Frost Wings

Chapter 239: forum

With such doubts, Nota held a bag of organic sauce-although each bag of this kind of thing is an important storage material and should be kept in a unified manner, but his father was not there, Nota, as the biggest man in the family, dispatched resources. The power is still there.

He quietly entered the black market and exchanged organic sauce for a small packet of fine wheat flour that was less than half the weight of organic sauce. This lump of wheat flour was made into a small dough, which was less than one-twentieth of a bag of organic sauce. , but as the area of ​​organic farms outside the city grows, Nota knows that this natural food will only become less available and more expensive in the future.

Approaching Mr. Ronald's residence, Nota smelled a strong smell of barley porridge. As soon as he entered the gate, he walked through the winding corridor to the parlour. A group of people sat in a circle around a black-headed old man. The old man combed his head straight and looked meticulous. He nodded to Nota, and the people in the circle gave up a seat. Nota walked over and sat down, and threw the wheat flour in his hand into the cauldron in the center.

This discussion did not stop because of Nota's arrival. For a month, the wheat porridge discussion centered on Mr. Ronald has been a famous literary and artistic program nearby. It only needs to donate a small bag of wheat to let the former court Bachelors can take part in discussions by eating a thick porridge every night.

As a well-known scholar, Ronald's discussion has a natural appeal to these wealthy and leisure city children. As one of the fans, Nota is of course a loyal listener.

"The reign of Frostwing is not destined to last long."

The old man took a sip of the porridge with satisfaction, and the topic he said seemed a bit sensitive. Nota didn't care about it. He was apprehensive when he first participated in this discussion, but after a long time, he Now, neither the manager of the logistics department nor the Frost Dragon Knights care about this, even if a large group of bored workers in the factory scolded the dragon around the corner during the lunch break, those managers just watched, their eyes still lingering. Quite intriguing.

Although Nota felt that the eyes of those stewards were a bit strange, people's courage was undoubtedly increased. In the more 'reactionary' forum of the Wheat Porridge Forum, it is a daily topic to discuss when the Wings of Frost will take pills. .

But after half a month, the style of the discussion on this topic has become more and more strange, because people have gradually started to refute this Mr. Ronald:

"But sir, you asserted twenty days ago that the dragon's rule would fail, because he was simply incapable of feeding us commoners, but now? I've visited those organic farms, and his magic group's The power is unbelievable, and if what they say is true, and if this pattern can continue, then there is no doubt that the dragon is capable of feeding us."

A young man made Nuota nod secretly, which was also the confusion in his heart. At this moment, someone answered, but it saved him from talking too much.

The other young people also listened intently, apparently with similar confusion. Nota paid attention inadvertently, suddenly thought of something, and frowned slightly.

"Do you think that just by solving the problem of food and clothing, the rule of Frost Wings can be made rock solid? No, no, children, you are too naive." The old man obviously had his own understanding of this problem: "You care about that kind of snot Is something like a worm called food? Or is this life confined within an ice wall called life?"

"But teacher, please forgive me, I'm not arguing with you, but this slug-like food tastes no worse than the thick bread and hard bread we used to eat every day; and it's locked in an ice shell... even if In the past, we, the children of craftsmen and merchants, were usually confined to a certain road or city, rushing around for a bite to eat, how can freedom come from?" The young man who said this was obviously from a mediocre background.

This remark made Nuota feel deeply again. As this person said, it is a luxury not to go hungry all year round. Organic sauce is indeed not an unacceptable food. It is not free to run around for a living. .

Besides, where is it not free now? In addition to being unable to leave the ice wall, the pace of life here is more relaxed than before.

Nota used to work in her father's carpenter's shop, often until midnight.

"Son, I have to admit that you are right, but I still stand by my opinion, and I can state my opinion in the simplest way possible: You can endure this kind of food for a month, you can endure it for two months, but you can Can you endure it for a lifetime? You can endure this kind of captivity for a day or two, but how many years?"

"But at least we're full," said a little fat man. Nota glanced at him and realized that this was a worker from a factory with him, the son of a neighbor. Before Wings of Frost arrived, this Binotta family The family's family background is even worse, this little fat man is still a thin bamboo pole, Nuota watched this thin bamboo pole turn into a ball with his own eyes, and then looked at his face, and suddenly had a deep understanding.

This little fat man's understanding is obviously not as simple as having enough to eat, he continued: "Mr. Ronald, when the princes and nobles ruled us in the past, we had to be hungry for at least one or two months a year, and this does not affect them. The rule of the dragon is rock solid, and now we can all have enough to eat, why do you say that the rule of the dragon will perish?"

"This is precisely the reason why his rule could not last long, boy, what I say next may make you feel a little unacceptable, but you can think about whether it makes sense." Ronald drank the porridge, He laughed happily: "Child, when you can't get enough to eat, what do you think about in your head?"

"Get food." The little fat man frowned and said.

"And when you're full and free?" Ronald continued.

The little fat man opened his mouth and was stunned for a while, not knowing what to say.

"You can gossip, play cards, drink, go out hunting, but that's the life of a nobleman," said one person.

