Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 106: Step left foot first

Wuhundian Academy, something strange happened recently.

In the next month, all the young soul masters became very strange.

They do not practice seriously, they are listless in class, as if they have no interest in everything.


After class, they gathered together again and again, chanting words as if they were caught in an evil!

"Xiao Junshi...Have you really opened this portrait of Qin He? How do I feel that this is just an ordinary portrait and it can't improve my wisdom at all..."

A month later, Xie Yue stared at Xiao Chenyu's face with piercing eyes, her eyes flushed, as if she wanted to find the answer from the other's face!

Hu Liena's beautiful eyes also flashed a suspicion: "Xiao Chenyu, you shouldn't do such a frenzied thing to deceive us of the Golden Soul Coin!"

A hundred gold soul coins are a huge sum of money for ordinary soul masters!

However, most families who can study at Wuhundian Academy are not short of money.

Even if it is short of money, the treatment of Wuhundian to genius soul masters is well known, and that is quite good!

And Xiao Chenyu himself, the family is also a little nobleman, let alone lack of money!

For a hundred gold soul coins, deceived all soul masters in the Wuhun Hall, Xiao Chenyu, are you kidding?

Xiao Chenyu nodded unpredictably: "Yes, this is an ordinary portrait!"

"However, it took you a month to find out, did you become smarter? At least, a month ago, you still didn't know anything..."

Xie Yue: "······"

Hu Liena: "······"

What you said makes sense, but I was speechless!

Xiao Chenyu is still so calm and breezy: "Yes! I really lied to you, but you should think about it carefully, and think about it carefully..."

In the room, there was no sound, and the atmosphere seemed to become very quiet.

For a long time, Xie Yue took a deep breath and solemnly bowed to Xiao Chenyu, looking like she suddenly realized:

"Master Xiao, I understand!"

"Master Xiao wants to warn us that he just made a small plan and caused us to lose so much money like this, and Qin He's calculations will only be more terrifying than this!"

"Master Xiao is telling us with immediate actions that we must always be alert to Qin He's conspiracy!"

"It's worthy of being Xiao Junshi, who has completed this layout with a gesture of action, is Xiao Junshi's strategy, just learned a little from Qin He, is it so powerful?"

Xiao Chenyu: "······"

Yes, you are right!

Why don't I know anything!


"Mr. Su Longtao, I regret to tell you that you were expelled from our Tiandou Royal Academy!"

Tiandou Royal Academy, in the office of the deputy dean.

As the vice president, Mengshenji announced this decision with an indifferent expression!

"Why? I Su Longtao did nothing wrong! Even if I break the academy's spirit power tester, I can pay for compensation..."

Su Longtao looked very anxious at this time.

The Royal Academy of Heaven Dou, it is a famous person with a lot of money, and the benefits to teachers are far more than other academies.

Su Longtao owes such a large debt. If he wants to pay it off, he must not lose his status as a teacher of the Tiandou Royal Academy!

What's more, he Su Longtao originally entered the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy after the Wuhun Palace was operated.

If he loses this job, it means that he has no value in the Wuhun Palace!

A worthless soul master, his result...

Thinking of the cruel methods of the Wuhun Hall, Su Longtao couldn't help but pale and his hands and feet were extremely cold!

"Mr. Su Longtao, you are a good teacher, but you made a mistake!"

The corner of Mengshenji's mouth smiled very mildly, and he said:

"When you first entered the door, your left foot came in first!"

"My Heaven Dou Empire respects the right. You enter the door with your left foot. It is clear that you don't put my Heaven Dou Empire in your eyes and fire you. I have no choice but..."

"Go back and reflect on it, you can!"

Seeing Su Longtao's expression gradually sluggish, Mengshenji gave a satisfied smile.

That's right, I just wanted to fire you on purpose!

Who told you to offend Master Qin He, and Master Qin He is the super genius that His Majesty Xueye pays attention to?

What's more, although Young Master Qin He didn't say it, he secretly signaled me to fire you!

If I do this, maybe I can leave a good impression in front of Young Master Qinhe. When that happens, I will praise my Majesty Xueye casually. Isn't my dream machine just flying?

Su Longtao: "······"

I believe in your evil!

Don’t you just want me to make room for Young Master Qinhe?

Too much deception!


Wuhun Hall.

In the temple, Salas and Chrysanthemum Douluo looked serious.

"Su Longtao was expelled, how much Qin He discovered about the secret plan of our Wuhun Temple!"

Salas' solemn pupils shone brightly, and the wrinkles on his old face seemed to be countless overnight!

Su Longtao, that is the undercover that has been buried in the Wuhun Temple for many years!

This time, because of Qin He, he owed a huge amount of debt, and Wuhundian wanted to solve the opponent secretly!

But I didn't expect that Su Longtao was expelled directly before the Wuhun Palace had started!

The family property was confiscated and used to pay off debts. At this time, Su Longtao, alone, had no value at all to the Spirit Hall!

The speed of Tiandou Royal Academy is faster than Wuhun Palace!

what does this mean?

This means that the undercover agent in the Wuhun Palace has been picked out!

Otherwise, ordinary teachers, even if they owe debts, will at best allow him to pay them back slowly. There is absolutely no such thing as death!

"Definitely! Qin He must have done it!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo Shen Yueguan also gritted his teeth, and said the name Qin He, the color of fear in his eyes did not dissipate for a long time!

Su Longtao has been undercover in the Tiandou Royal Academy for so many years, but has not been discovered!

As soon as Qin He came, Su Longtao was gone. It wasn't Qin He's doing it. Could it be made by the corpse-position vegetarian guys at Tiandou Royal Academy?

What's more, there are other spies in the Wuhun Hall. After hearing Mengshenji's words, the other party indeed expelled Su Longtao because of Qin He!

"Qin He has only been to Tiandou Royal Academy for a few days, can he influence the decision-making of the upper echelons?"

Salas's voice became deeper and deeper:

"Qin He's ambition, Qin He's methods, I'm afraid it is more terrifying than imagined!"

Salas' hands hidden in his sleeves trembled slightly.

Mengshenji, the 86th-level Contra powerhouse, the vice-president of the Tiandou Royal Academy, such a strong existence, bowed his head to Qin He?

Qin He, came to Tiandou Royal Academy, and only a few days later, he completed the things that have been lurking in the Wuhun Palace for many years...

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