the detection range and has drifted..."

"Is it a malfunction?"

"Contact Satellite Center!"

Soon the satellite center received a reply, "TSA-395's speed has slightly decreased, and its direction has also slightly deflected. I don't know what the specific situation is. It may be a malfunction..."

"It's only about a second, maybe it's the air blocking?"

"Of course, there is no air for 120 kilometers, but we can only think of this. The situation just now was very strange. The satellite self-check did not report any abnormalities."

"Now it is impossible to return to the original orbit. If we continue to circle the earth for about twenty times, we will fall. The crash site will be on the south side of the Pacific Ocean. The coordinates..."

The officials in the data room listened carefully, and in the end they all shook their heads indifferently.

The satellite self-check did not report any abnormalities. The slight decrease in speed and slight deflection of the orbit may be due to some obstacles?

Maybe a gust of wind blew the air below into space?

After all, the altitude is only 120 kilometers.

Although none of them cared about it, in fact, the satellite center felt that it was very abnormal. Similar problems had never occurred before.

Now that it has appeared, but no reason can be found, it makes people very curious.

People in the Hexagonal Building and the Satellite Center certainly didn't expect that the gravitational shield of the light pressure engine would directly affect the operation of low-orbit satellites.

The testers in the main engine control room were aware of the situation.

When the engine enters the deceleration state, the testers in the main control cabin feel much more comfortable. With the deceleration due to the gravity of the earth, it is like being in a state of weightlessness, but it is always much better than high acceleration.

They can sit easily and view radar screens and other data.

The direction in which the gravity shield opens is directly in front of the light pressure engine. When the light pressure engine flies upward, the direction directly in front is naturally directly above.

The performance of the first-order radar is very high and can theoretically detect a range of 10,000 kilometers. However, because the range of 10,000 kilometers is too large, it is enough to only display a range of 1,000 kilometers during the test.

The circle above covers a range of 1,000 kilometers, and can monitor dozens of satellites, including the International Space Station passing above.

All satellites and space stations are displayed on the radar screen.

During the test of the light pressure engine, the gravitational shield will always be on, because conventionally, there will be no satellites at an altitude of two hundred kilometers, and it will not have any impact on conventional satellites.

However, the radar detected the fast passing ultra-low orbit satellite, or it can be directly called a military spy satellite.

The gravity shield covers a radius of up to 4 kilometers and will definitely have an impact on passing satellites.

The two testers watched the special satellite pass through the gravitational shield area. The data reported after radar detection showed that the speed of the special satellite was reduced by about 20 meters per second.

"It must be a military satellite. It is probably specially used to detect us. They didn't expect that we have such high-end technology as gravity shield."

"This satellite is scrapped, its speed has dropped by 20 meters, and its orbit has also deflected slightly. It will crash soon."

"It will definitely crash, probably tomorrow."

"It's so lucky!"

As the two talked, they also connected to the ground control room and reported, "A satellite passed through at an altitude of 120 kilometers."

"It happened to pass through the gravitational shield area."

"The satellite's orbit has deflected, and its speed has decreased by about 20 meters..." The news they reported in a calm tone was very shocking.

The control room was completely silent.

Zhu Qiming said to Wang Hao in surprise, "It seems that our gravity shield test has been successful."

"It should be Amrican's satellite, right?"

"Thank them..."

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