"That's the problem, kids, haha, human desires are scary things." Ronald laughed: "When you can't get enough, all your desires are food, your desires. The bottom line is not to starve to death. If the princes and nobles can satisfy you, of course you will be able to establish a stable rule, but after you satisfy your desire to be full? The bottom line of your desire will rise, and you will gradually become dissatisfied with the monotonous food. Dissatisfied with the life of being raised within the ice wall, dissatisfied with the powerless status controlled by the evil dragon, maybe you will not notice the problem in a year or two, but what about ten or twenty years later?"

Everyone fell into silence, and a few young people left indignantly after a while. Nota knew these people, and their family members all suffered from the illness of divine powerlessness, but after the rule of Frost Wings was solid, they earned points through work. , in exchange for a chance to treat a serious illness, and even let their seriously ill family members recover.

This miraculous act of course made these youths potential supporters of Frostwing. These people listened to Ronald's argument and thought that the scholar treated all people as potentially ungrateful people, which was undoubtedly a humiliation for the Northland man, so they left the table angrily.

However, just like Nota, more people pondered in place like him, perhaps out of respect, or perhaps a little bit of recognition.

"So if Frostwing wants to establish rule by satisfying the desires of people's hearts, it will inevitably fail." Ronald laughed: "And violence will inevitably lead to resistance, and all the humans, elves, and dwarves in the northern land will also fail. Will not sit back and watch a dragon rule the kingdom of men, it will fail, it will."

Nota shook his head secretly, looking at Ronald's madness, he suddenly figured out something.

As a high-ranking court scholar, if the Wings of Frost did not appear, Mr. Ronald should have lived a much better life than he is now, at least without having to sell his knowledge and condescend to talk to a commoner like himself. In exchange for a little bit of fine wheat that can be eaten.

The new life brought by Wings of Frost has indeed created a group of lucky people, which may not be very good, but if you look at it from a rotten point of view, at least Nota feels that if Wings of Frost can ensure this order is stable Going down, there will still be some people who will accept his rule.

It's a class issue.

Nota picked up the kettle and took a sip of water, and suddenly remembered that in addition to technology, courses such as "History of the North" and "Origin of Nobility" were taught in the recent factory training class. He didn't know these courseware. It was made by the Baihe gang, but there is no doubt that the content displayed in conjunction with the magic slides still caused a devastating blow to Nuo Tower's three views.

As a rational person, Nota can easily tell that these history lessons are telling the truth. Such things as princes and nobles have always relied on force, resources, and brainwashing to rule the people, and they have snowballed from generation to generation through resource advantages. , making the ruling power more and more difficult to shake. Instead of relying on so-called tradition and glory, they can do it, and so can Frost Wings.

Many smart people realize that this is Frostwing looking for legitimacy for his rule, but in any case, Frostwing's aggression has brought innovation, which is a fact that Nota has to admit.

Sitting there, Nuota suddenly moved in her heart and noticed that the wheat porridge in the pot was indeed a lot thinner than the previous two days, and the people who participated in this symposium also filled the room from half a month ago to now. of less than ten.

He looked at the old man who was drinking porridge with satisfaction, and he couldn't imagine in his mind, in ten days and a half, whether this old man who insisted on not using organic sauce to satisfy his hunger would still be able to stick to his principles.

He continued to watch the excited old man chatting, but of course he didn't notice that on a roof not far from the yard, two frost dragon knights were sitting there, holding wine bottles and eating salt water beans. The automatic recording system of the power armor recorded the conversation in the house. These two guys were Chinese students before they crossed, and they were still talking and complaining about each other in Mandarin: "This old man is very powerful, and he even understands Maslow's needs pyramid and knows the public. The general desire is difficult to fill, and it is not simple or simple to use this to conclude that we are taking jujube pills.”

"Bah, we are the best than bad. If it weren't for our boss being a dragon... How could this old man jump up and down here. What are we doing here? This old man is obviously a scumbag, it seems Li Zhongke is actually useless other than complaining about his farts, you can't listen to his fans anymore."

"Of course, who are the people listening to him now? They are all people who have jobs and have extra organic sauce to exchange for wheat for him. These people have gradually assimilated into our system. When they all wake up to this The old man is complaining, who is going to kill him?"

"But to be honest, as long as the boss doesn't have a brain, his work is quite reliable. The effect of this set of open magic industry social transformation is still good, but, uh~" Frost Dragon Knight mentioned the boss, his face twitched inadvertently. for a moment.

"Don't talk about it, don't talk about it, eh? There is a new task coming? Go to the lobby."


Nota walked out of the scholar's old glanced at the night sky, sighed and returned home, opened the door and saw a familiar figure, Nota was stunned for a moment: "Wei Uncle K."

A middle-aged man with a pale face but a strong body came out of the room.

Nota was stunned. Of course he knew his uncle, but didn't this uncle go to the Nanda Glacier to be a miner and have been missing for several years?

"My little Nota!" Uncle Wake's expression was also very excited, and he hugged Nota.

"Uncle Wick, Wings of Frost didn't kill you? Did you come back?!" The excitement passed, and Nota looked at Wick, still full of inconceivability.


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