I paid for 'Demon Stone' in the Temple and used 'Gate' to come all the way to 'Dotril'.

It's a really convenient way to get around, isn't it, 'Gate'?

Well, it hardly matters to me to go away. That doesn't matter.

But if you're going to have a store in 'Dotril' in the future, you're going to use it quite often to collect the material you bought.

You can't help but have the clerk do it because you can't just collect items.

This is not a question of creditworthiness, it is a systemic one.

Quite a few clerks can take ad hoc action at the store, but you can't do anything bad, can you?

Well, it means that it's an NPC (non-player character) tied to the system, even if it looks really alive in [Phew, Phew, Phew] with excellent AI.

Of course this does not apply to player pioneers, and if you have a store with co-financing, it will be possible for any player pioneer to use the 'store warehouse' depending on the setting.

Well, I'm basically a personal shop. It's a story without edge.

That's how I even got to the realtor, but he still seemed to have a couple of like-minded people with me, and a narrow realtor counter seemed to have a few player pioneers and thinkers.

Even though it's small, it seems acceptable for about a few people, and I was able to talk about the rental property just now, too.

If you ask me in detail, it looks like 'Dotril' here is a lot cheaper per unit of land than [capital Sabrina].

Well, [Sabrina, the capital] is overwhelmingly more convenient.

Nor would I have come if "Dotril Silver Mine" hadn't been pioneered.

Such a 'Dotril', but you will definitely be busy from now on thanks to the 'Dotril Silver Mine'.

But now the land is still cheap, so let's just say this place is instant.

They're going to be able to even buy stores that stand out on the boulevard because they're cheap at any rate.

But I don't go to such a big store.

The purpose of this one is a store for a store that specializes in buying.

So a place close to the 'Dotril Silver Mine' place facing the boulevard for easy access.

When I got picked up, I decided on the best part of it because I had some candidates.

Other player pioneers who are there still seemed troubled, but not that troubling amount for me either.

Store conditions are oral but didn't seem to be a problem, so I bought them off with Nico cash payment without a tour.

Though 'Dotril Silver Mine' has just been pioneered, I'd like to start buying it soon.

I still need to go to the Pioneer Union (Guild) in Dotril and hire a clerk.

Next door, yeah, the player pioneer who was worried about me roaring saw me buying the store instantly, but you were so surprised.

Looks like he realized who I was after that and he was convinced.

It's an easy 'bucket helm' to understand.

It's going to say something on the bulletin board again, but I don't have time for that.

Now let's go to the [Union of Pioneers (Guild)]!


"Heh... That's quite a lot."

"Yes, there are a large number of job seekers here in 'Dotril', so if you are highly-treated jobs like Mr. Bucket, you will be picked out."

"I see...... But then why don't we just go to the capital?

"Those are already saturated situations..."

I came to the [Union of Pioneers (Guild)] and talked to the person in charge, and they showed me quite a few candidates.

'Dotril' is lonely enough to see it.

Looks like there are a lot of people looking for a job.

Even when [Sabrina, the capital] is close, that doesn't seem to change the difficulty of getting a job there.

Everywhere is evacuated in fear of the invasion of the demon tree.

By the way, it's basically a higher-than-average contract in my store now.

The clerks at "Mr. Bucket's Store Lily" are paid as much as the general employees at the big store if they're ancient tourists, and the newcomers are above average.

Of course I am satisfied because they have shown me how well they work to match it.

I'm not exactly saying that the store clerk at 'Dotril' is just as...... but I just made it about the average salary setting for [Sabrina, the capital] and this seems to be the case.

You mean you know the status of 'Dotril', don't you?

But such a 'Dotril' would also be somewhat better thanks to the 'Dotril Silver Mine'.

Plus, the impact of the 'Dotril Silver Mine' pioneering has made it more likely that people who are not actively participating in the event will come to logging.

On the [capital Sabrina] side, the development of the field area also seems to be progressing, making the next development difficult.

It's getting farther and farther anyway.

It's hard to just come and go.

Compared to that, it's still close around 'Dotril' so you can afford logging time.

Even in terms of aftercare, the field area far from [Sabrina, the capital] has quite a tough side to it.

I wish a place like "Missouri Village" could be used as a base as a relay point, but the field area being pioneered is random.

I can't help it all.

