After returning to Amazon Lily, Roach did not immediately go to see the women, and the three years of thoughts were not in a hurry at this time, and now is not the most suitable time to meet, at the beginning of the top war, at that time, Roach wants to tell everyone in front of the world that he is back, and at the same time, he also has the power to protect them.

Therefore, Roach only asked the female emperor to inform the women and get ready, because the big event was about to open, and someone would come to pick them up at that time.

Roach, on the other hand, went to Luffy to talk about something.

Luffy’s eyes widened, and he jumped up directly, and he couldn’t help but tremble: “It’s impossible, Ace can’t lose, how can he be caught by the navy, how is it possible?” ”

Roach looked at Luffy and sneered: “Don’t think that Ace is invincible, no matter who it is, even One Piece, he has been cornered by your grandfather several times, what is impossible.” Ace was defeated by Blackbeard, and the most important thing now is to rescue Ace. ”

Luffy looked at Roach, a little worried, and asked directly, “Roach, is Ace okay then?” Is it really okay? ”

Roach nodded: “Of course it’s okay now, but after that it’s different, in my opinion, it will come soon, you know, Ace’s true identity You know, the current Admiral will not miss this opportunity.” Ace will definitely be executed, if you don’t want to see Ace die, then prepare and go to the Deep Sea Great Prison – advance the city to save Ace. ”

Roach stood up, looked at Luffy, and showed an overwhelming pressure rushing towards Luffy: “Let me see, Luffy, as Ace’s younger brother, can you rescue him.” After entering the Advance City, everything can only be on your own, and I will not give you any help. Roach left.

And Luffy’s eyes were very firm: “Of course I won’t let Ace be executed, absolutely not.” ”

Roach felt that Luffy was sleeping with a huge force, this force was extremely terrifying, terrifying to the point of being unbelievable, worthy of being the protagonist of the original work, with the qualification of a sea overlord, although Roach snatched Luffy so many subdivisions, but Luffy’s experience was not much worse than the original.

But then again, Roach walked to the deck, thinking back to the past three years, Dusty has found him twice and challenged him, but all of them lost, and they were taken advantage of by Roach, and Tina also found Roach once, but unfortunately, it is not Roach’s opponent at all.

Roach couldn’t help but think, this time I went to the Navy headquarters, I don’t know if I will meet them?

Soon after, a warship arrived, and the female emperor agreed to them as requested and boarded the warship directly, while Luffy boarded the warship with the help of Roach.

But according to the female emperor also proposed that she wanted to go to the city first, everything was free of discussion.

After contacting the above, Lieutenant General Mole met the request of the female emperor and prepared to take a trip to the city.

After a few days of sailing, news came from the beard, hoping that Roach would strike after starting the war, not for them, but for Ace, hoping that he would strike. Chi agreed, but asked Whitebeard to take the women to Marin Fando.

Whitebeard instantly understood Roach’s thoughts, and said that he would definitely bring them all.

Soon after, the warship sailed into the advance city, these days, because Luffy, the big stomach king, had to ask the female emperor to cover, although it may be curious, but there is no way.

However, after entering the Advance City, everything was easy to say, Roach took Luffy to quickly sneak into it, and the female emperor wished Roach in her heart.

After entering the first layer of the Advance City, he said directly to Luffy: “Luffy, with Ace’s bounty and strength, coupled with his identity, he will definitely be locked up at the bottom of Advance City, that is, Lvev16 Infinite Hell, if you want to rescue Ace, then you have to pass through the five layers of hell, and then enter through the sewers, go to the rookie shemale paradise to find Ivankov, he will help you achieve a prison escape.” Finally, be careful. This is my last help to you. ”

Luffy felt Roach’s kindness and nodded, Roach released his grip on Luffy’s hand, Luffy suddenly revealed his figure, but Luffy didn’t care at all, directly towards the lower part of the city, ready to enter the first level of hell, while Roach was waiting quietly here, he didn’t know where that Magellan was now, but as long as someone made a big fuss about the prison, he would definitely come forward.

At this moment, the female emperor also went to meet with Ace under Magellan’s leadership, while Roach was alone and slowly waiting.

Finally, there was a commotion from the Red Lotus Hell, and Roach’s eyes lit up: “It’s started, then, I should also move, after all, almost all the people who can help him in the Advance City are dead, wouldn’t it be a pity to let Luffy die in the Advance City, to be honest, this person is quite interesting.” Then that’s pretty much it. ”

After Luffy made a big mess in Red Lotus Hell, he rescued Bucky the hungry clown, and Bucky the Clown followed Luffy to the lower prison in desperation, while Roach entered the Red Lotus Hell unhurriedly.

After Magellan learned that Straw Hat Luffy had infiltrated the Advance City, he let the female emperor leave, and he went to deal with Luffy, and everything developed in the direction that Roach expected.

The news that Straw Hat Luffy was making trouble in the advancing city was also learned by the naval headquarters, and the Sengoku immediately sent warships intending to completely trap Luffy in the advancing city.

Roach walked slowly in the city like this, and no one actually found him, although the monsters of the second layer of hell found Roach because of their sensitive noses, and all of them were killed by Roach.

Continuing down, the cruelty of advancing the city gave Roach once again a new understanding of the behavior of the navy, and it was almost unimaginable that the prisoners living here did not know how to survive.

Luffy desperately rushed to the lower level, Luffy’s strength should not be underestimated, for the sake of Ace, Luffy burst out one hundred and twenty percent of his strength, but unfortunately, he met Magellan in the scorching hell, was easily killed by Magellan, and was directly thrown into the extremely cold hell, and the clown Bucky saw that the situation was not good, and he had already slipped away.

Roach scratched his head, feeling a little helpless, because Luffy has not experienced some plots, so the strength is worse than the original, this is not okay, in this case, even for Ace, Roach will not be able to let Luffy die. _

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