After ending his battle, Roach first extracted Mr.2 von Kray’s fruit ability, although the ability to imitate the fruit is not much big, but it will always have a role in the future, big deal just let it not be used, anyway, adhering to the principle that the more fruit ability, the better, Roach is not refused.

After burying Mr.2 directly into the ground, Roach began to sit on the ruins and continue to cultivate, waiting for his girls to bring back the news of victory.

For Nokigao and Gu Yina, Roach is not very worried, after all, one is the almost invincible natural fruit ability in the first half of the great voyage, and the other is a swordsman who has surpassed Zorro in the original work, as long as the two people do not have accidents, defeat is nonsense, it depends on how long those people can support their hands.

And the only thing to worry about is Nami, after all, now Nami is not in the original place, and the weather stick is still developed by Roach and Nami together, although the power is, but Roach does not know whether Nami can defeat the MissDoubleFinger defeated by her in the original book with this weapon.

Although Usopp developed props for banquet performances in the original work, the last move of the tornado weather is indeed a powerful attack (against the heart), but in the research and development of Roach and Nami, Roach did not add these funny means, after all, it was tailored for his girl.

Roach looked in the direction Nami-chan left and muttered, “Nami-chan, come on, the reason why I don’t tell you about their abilities is so that you can grow, with Nami-chan’s strength, as long as there are no accidents, you can win the victory, don’t let me down.” “This is the first time Roach has completely let go, and if he has always escorted them, then the girls will not have grown at all.

Roach, suddenly felt that the air around him was a little hot, looked in the other direction, Roach smiled.

Nokigao took the pair of Mr.4 and Miss Merry Christmas to a relatively open place, glanced at the surroundings, and said, “It’s okay here.” He said, looking at Miss Merry Christmas.

Miss MerryChristmas smiled sinisterly: “A little girl is a little girl, it’s really stupid, I actually chose here, I really don’t know what kind of grief the demon king will be after you die as a witch?” I’m really looking forward to seeing that scene. ”

Nuo Qigao didn’t care about her provocation: “Brother Roach is confident in us to make this battle hand over to us, we will never betray his trust, if that’s all you want to say, then die.” Said and rushed forward.

Miss Merry Christmas directly turned into a mole-man and fell into the hole with Mr.4 and their pet Rasu, Nokigao stopped when she saw this scene, she did not know the ability of the pair, and carefully observed the surroundings.

Suddenly, a lot of holes like mole holes appeared on the ground, and Miss Merry Christmas said with a grin: “Nokigao, let me tell you, I am a mole man who eats the fruit of animal moles, you may have some unexpected strength, but if you can’t find us, don’t try to defeat us.” ”

But Nokigao didn’t care about this, but instead said: “Is it an animal line?” It’s a shame. But Nokigo watched the movement around him in case Miss Merry Christmas sneaked up on him.

Suddenly, Nokigao moved to the left, and a baseball grazed Nokigao’s body and flew over, Nokigao didn’t know what it was, but Nokigao, who saw that he was domineering and had some achievements, was able to avoid it.

But Nokigao saw that a fat, tall man was drilled out of the mole hole not far in front of him, it was Mr.4, who swung the four-ton bat in his hand and directly knocked Nokigao’s flashed baseball back.

When Nokigao saw the baseball flying back at a speed beyond the previous one, he didn’t panic, his body bent, and a lower back perfectly dodged the blow, and at this time, Nokigao also saw the moment when the dog named Lasu spewed a baseball from his mouth.

Not only that, it was not an ordinary baseball, it was also a bomb, and the baseball that was previously dodged by Noki Gao flew into the distance and caused a violent explosion, this kind of power, ordinary people contacted, must be the degree of serious injury and dying, the power is too great.

But Nuo Qigao seemed a little unconcerned, and said softly: “It turned out to be a bomb, so I was much more relieved, I thought it was something like Hailou stone, since that’s the case, then I’m not welcome.” ”

Miss Merry Christmas, on the other hand, smiled and said, “You’re welcome, what do you want to do.” Rasu, Mr. 4, let her know exactly what real horror is. ”

Mr.4 replied slowly, “Good.” Rasu also responded.

More and more mole holes appeared above the ground, and Nokigao had no idea that they would come out of the hole, which is where the moles buried their enemies, called the Mole Tomb.

Suddenly, Mr.4’s figure appeared, Nokigao’s eyes froze, and then looked behind him, sure enough, Lasu also appeared there, countless bombs erupted from Lasu’s mouth, covering the sky, and as Mr.4 continued to fight back, Nokigao was completely covered in it.

As if giving up, Nokigao stood in place without moving, and at this moment, all the bombs exploded, and a mushroom cloud rose up in Nokigao’s place.

Miss Merry Christmas laughed loudly: “Haha, what a member of the Demon King Pirates, it is not like this that we have killed.” ”

“Oh? Huh? How did I not know? Out of the smoke came a tall young woman, it was Nokigao, who looked at the combination of Miss Merry Christmas and Mr.4 and said: “It seems that I really picked the right opponent, if Guina and Nami come to face you, it may be very difficult.” ”

Miss Merry Christmas looked at Nokigao in disbelief: “How can you have nothing at all, how is this possible?” ”

A flame suddenly appeared on Nuo Qigao’s hand: “The answer is this.” Flame eruption. Saying that, a punch injected a large amount of flame into the mole hole in front of him, and suddenly, a large amount of flames erupted from countless mole holes, MissMerry Christmas and Mr.4’s faces changed greatly, and just when they wanted to leave, the terrifying flames sent them into the sky.

Nokigo looked at Miss Merry Christmas and said, “Because I am a person who eats the burnt fruit, and I am a natural ability, naturally I will not be afraid of such a thing as bombs.” Incineration. Saying that, a large amount of flames were released from his hands, dyeing the entire sky red, as if he wanted to burn the heavens and the earth.

Miss Merry Christmas and Mr. 4, as well as the dog, were all burned black and fell motionless.

And the ground of the mole mound place completely collapsed in the departure of Nokigao, and the place opened by Miss Merry Christmas was all burned by Nokigao’s flames, and the underground was already hollow, so it naturally collapsed.

This is Nokigao, who has the ability to burn all kinds of fruits.

(PS: Sorry, it’s a little late to upload today, but Sir climbed the mountain for a day today, almost dead, his feet are sore and sore, and Jazz is a little afraid of heights today, and today he was almost killed by a friend, don’t say, tired. Ask for flowers!! Collectible!!! Ask for a tip!!! )

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