Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 103: The ambitious Qin He


The audience is as silent as death!

On the playground, everyone looked at Qin He's back in amazement, and for a while was speechless!

In the Spirit Hall, Salas's eyes became more solemn.

"The strength of this guy Qin He is definitely not at level 30 on the surface. How many things is he hiding!"

Salas's face was ugly. Obviously, for Qin He's record, he couldn't believe his eyes at all!

In fact, Salas had guessed a long time ago that Qin He's strength was a 30th-level spirit master four years ago. How could it have remained the same after four years? He must have hidden his strength!


In Salas's guess, Qin He would show a level 40 strength at most.

After all, Qin He is only twelve years old now, twelve years old and forty grade. This is already an exaggerated guess!

"Xiao Sisi, this Qin He can defeat Su Longtao in full state without summoning a martial soul. His true strength is probably no less than the soul emperor above level 60!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo also squinted his eyes, showing a hint of vigilance towards Qin He.

Indeed, in Douluo Continent, soul masters fight and summon martial souls are the mode of fighting with all strength!

Like Qin He, even the spirit of martial arts is useless, and defeating Su Longtao is such an understatement. The opponent's strength is definitely superior to Su Longtao!

But the question is, how much better Qin He is than Su Longtao, so far, no one can figure it out!

"I can't see through! Qin He clearly only has two spirit rings! No! He must have some special method to hide his spirit rings!"

Salas' eyes widened, and he made a judgment directly!

Is Qin He's true strength only at the level of the 60th Soul Emperor?

No, maybe it will be stronger!

Too insidious!

In the history of Douluo Continent for so many years, there are countless soul masters, and there are also many spirits with special abilities.

However, no matter how strong the opponent is, the opponent's strength is often clear through the spirit ring or something.

If you have more spirit rings, you will be powerful. If you can't beat them, you will run away. This is the common sense of the spirit master world of Douluo Continent!

But Qin He is really bullying!

It doesn't matter if you hide your strength, even the number of spirit rings can be hidden. Who can beat this!

You must be cautious in fighting Qin He. Who knows what else he is hiding?

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, deep thoughts, horrible!


On the VIP table.

The three Contra elders of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy were also a little unable to sit still at this time.

"Master Qin He, tell us the truth, what is your true strength? Soul King? Soul Emperor?"

Mengshenji stared at Qin He's face with bright eyes, and his voice trembled.

This fellow Qin He definitely hides his strength!

You know, Su Longtao under normal conditions is an ordinary forty-third level soul sect.

But in Su Longtao's peak state just now, it was comparable to the soul emperor, and even some ordinary soul emperors above level 60 were unable to defeat the opponent without summoning the spirit like Qin He did!

My God, the 12-year-old soul emperor, let alone the Heaven Dou Empire, even if the Douluo Continent is reincarnated as a god, it may not be so fast!

"No wonder Young Master Qin He wants to hide his strength..."

Bai Baoshan also nodded suddenly, and other thoughts seemed to flash through his mind.

Indeed, the 12-year-old Level 60 Soul Emperor is too exaggerated. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would believe that Qin He really had such strength?

Therefore, Qin He did not intentionally conceal his strength just now, but the opponent's strength is there, no one believes it at all!

Qin He was bitter, and couldn't help sighing: "Dear elders, teachers, in fact, Qin He already has a thousand-level strength..."

When the words were spoken, the three elders on the stage looked at each other and smiled.

"Hahaha, Young Master Qinhe is really funny and humorous!"

Mengshenji shook his head and said.

"This is not humorous. Young Master Qin He is deliberately gagging, so that he can better hide his strength. I know, I understand. As expected, Young Master Qin He, who is the most talented and intelligent, has countless meanings in a casual statement!"

Bai Baoshan laughed and showed Qin He admiringly.

"A thousand level? Haha, even the gods can be cultivated at only one hundred levels. One thousand level, I am afraid that a punch can blow the Douluo Continent!"

Zhilin also let out a laugh, and looked at Qin He with a look of "Are you kidding me".

Even if you want to lie, tell a reliable lie!

Perhaps, Qin He said this deliberately, wanting to muddy this pool of water so as to better hide himself?

This Qin He deliberately hides his strength, is it true that Qin He has great ambitions like many people in the Tiandou Empire have said?

Ambitious, capable, and wise, even Qin He's father was a count of the Heaven Dou Empire, he was a noble family, and his status was noble. This Qin He really possessed all the conditions for success!

Zhilin sighed, looked at Qin He's face, and even felt impulsive in his heart.

If this Qin He grows up a few years old, his Zhilin might be convinced by the other party's methods, and join him!

Qin He: "······"

I have no ambitions!

I'm telling the truth, I'm right at the thousandth level, why doesn't anyone believe it?


Shrek Academy.

Qin He showed great power, naturally, it was in everyone's eyes.

Tang San and Dai Mubai's breathing was also a bit heavy at this time.

"Su Longtao, such a powerful Su Longtao, was defeated by Qin He with a single move, and he hasn't even summoned a martial soul yet?"

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San beside him with a scrutinizing gaze, his mouth was bigger than an egg!

Qin He's age is much younger than his Dai Mubai!

As for Qin He, at this time, he was able to sling his teacher one by one, how strong his true strength would be!

When I didn't know Qin He, Dai Mubai provoke Qin He face to face, and was not beaten to death by the other party. I was really lucky!

"Boss Dai, I don't know why Qin He is so powerful..."

Tang San's heart was trembling violently, and even his muscles could not be controlled.


Although Tang San used to be at Notting College, Qin He really hasn't made a move for a long time!

However, he was able to defeat himself by cultivating a Xiao Chenyu who was like a waste material at random!

His own strength is strong enough to be comparable to the teacher, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it!

"Qin He is the biggest careerist in Douluo Continent!"

"He has been hiding! He must be brewing a huge conspiracy!"

Tang San's expression was extremely solemn.

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