The night before the party started, the night before the party started.

Under the dim light.

In a living room in the castle.

Charles and Eric sat on the same sofa, and opposite them was Carl.

Eric looked very calm, but Charles seemed a little unhappy.

He got straight to the point.

"Carl, I don't want to bother you so late, but I heard from Hank that you sent Amanda and Salvador to Africa to learn how to use guns?"


Carl was very calm, leaning back on the sofa.

"Amanda found me. She thought the next battle was very dangerous. She wanted to gain some self-protection ability, so she wanted to learn fighting skills from me. But to be honest, it was difficult to be effective in such a short time. So, I recommended that she learn how to protect herself with a gun. Coincidentally, I met some friends in Africa. They had unlimited bullets, so I sent Salvador and Amanda there together."

After listening to Carl's story, Charles couldn't wait and asked solemnly.

"Carl, don't you think this is dangerous?"

"Dangerous, what danger?"

Seeing Carl's indifferent look, Charles was a little angry and said in a somewhat impatient tone.

"That's a gun... Carl, if it goes off accidentally, people will die."

"So what?"

"So... Carl, I believe you understand what I'm saying. Our action this time is just to stop Xiao, not to kill people. We shouldn't become murderers."

Carl understood that this was Charles' idealism again, just like when he stopped Eric from killing Xiao in the end. He didn't answer, but grabbed a pistol from the air.

In Charles's horrified eyes, he fired three shots at the ceiling above his head.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Debris fell from the sky, and Charles yelled madly.

"Are you crazy?"

And this terrible gunshot instantly attracted the mutants in the surrounding houses. They all ran out in panic and looked at the three people in the living room in disbelief.

"What happened?"


Carl ignored these compatriots and said to Charles, who looked a little panicked.

"This is the power of the pistol, Charles, I fired three shots at the ceiling above our heads, but only a few small holes appeared, but Alex only needs one shot to cut the ceiling above our heads, Sean only needs to open his mouth to open a big hole, and Eric only needs to wave his hand, and he can easily destroy the whole house. Am I right?"

Carl looked at Eric, Eric raised his eyebrows, showing an interested look, and motioned Carl to continue.

"So, what do you think is wrong with me letting Amanda and Salvador learn to shoot? You think guns are scary only because they represent killing and death, but every mutant here, including those of Shaw's subordinates, has abilities that are scarier than guns."

Charles didn't know what to say and fell silent.

Carl also knew that too much is as bad as too little, so he put away the gun very sincerely before looking at Charles and Eric and saying.

"Charles, I understand you, you don't want to see any of your kind lose their lives, but I must make it clear that we are not playing a game of playing house. Everyone's life here is very important to me. Keeping them alive is the most important thing to me, no matter what means are used. And to be honest, I can feel that you seem to have some other opinions about me?"

Seeing that Charles was about to refute, Carl said directly.

"No need to refute, whether it is or not, I must say, Charles, I personally admire you very much. Your personal character and ability, in my opinion, are rare and outstanding even in human history."

Carl's sudden flattery made Charles and everyone present a little stunned.

"But you have a very serious problem, do you want to hear it?"

Charles looked at Eric next to him, then looked at the others around him, and nodded.

"Of course!"

"Then let me talk about this problem, which I think is fatal, that is, you believe too much in the goodness of human beings!"

Charles became confused.

"Charles, you told me that you are a professor of genetics, so you should know the story of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens? Can you tell me their relationship?

What is the result? "

It was not Charles who answered, but Eric, who answered coldly.

"Homo sapiens exterminated Neanderthals!"

The entire conference room suddenly became quiet. Smart people like Hank and Raven understood what Carl meant, and Charles argued unwillingly.

"But we are not Neanderthals?"

"Then do you think we are Homo sapiens?"


Charles hesitated for a while, and finally said a little lonely.

"I don't know!"

The atmosphere became quiet again, but Eric took up the topic.

"Then Carl, if a war broke out between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, who would win?"

"This is the embarrassing part, and it is also one of the reasons why I didn't want to see you at that time!"

At this moment, the topic seemed to return to the moment when the three met for the first time.

"Neanderthals have no chance of winning!"

Charles was shocked, and Eric's face changed.

"Why, we are obviously stronger and have such incredible abilities? "

"It's very simple, because humans are not Homo sapiens, they are smarter and know how to use tools, and the X gene in our bodies is destined to make us scarce. What's more troublesome is that we come from humans. Without humans, there will be no mutants, and the children of mutants are not necessarily mutants!"


At this moment, Charles, Eric, Hank, and Raven, who understood, all changed their faces slightly.

They all understood what Carl meant, which is also the embarrassing situation of mutants.

That is, humans can hurt mutants wantonly without worrying about the continuation of their own race, but if mutants hurt humans, it will affect the existence of mutants.

"What if all humans are turned into mutants?"

Eric suddenly said shockingly, and there was no hiding in his words.

This crazy racist words like Xiao made Charles' face change drastically.

Fortunately, Carl's cold words dispelled Eric's crazy idea.

"Don't think about it, that's impossible, I can tell you very clearly. "

"Why? "

"It's very simple. Let's not talk about whether it can be achieved technically. Even if it can be achieved, what do you think the human reaction will be? Genetic mutations always succeed and fail. At that time, it will only make the conflict more intense. At that time, whether you like it or not, you will be forced to do the same thing as Sebastian Shaw did now, that is: genocide."

Carl's words made Eric's pupils shrink. As a Jew, he was very sensitive to these four words.

Eric was silent for a while, and he also dispelled the crazy idea that just came up.

At this time, Charles and Eric in the whole room were silent, and they were confused by Carl's words.

Raven looked left and right, looked at Carl's calm appearance, and asked the question that didn't get an answer that day.

"What should we do then? Do we have to hide ourselves forever like monsters? "

Carl looked at Raven, recalled his charming appearance with blue skin, and said with a charming smile on his face.

"To be honest, I don't have a permanent answer to this question, but if it's short-term, I still have some ideas. Have you ever heard a sentence: triangles are stable!"


This inexplicable sentence made everyone present stunned.

Even Hank, the smartest person in the world, was stunned. Charles and Eric looked at each other and figured out something. Then Charles looked at Carl thoroughly, his eyes lit up, and then frowned and said.

"You mean, outside of us mutants and humans, we are looking for a third party who can balance the contradictions between us? But who should we find? Could it be the Soviets?"

Carl rolled his eyes, and then said without any riddles.

"What do you think of aliens?"

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