The two of them were so excited that they had to face each other.

Hank had already walked forward excitedly, his body trembling with excitement.

"No... time and space have never existed alone. The birth of space represents the appearance of time, so you may just not have discovered your talent in this area..."

Looking at the enthusiastic look, Hank, who was shy and introverted just now, was completely gone, and everyone around was stunned.

"What are they talking about, what time and space..."

"Is this a high-end scientific group?"

Raven's eyes were brighter, because she liked the feeling of being with people of the same kind, without having to hide herself, and could do whatever she wanted.

At this time, Carl suppressed Hank's excitement and said.

"Don't get excited, Hank. We can discuss this in private. Although I'm a writer, I studied physics in college. However, now, I want to continue to seek Alex's opinion?"

"Of course...of course..."

Since Carl has already demonstrated his ability, Alex put down his guard and performed again.

Sure enough, Carl's perception was not wrong. He felt the familiar space magic in the red shock wave emitted by Alex?

Although it was weak, it did exist, but it was just a flash, so Carl couldn't catch it!

Why is this?

Where does the space magic in Alex come from!

"So that's it, I understand!"

At this moment, Hank on the side suddenly shouted, and said to Carl in astonishment.

"Carl, the power you use to open the wormhole may not be magic at all, but a kind of cosmic energy that we don't know, and the shock wave released by Alex may contain this magical cosmic energy."

At this moment, Carl was also a little confused.

Is that so?

He was not sure.

However, he looked at Hank, one of the smartest geniuses in the Marvel world, and his eyes suddenly became hot.

"Hank, I think we may have a lot of common topics to talk about next..."


When Mora, a CIA agent, came back with Charles and Eric.

As soon as they saw it, they saw the activity room and the ruined courtyard, where everyone was showing off their abilities as if they were having a party, with lively music resounding.

This made Mora, who had already hit a wall with his boss, very angry, and Charles and Eric were also disappointed.

"What are you doing?"

Mora's roar startled everyone, the music stopped, and everyone withdrew their abilities.

Raven obviously didn't notice the disappointed look of the three people in front of her, and she still had a happy smile on her face.

"Who broke the statue!"

"It was Alex!"

"No, it was the Destroyer. This is his new name. We also gave you new code names. Charles, you should be called Professor X. Eric, what do you think of Magneto?"

Raven said happily.

Charles, who had just praised these children for their possible surprises, was now full of disappointment.

Eric replied coldly.

"It's really not good!"

Raven finally found something wrong. The smile on her face disappeared and she became uneasy.

Seeing this scene, Carl knew that he should stand up, so he came to the crowd with a glass of wine.

"Don't be so serious, Charles, Eric, and Miss Mora, do you want a drink?"

This made Mora a little angry, because the main reason she just hit a wall was that she proposed some conditions required by Carl to her boss, and then she was mercilessly ridiculed by those old men.

"We don't have the time to make new laws for a bunch of freaks!"

"I suggest you take good care of your freaks..."

"They should be locked in cages..."

This was their answer, which made Mora feel frustrated again.

"Why? Mr. Lance, I thought you, as an adult, should be more mature than these children. I didn't expect you to fool around with them?"

Hearing being called children, these young mutants looked unhappy.

Carl stretched out his arms, as if he was the leader of these young mutants, protecting them behind him.

"Ms. Mora

, you see, even you know that they are children, so what's wrong with being childish? To be honest, in my opinion, knowing that they will face such a terrible enemy, they can appear here, which has proved that these children have unparalleled courage. They just lack some training, but they have been here for less than half a day, I don't think it's a good thing to be too harsh on them! "


Carl's words made Mora speechless.

The disappointed look of Charles and Eric just now also disappeared, replaced by a thoughtful look.

As for the young mutants behind Carl, they no longer hate the name of children, but look at Carl standing in front of them with recognition.

"And, to be honest, from my personal experience, do you know what is the biggest obstacle that prevents us mutants from mastering our own abilities? "

Mora shook her head blankly. She was not a mutant, so of course she didn't know.

"It's a sense of identity, Miss Mora, it's the identity of one's own identity and ability. We hide in human society. In order not to expose our identity as monsters, we have been denying and resisting our abilities deep in our hearts. Now, we finally see some of our kind. We don't have to deny our identity and release our nature. I don't think there is any problem."

Mora didn't answer, but Charles had already spoken.

"You're right, Carl!"

Charles's recognition finally made the children feel relieved.

Raven regained her smile on her face and came to Charles' side. She kept looking at Carl and said something in Charles' ear.

But Eric suddenly spoke.

"But we need their strength to fight Xiao!"

"I don't deny this, but even recruits have to go through training before they can go to the battlefield, right? "

At this point, Carl glanced at the three of them and said.

"You don't want these kids who have never seen blood to face a demon like Xiao without any preparation. Tell me, this is not your idea. What's the difference between this and letting these kids die?"

The children behind Carl looked at each other with confusion.


Mora was speechless again, because she really thought so not long ago.

Fortunately, Charles had heard something from Raven at this time and nodded.

"Mr. Lance, you are right. I didn't think it through. Do you mind if we find a place to talk!"

"Of course!"


CIA meeting room.

Carl, Charles, Eric, and Mora sat face to face.

Facing the puzzled eyes of the two, Charles asked with some expectation.

"Carl, I heard from Raven that your talent is incredible, so, can your ability transport people? "

Eric and Mora looked at each other blankly.

"Yes, but there is a prerequisite!"


"The portal I opened can only lead to the place where I left a mark?"


Eric, who understood, was also enlightened.

"Is it what I imagined? Just like the magic in Harry Potter: Apparition!"

"Yes, but the method is different! I can open a portal between me and a location at will, allowing people and objects to break through the limitations of space and instantly transfer to the target point, but as mentioned before, the target point must be the place where I left a mark."

Mora, who understood, suddenly widened her eyes and looked incredible.

"Is there a distance limit?"

Eric asked anxiously.

"I haven't encountered it yet! ?"

"What an incredible ability!"

Eric exclaimed.

Charles asked a key question.

"Can you take us to Moscow?"

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