Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 118: Create a new chapter of the soul master

Wuhundian Academy.

Avalanche's mutated soul skill, grilling goose, naturally aroused heated discussions among countless students.

"This avalanche is really cruel!"

Xie Yue at this time also took a deep breath, with a touch of fear on her face.

This fear is not only aimed at Qin He, but also at this guy who originally didn't look good at him, that is, Avalanche!

"Can you cook your own Martial Spirit, is this avalanche really just a dude?"

Hu Liena's beautiful eyes flashed with shock, and his heart trembled!

The original avalanche, the White Swan Martial Spirit, is so noble and elegant, although the combat effectiveness is not very good, but it looks very compelling!


This avalanche can do things that ordinary people can't do, so forbearing, in order to improve the strength, abruptly transformed the martial arts into this appearance, it can be imagined that this avalanche is definitely also a gut in the chest, and it can never be like a dude on the surface So simple!

"This avalanche is only due to Master Qin He's teaching, have you all forgotten it? How terrifying Qin He's teaching ability is!"

At this moment, Xiao Chenyu's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and his voice blew around Wuhundian Academy!

Yes indeed!

This avalanche, born out of nowhere, invented such a terrifying mutated spirit ability, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention!

However, everyone knows that this Qin He is the real teacher of Xue Beng and the real man behind the scenes!

Qin He secretly buried himself in the shadows again by the fame of Xue Beng!

Had it not been for Xiao Chenyu's reminder, we would have almost forgotten that Qin He was the greatest threat!

"This guy Qin He always thinks about hiding himself, like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, it is really impossible to guard against!"

Young Master Xieyue couldn't help but sighed at this time, and turned to Xiao Chenyu with a touch of gratitude.

Thanks to Xiao Chenyu, Army Master Xiao always reminded him, otherwise, Qin He would have to complete various calculations behind his back, and the people in the Wuhun Temple Academy actually knew nothing!

"En, Junshi Xiao is right! This guy Qin He is smart, witty, and talented. He is perfect! However, no matter how perfect a person is, he will have shortcomings!"

Hu Liena on the side also flashed an inexplicable color in her beautiful eyes.

"What's the disadvantage?"

Young Master Xieyue leaned over curiously.

Speaking of it, Hu Liena originally had a relationship with Qin He, and even the Spirit Hall supported Hu Liena and Qin He's object.

It's just that afterwards, good luck tricks people, and there are too many girls around Qin He, plus Hu Liena and Qin He go to school in different places, the matter is not resolved.

Hu Liena's eyes flashed with a strong sense of aggression: "Flaw me!"

do not care!

Qin He, you are so good, how could my mother let you go!

Xie Yue: "······"

Xiao Chenyu: "······"

As expected to be the boss of Qin He, I knew five years ago that Sister Hu Liena had already fallen under the charm of the boss of Qin He!

Xiao Chenyu sighed with emotion. This is how powerful Qin He is. Hu Liena is the saint of the Spirit Hall. After conquering the saint, most of the power of the Spirit Hall has been robbed away!

However, this Martial Soul Palace still feels that it can rely on Her Royal Highness Hu Liena to practice the beauty trick.

But although this sister-in-law Hu Liena is also very beautiful, but the boss of Qin He wants to unify the Douluo mainland in the future, she will definitely not be fettered by a mere woman!

Although the boss of Qin He is still young, the current trend is already faintly opening the harem. This harem incident is like a fight in the Xiuluo field. I, Xiao Chenyu, would better not participate!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chenyu's face was solemn, and he looked at the fixed state of his eyes and nose.

"I want to trick the dog into killing again! This **** Qin He!"

"Saint Hu Liena, I have long heard of an affair with Qin He, now it seems that this is also true?"

"Qin He, this guy is really too much! Goddess likes wherever he goes, and now even our most beautiful Saintess has hooked up!"

"Too much bullying! It's really bullying too much!"

"What? If you don't accept it, if you don't accept it, go and fight Qin He?"

"Forget it! Can't beat this guy! Qin He, why is there no weakness that can be dealt with! Why is it so perfect!"

The students in the Wuhun Hall wailed for a while!


Notting College.

Yu Xiaogang listened to the recent news with piercing eyes. With the help of Qin He, His Highness Xue Beng successfully comprehended the mutated soul skill-the BBQ Goose!

At this time, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but sighed: "What a Qinhe! What a grilled goose! This variant spirit skill is simply unimaginable, like an antelope hanging horns, no trace to be found, and creation. A new chapter for the soul master!"

The master of dignified Wuhun theory research has already turned into Qin Hechu at this time. I don't know if Qinhe is praised, he is about to boast a small essay.

"Master Jade, what is so good about this grilled goose?"

On the side, Dean Zhao Chong of Notting College, Qin He's former teacher, couldn't help but twitch.

As expected of Qin He!

This guy, the mutant soul abilities developed by this guy is really strangely tight!

Especially this plate of barbecue goose is something that can only be developed by ruthless people. Throughout the long history of Douluo Continent, I have never seen anyone who cooked a martial soul as a spirit ability!

Dean Zhao Chong’s spirit is a giant bear. According to Qin He’s thinking, he thinks that if he gets a spirit skill like braised bear paw, he won’t be able to use it...

The spirit of martial arts is a very delicate thing. You must have courage to burn the spirit of martial arts!


It's terrible!

This Xue Beng and Qin He really dare to teach and learn one by one!

"My son, Qin He, is really too much! Master Yu, Dean Zhao, don't worry, I will go to Soto City tomorrow and call Qin He back to reprimand. How can this be done?"

Aside, Qin Zhan, the father of Qin He, spoke with a solemn expression.

To be honest, this time, Qin Zhan really didn't pretend to be forceful, and was really frightened by Qin He!

This avalanche, but the second prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, although not a favored prince, the identity of the prince is truly true!

That's all for your research on Wuhun theory!

Experiment with ordinary soul masters, and I won't say anything about you!

Even the second prince, you Qin He used as a tool man!

Thanks to this, nothing major has happened, otherwise, I, the city lord of Notting City, the Earl of the Heaven Dou Empire, and the strong soul king, will probably lose my head soon!

It's so exciting!

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