The sound of children cheering rang out in the quiet room at this moment, and a relieved smile appeared on Riven's face. Seeing this, Carl also answered. "My name is Carl. I am now in a shelter on the border between the United States and Canada. I found this radio station here. I am with a group of children who just escaped from the Akali Institute. I need to help them find a place to accommodate them..." After listening to Carl's story, the radio station was quiet for a while, and then asked two questions impatiently. "Are you the mutant that appeared in the news today?"

"The mutant next to you is...Raven, Mystique!?"

"Has it been on the news!?" "Yes!"

Even in the United States in 2029, there is no Internet in the border area, so Carl naturally doesn't know that he and Raven have made the headlines.

However, just as he was about to answer, the woman on the radio station said anxiously.

"There is no time. After five o'clock, human satellites can track the radio signal. Contact me on time at 14 o'clock tomorrow..."

After that, there was a click of the radio turning off.

Seeing this, Carl could only raise his eyebrows and put down the receiver, looking at the excited children.

"It seems that we are lucky. Okay, let's rest here tonight. Raven, there is some food in the car, take it out, and we will have a bonfire party."

The children's eyes lit up again.

As they were trained as weapons since childhood, they have never experienced the happiness that children should have.

Raven did not refuse.

"No problem!"

At this time, it was the boy codenamed Stoneman who reminded her.

"We'd better not eat the food in the supermarket!"


Raven was puzzled.

It was Ghost who answered.

"We heard from Mother Ji Baona that Akali Research Institute changed the ingredients in the food and drinks we eat and drink through genetic modification technology, eliminating the X gene in the bodies of new mutants. That's why there have been no mutant children in 25 years."

At this moment, Raven's figure trembled again, and her eyes could not suppress the anger.

It was Carl who patted her on the shoulder to stabilize her.

"Then the wild animals will not be affected, right?"


"That's good..."


Night fell.

The sky was dotted with stars, and the Milky Way was visible.

A bonfire party was being held in the shelter on the cliff.

A processed wild boar was rolling on the bonfire, emitting a charming aroma.

As for the side, there were some snacks, fruits, and drinks.

These foods were brought by Carl from his original world.

Carl sat aside, holding a dagger in his hand, cutting the roasted meat from the wild boar, and dividing it into the bowls of these children one by one.

The taste of barbecue, which they had never tasted since they were young, made these children eat with oil in their mouths.

These children also knew how to return a favor. The ice girl with freezing ability gave Carl a frozen Coke.

"Thank you!"

The little girl was very happy, and everyone was having fun. Raven, who was surrounded by the children, was also very happy to watch this scene. Even by the bonfire, the night was still a little cold. Raven gently covered the children with blankets.

"So, can we leave here tomorrow?"

The little girl with an Indian face codenamed Thorn asked.

At this point, after getting to know each other, Carl also knew why the races of these children were so complicated, and there were very few white people, because their mothers were all immigrants from Mexico.

Obviously, the Akali Institute did not dare to cultivate clones on white women.

"Of course, we can contact the place called Eden tomorrow, and they can take care of you!"

As the oldest boy here, the stone man said hesitantly.

"If they can't take care of us..."

The ghost also spoke.

"We want to follow you..."

Compared to the unknown Eden, for the children now, Carl and Raven are obviously more trustworthy. Carl saved them,

And Raven is a mutant warrior and hero: Mystique.

This made Raven's eyes become complicated, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

Carl looked at the eager eyes of these children, and suddenly had an idea, and gently touched the ghost's golden hair.

"Don't worry, if the place called Eden can't protect you, Raven and I can take you away."

The children all shouted happily, and Raven was stunned, because she understood what Carl meant, that is, taking these children to the world they came from, is this a good idea? Raven didn't know, but she could only believe in the choice made by Carl now.

At this time, Carl also had an idea and said.

"Code names sound too strange, and this is not a name a child should have. If you mind, I want to give each of you a name?"

The eyes of these children suddenly became brighter.


"I want a name!"

"Like Laura..."

"It seems that you have no objection..."

Carl thought about it and first looked at the blonde ghost.

"Ghost, I want to call you Emily, what do you think of this name?"

Ghost, not now Emily's eyes did not hide her love.

"I like this name, from today, I am Emily."

Everyone shouted Ghost's new name: Emily.

Then Carl looked at Thorn.

"Thorn, how about the name Olivia!"

Thorn, not now Olivia excitedly clenched her fist.

"I have my own name, my name is Olivia."

"Ice Girl Maya."

"Elf Lani."

"Siren Irene."

"Storm Ella."

"Phantom Luna."

After naming the seven girls, Carl looked at the six boys.

"Stone Man Mason."

"Electric Man Max."

"Puppet Man Carson."

"Impact Lucas."

"Match Daniel."

"Bone Spur Finn."

"Stand-in Noah."

Now, all fourteen children have their own names, which makes the children who have lived in the laboratory since childhood and have never seen the outside world feel the meaning of their existence. Everyone excitedly calls each other's names over and over again, as if they will never get tired of it.

Watching this scene, Raven was the most moved.

She even began to imagine how great it would be if these children were hers and Carl's.

Seeing this, Carl also read out the names of these children separately and asked a question.

"Who is Laura you just mentioned?"

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