From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 622: Improve the defense system: ensure that the homeland will not be attacked!

The space test of the light pressure engine is over.

In the following week, the light pressure engine was undergoing comprehensive testing. The testing work will continue for half a month. The data obtained during the test has also been analyzed in detail, and a lot of progress has been made.

At this point, the main work is over.

There is still a lot of work to be done in the follow-up, but it is only for the detection and maintenance of the light pressure engine.

The project base held the first major meeting after the space test.

This meeting is a direction decision-making meeting. It is necessary to control the main research and development direction in the future. There are many people participating in the meeting.

Including researchers at the level of project base R\u0026D team leader or above.

Including senior leaders of the spacecraft company.

Including representatives from various partner companies.


High-end decision-makers also sent representatives to participate in the meeting. The representative sent by the space agency was Chen Jiahe, which showed that they attached great importance to the meeting.

Another purpose of Chen Jiahe's personal visit was to confirm cooperation with the spacecraft company. He also brought a technical team to complete the docking work in terms of take-off and landing, electronic systems, etc.

Before the meeting started, Wang Hao had a special chat with Chen Jiahe, paying attention to the progress of the space agency's anti-gravity spacecraft project and asking about problems encountered in the research.

In addition, Wang Hao also set a serious time limit, "In half a year, we must see the completed spacecraft. It is also acceptable for preliminary testing."

"If you can build a completed spacecraft within half a year, we can send a technical team to participate in the subsequent testing work."

"No matter how long it takes, I can't wait any longer."

Chen Jiahe felt a little embarrassed, but he had no way to refute because their speed was indeed too slow.

Wang Hao sighed, "Director Chen, it's not that we don't want to give more time. You also know our progress. The space test has ended, and the follow-up is to improve the engine."

"At that time, it can be called an aerospace carrier. We are already collecting codenames for the aerospace carrier."

"If there is no anti-gravity spacecraft, it will affect many of our subsequent plans."

Chen Jiahe could only nod awkwardly. He felt that the pressure was very high. If they could not complete the task, they would most likely be abandoned by the project.

Of course, the space agency as a whole will not be affected much.

The space agency is the most important partner of the space carrier, much more important than other cooperative enterprises and institutions, and they have also sent the largest number of technical teams.

In addition, they also own the ownership of the space carrier. Under the background of development driven by the space carrier research and development project, the space agency will only gain more benefits.

For example, you can have more positions, technical positions, and even direct skills and experience.

If it were a conventional enterprise, it would be an expansionary development.

But it's different for him personally.

Chen Jiahe's most important job when he took office was to lead the anti-gravity spacecraft project. It was precisely because of the anti-gravity spacecraft project that he was able to achieve his current status.

If the anti-gravity spacecraft project makes no profit, he will become the one who takes the blame.

Of course, it can't be called taking the blame. He is the person directly responsible and has the greatest responsibility.

Then it will be difficult for individuals to improve in the future.

Chen Jiahe participated in the meeting with complicated emotions. The meeting was to discuss the main direction of research and development.

At the beginning of the meeting, Wang Hao loudly announced that the space test was a success.

He proposed two main directions. One was to continue to improve the light pressure engine, and decided to collect external names for the space carrier and coordinate with various departments to discuss the spacecraft code name.

This news brought the conference room into a boil.

Even in the public opinion, many people have pointed out that the light pressure engine is no longer an engine, but has been perfected into a real spaceship. It can be called a space carrier, but it does not carry a small spacecraft.

Now that it has been confirmed, I am very much looking forward to it. From now on, we can call it a space carrier.

The second direction proposed by Wang Hao is related to achieving profitable business, which is to let the management department communicate with more companies interested in launching large satellites, that is, to obtain orders for satellite launch services.

There has been research in this area.

The spacecraft company will divide the satellites launched into two parts, one part is the 'large satellite' and the other part is the 'small satellite'.

Large satellites can achieve more powerful functions. The efficiency of one satellite may be as high as several, a dozen, or even better.

Large satellites are not just big.

In fact, it is like the difference between a machine gun and a tank. No matter how many machine guns there are, they cannot fire out shells. Small satellites are similar to machine guns. The 'strike distance and power' (achievable functions) are limited, while large satellites can achieve more. Functions that even small satellites cannot achieve.