I wish there were more convenient things to get around like 'gates', but at best it's about carriages.

'Gate' doesn't seem like a substitute for being able to install it personally either.

That's why 'Dotril' will be somewhat of a good economy from now on.

Well, I know it'll take a little longer, but what I need to do is pick a clerk.

I had a bit too much material and had trouble sorting it out, but I decided to talk to the job manager about everything and hire 6 people.

By the way, the buying business is on a 24-hour basis.

It's just a purchase, but I'll have it done by a two-person system.

If you're alone, you'll have to close the store when something happens.

We all know with bulletin board information that such happenings exist around here, even when it comes to games.

Even NPC (non-player character) seems to catch a cold, doesn't it?

Looks like the player pioneers don't pull off with goddess blessings.


"Okay, now we can open tomorrow! Yay!

I bought the store, and I've hired the clerk.

I am now coming to the store where I bought it.

Even though cleaning is not required systematically, there are many things you have to do to arrange furniture and set up a 'store warehouse'.

When it comes to contracts, I've done it when I hire a clerk, so no problem.

We don't need a very expensive warehouse contract because we specialize in buying for now.

The store I bought is a lot bigger than "Mr. Bucket's Shop Lily", and it's a good location, and it's cheaper... Well, it's not here [Sabrina, the capital].

There was furniture provided and stuff over there, but it's not over here.

But you don't basically need it because you specialize in buying, do you?

There is a counter, and if you leave the board so that the price can be visually seen, the system will take care of the rest.

I also made the sign for once.

This is Mr. Bucket's store, Lily Dotril Branch!

Heh heh... I finally got a branch.

You're going to get more and more when you can go to other cities too!

In the meantime, I'm ready for this.

The rest depends on the difficulty and drop situation of the 'Dotril Silver Mine'.

I'm really looking forward to it!


One day in "Real Time" since "Mr. Bucket's store Lily Dotril Branch" opened.

Three days and a little bit went by in "In-Game Time".

Uh, from the results, I haven't been able to buy much.

Because the difficulty of the Dotril Silver Mine was higher than I thought, and the fact that some of the top player developers in battle at the event were busy with Reid.

Looks like some of the top player pioneers in combat aren't in the event raid, or go to the 'Dotril Silver Mine' in their free time, but they're pretty much a minority.

All we have to do is layers that are tough in difficulty...

Still, hunting seems to be possible if you don't get into the depths, but it seems you rarely get the 'silver ore' that serves as an eyeball.

It's silver mine, but it's weird.

So buying is also highly competitive, and 'silver ore' can be quite high.

Well, still, it's material, and it ranks 3-stars.

Even when it comes to high prices, it's not that far.

So I got it once and made a lot of things.

And what I found out was...

Silver Short Sword

Small Sword/5-Star/ATK +79 HP +160 MP +135/Vitality Enhancement, Medium Magic Enhancement, Medium/Endurance 80

Basic Attack is above Iron and below Steel.

It doesn't even seem to have any special 'options' such as attributes.

The difficulty seemed appropriate, and I was able to produce a 5-star in one shot.

And when it comes to 5-stars, it's a 'double option'.

The 'options' that have arisen are pretty good.

But if you look at the market, it's not far enough for steel-based gear.

Positionally, I guess it's still the next thing in the iron.

Yes, the status quo is still not stable enough to produce steel-based equipment other than mine.

I once questioned the fact that such steel-based equipment was the iron's next difficulty, but that's what I've iced it out now.

There was silver between the iron and the steel.

Even now on the bulletin board, top producers other than me were pleased that the emergence of silver allowed the production of a fair degree of difficulty.

"It was a little late, but still acceptable timing," they say.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm a little dissatisfied, but this is also probably a muscular development of the operation.

It leads to an improvement in the vitality of 'Dotril' and the liberation of the proper difficulty production of producers.

Field area provision to player pioneers who are less aggressive in the event.

The smell of the tecocohol is puffy even on various sides.

Oh, there was another one, by the way.

That's the sudden release of a silver product recipe in 'Dotril'.

There were just no recipes available on the second floor of the library, but recipes for basic productions were available.

I guess it's just like the operating muscles say -

As far as I'm concerned, it's a little too bad because it's way past the proper LV.

So you no longer have to rush to buy silver materials that are still soaring.

Let's just say we'll be collecting Event Points for a while.

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