Kulik heard Roach say this, and saw that the other girls were also preparing to go to the empty island, and in desperation, he said to Roach and the others: “Then go, I can’t manage it.” I have two partners here, modify the ship, it should be better to fly to the empty island, do you need it? ”

Roach shook his head and said: “Thank you for your kindness, Uncle Kulik, that is indeed more suitable for flying to the empty island, but I believe in the Freedom Adventure, moreover, I have a secret weapon here, and I can definitely rush to the empty island, this is certain, although I don’t know why that person didn’t do it at that time, but I think there must be a reason.” ”

When Kulik heard this, he asked, “What people?” ”

Roach smiled mysteriously: “It’s a secret, and I can’t be 100% sure.” But Roach knew who that man was, the One Piece who left his handwriting on the side of the history text under the Golden Bell, Gor M. D. Roger, he clearly has a chance to ring the golden bell, but why didn’t he do it? This made Roach extremely curious, but everything can only be known when it reaches the final island, Raftel, where everything will begin and originate, and Roach has a hunch that once someone reaches Raftel, the world will set off a huge change.

At this time, Nami rushed in and asked Roach very seriously: “Brother Roach, although I have calculated the current that is most suitable for rushing onto the empty island, I can’t guarantee that I will be able to fly up, because it is really difficult.” So, Brother Roach, shall we go? ”

Luo Qi touched Nami’s hair, looked at her and said with a smile: “Nami-chan, didn’t you money-greedy little thief cat always let go of any treasure?” This time I was able to make such a decision, rest assured, we will definitely be able to enter the empty island, this is my promise, I will definitely fulfill it, but it is not so simple to want gold. Go and prepare. ”

Nami listened and smiled slightly: “Yes, Captain.” “In small things, Roach will spoil the girls very much, but once it encounters a big event, the girls are all based on Roach, and they will never go against what Roach said, because this is Roach’s bottom line, once it is crossed, Roach really doesn’t know what to do.”

Soon after, Roach and the others said goodbye to Kulik and set off towards the place where the next rising current appeared, I have to say that Nami’s navigator talent is terrifying that no one can match, even a sea thief like Golden Lion Shiji wants to get a navigator like Nami, which shows how terrifying Nami’s sailing talent is.

After Nami’s accurate calculations, the next place where the frequent rising currents appear at this time is not far ahead, and it is the largest in recent times, so the possibility of rushing into the empty island is extremely high, but due to the problem of the ship itself, whether it can rush into the empty island is still a problem, the woman is a little worried, but looking at the confidence on Roach’s face, the women also dispersed their worries, because the things that Roach promised are realistic and have never broken their promises.

Roach also understood, but he knew that his ship was made in the East China Sea, and Law could afford to sail more, but Roach reinforced it again and again, repaired it, and even used his ability to make the ship stronger, so he believed that the mysterious ship elf in One Piece would respond to him.

Roach stroked the railing of the ship and said to himself: “Freedom Adventure, please respond to us and take us to more mysterious places.” ”

Soon after, the sea began to turbulent, and Nami immediately said: “Here, all the people pay attention, get ready.” ”

Roach also closed his eyes at this moment, and the whole person fell into a wonderful state, and he began to use his ability to develop gravitational fruits almost entirely at this moment, exerting a gravitational effect on the entire ship, and at the same time, he also exerted a repulsive force on the ship, as long as he left the sea, this repulsion could burst out.

A powerful impact rushed out below the surface of the sea, carrying a large amount of sea water into the sky, Roach shouted: “Hit the rudder towards the rising current, and then Roach looked at the guide bird standing with him at the bow of the boat, which was a gift from Uncle Kulik to himself and others at the end, and the guide bird can show the way for himself and others.”

At this moment, the Freedom Adventure rushed into the sky along the current, and everyone couldn’t help but fall backwards, leaning on the boat, clinging to the hull of the ship, not letting themselves fall, because falling is certain death.

Slowly, little by little, the bottom of the Freedom Adventure began to gradually break away from the rising current, which is a very dangerous thing, once it is detached, then the remaining impact force is definitely not enough to support the ship to rush into the empty island seven kilometers above.

However, what kind of person is Roach, for people whose gravity ability has almost been developed to the extreme, he is waiting for this moment, the moment the bottom of the ship breaks away from the rising current, the repulsion originally blessed in the stern of the ship bursts out with full force, and begins to rush upward with a swift attitude, at the same time, Roach’s relative gravity continues to be powerful, constantly reducing the gravitational pull of the earth below on the ship, at the same time, Roach stretched out a hand, facing the sky, facing the mysterious empty island, and bursting out with all his strength to infinite gravity, which is equivalent to two magnets that magnetically attract, With the same gravity constantly echoing each other, through the deprivation of gravity, the explosion of repulsion, etc., Roach began to let the Freedom Adventure rush into the mysterious clouds.

At this moment, in order to realize this promise, Roach had to use the gravitational ability to the extreme, at this moment, Roach’s whole forehead was protruding, and his hands were also bruised, just like a warrior who was fighting madly, and wanted to fly into the empty island without modifying the hull, which did require a lot of luck, but Roach with his gravitational ability, rewrote all this, exerted the gravitational ability to the extreme, and successfully pulled the Freedom Adventure into the white sea of the empty island.

After Roach did all this, the whole person collapsed on the deck, after all, this time the consumption was really too large, the first thing Gu Yina and the others said was not to ask whether this was an empty island, but asked: “Brother Roach (Captain, Roach) Are you okay?” ”

Roach suddenly felt that all this was worth it, and smiled at the women: “It’s okay, I’m just consuming too much, it’s okay to rest for a few days, the next time you continue to arrange, have a good visit to this mysterious place Oh, this is an empty island that few people can come to.” With that, he dragged his tired body back to his room to sleep. _

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