This is the significance of the space carrier being able to launch very large satellites.

For large satellites, it is also necessary to communicate with corporate customers to negotiate launch service fees and set launch times, so that corporate customers can be free to manufacture them.

The same cannot be said for small satellites.

Conventional rockets can also launch small satellites, and it is not difficult to launch geostationary satellites.

In fact, the way rockets launch small satellites and space carriers are different. The launch method of space carriers can be described in one word--

Simple and crude!

The light pressure engine keeps flying upward, and the speed at which the satellite is released can only be a little faster than the speed of the established highly synchronous orbit, but it will never reach the speed of regular operation of satellites in low orbit.

Below an altitude of 1,000 kilometers, the normal operating speed of satellites is only slightly lower than the first cosmic speed (7.9km/s). It is more difficult for the light pressure engine to accelerate to that level than to rise to an altitude of 30,000 kilometers, and Flying near the ground at high speed still carries certain risks.

Therefore, for the space carrier, it must either release geosynchronous satellites or release large satellites with their own power.

Low-orbit small satellites are usually launched by rockets. Unless the order reaches a certain number, for example, if more than ten low-orbit small satellites are launched at the same time, ultra-high profits can be achieved in the process, and it is worthy of the space carrier to formulate a special plan to implement it. launch mission.

Therefore, satellite launch services are mainly aimed at large satellites and geosynchronous orbit satellites.

After Wang Hao explained the main direction, representatives from other departments and companies also made speeches to improve and discuss the research and development direction.

After the space test is over, they have a lot of work to do. Just the maintenance and inspection of the space carrier will take a long time.

In the technical part of the meeting, several representatives also talked about the release and recovery of the spacecraft. They need to cooperate with the space agency to establish a complete system and standardize the release and recovery process.

This can also simplify the docking of small spacecraft manufactured by the space agency and the space carrier.

The meeting lasted all day.

At the same time, international public opinion still revolves around two points. The first is the space test of the light pressure engine, and the second is the gravity weapon.

The heat of the second point gradually increased, and soon overwhelmed the former.

This is because many influential figures have come forward and analyzed news released by gravity weapons and a certain three-nation satellite center.

Some of them also stood up to protest or called on relevant parties to give clear responses.

The relevant parties are naturally the flower growers and the spacecraft company.

The outside world does not know whether the gravity weapon comes from the military's ground weapons or the light pressure engine itself. Of course, it is not sure whether there is a gravity weapon. After all, it is just a statement from a certain Three Kingdoms Satellite Center.

On the American side, there is a bit of a 'booing' effect, which seems to be just to build momentum for public opinion and bring a certain amount of pressure to the relevant parties.


Relevant departments have also come forward to speak. Of course, they cannot admit gravity weapons.

If admitted, will compensation be required? Do you want to say something about gravity weapons?

Even if the whole world knew about the existence of gravity weapons, they would not be able to admit it directly and publicly, so the relevant statement was to express "concern" about the GISAT-5A satellite's continuous adjustment to approach the military control zone.

At the same time, it denies having mastery of gravity weapons.

"We have no idea what we're talking about. Gravity weapons? It's like something out of a science fiction novel."

"Perhaps we have also mastered wormhole technology and black hole technology. I can tell you clearly that it is true..."

The above serious remarks aroused public laughter.

This reply confused international public opinion, and many people who were originally convinced became uncertain.

Of course, some people are still very determined. Where in the world are there so many coincidences?

It is probably true that GISAT-5A is constantly adjusting its orbit, but it is not such a coincidence that something went wrong when the satellite adjusted to the edge of the control area.

The earth is surrounded by tens of thousands of artificial satellites, and only a few satellites will have problems in a year. Problems of physical or mass nature are even rarer, and every occurrence will be recorded.

Will GISAT-5A have problems at that moment by chance?

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not.

A certain three countries did not make any follow-up speeches, as if it had not happened. They had already gotten what they wanted and did not want to interfere anymore.

They are not opposed to taking a stand on certain matters, but only if there is enough benefit.

If it were 20 years ago, they would definitely do this, but now they just want to build a good relationship, not let the conflict go further.

Having said that, who doesn’t want to have a good relationship with a country that has the most advanced technology, the most advanced military, and the most dominant country in the space field?

As for getting ahead...

What if the conflict becomes serious? That's a gravity weapon!

It would be even more terrifying if the gravitational weapon was made by a light pressure engine. The light pressure engine came to their capital...

By then, it will all be over!

Amrican also has similar worries. Faced with similar things, ordinary people generally won't worry because the current international situation is unlikely to cause a major war.

The same cannot be said for influential figures.

The light pressure engine can not only be used in war, nor can it only be used for large-scale destruction. Just like targeting satellites in space, it can be completely controlled to target an aircraft in the sky.

Let's imagine……

When an influential person takes a private jet to go somewhere.

When the plane reached an altitude of several thousand or more than 10,000, it was disturbed by strong gravity, and the result was likely to be a direct crash.

By then, the black box may not even record the fault.

To be precise, it is impossible for the black box to record malfunctions, because gravity weapons have not appeared before, and the hardware will be subject to all-round gravitational interference, and the electronic system will not detect any malfunctions.

That would be very scary!

So all they can do is verbal protests, verbal resistance, verbal appeals...

Wang Hao and high-level representatives left the light pressure engine project base together.

He went directly to the capital to have a small contact meeting with military representatives. To put it more bluntly, it was to discuss the manufacturing of military weapons face to face.

So far, the light pressure engine has been successful.

The laser weapon equipped with the light pressure engine demonstrates powerful space strike capabilities, and the gravitational shield has quite astonishing destructive deterrent power.

The military is interested in gravity shields and space laser weapons.

The latter is the main one.

Gravity shields used in attacks will cause large-scale damage, but generally cannot be used. It is also difficult to intercept missiles with gravity shields made on the ground.

Attack is not the main development direction.

If we only talk about attack and destructive power, super-large-yield nuclear warheads have enough destructive power, and the extremely penetrating missile technology they have mastered is enough to penetrate any defense system, not to mention air-ship and flying saucers. .

That's why laser weapons are more important.

For the military, laser weapons are not used for attack, but for defense. They hope to establish a complete defense system.

If we invest in the development of a missile defense system, we will be very backward, the investment will be very high, and the gains will not be worth the losses.

The military still hopes to develop new technologies.

For example, build two large military spacecraft based on light pressure engines.

The aerospace carrier is relatively too complicated to be used in the military field, and the cost is also very high. Because the internal structure is very complicated, it is easy to malfunction. After the malfunction occurs, it is also very complicated to detect and repair it.

The military is considering building a 'small spacecraft', which is a simplified version of a high-voltage engine. The technologies involved include annihilation particle technology, light energy magnetization power generation technology, plus laser weapons, radar systems, etc.

Small spaceships will not be made that big. The concave reflector can be reduced by a large circle, and a diameter of tens of meters is enough.

The specific manufacturing size of concave reflectors still needs to be demonstrated with data.

The energy produced internally is mainly used to supply spacecraft and laser weapons.

Under such requirements, there is no need for a high speed or power for the spacecraft, and other parts only need to be maintained normally.

The military is considering releasing small spacecraft to an altitude of about 500 kilometers, specifically for space defense, so that it can target incoming mid- and long-range missiles.

"If we can build more than three small spaceships, we can carry out all-round defense for the main positions and high altitudes of the border."

"This is part of our planned missile defense architecture."

"In addition, the plan also decides to develop ground-based laser weapons, which are based on annihilation particle technology and laser weapon technology and can continuously release strong lasers."

"The current strong laser on the ground has a strike range of more than 100 kilometers."

"This weapon targets drone swarms."

"In modern warfare, drones are the most troublesome opponent. Conventional missile interception losses are very high. The cost of a missile is higher than that of a drone. If it is replaced by a laser weapon, the cost will be very low, and it can be fast and accurate. to strike."

"The laser weapons created based on annihilation particle technology will be very effective..."

"Also, F-ray equipment."

"The current F-ray technology is relatively mature, but the cost of F-ray equipment is too high, and it is only used to supplement ground missile protection."

"Military spacecraft in space, F-ray weapons and laser weapons on the ground, plus the original air defense weapons, form a complete air defense system."

"At that time, we can ensure that our homeland will not be attacked by any attack!"

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