Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 120: Another tool man

"Ah Qiu!"

At Tiandou Royal Academy, Qin He couldn't help sneezing and rubbed his nose in a daze.

Recently, the number of sneezes has really increased. Could it be that Qin He, a thousand-level existence, can also catch a cold?

Also, every day I sleep without a quilt, my body, Qin He, is inherently weak, and it is excusable to catch the cold occasionally.

It seems that I will have to sleep more and take care of it in the future. I, Qin He, is already twelve years old, and I am no longer young. I have to be middle-aged and I have to soak wolfberries in a thermos...

Of course, all these are Qin He's ideas.

If you let others know, it is estimated that you will directly sip the salt soda and squirt this pretending guy to death!

Tiandou Royal Academy.

The door of the teacher's office.

The weather was a little gloomy and the cool breeze was blowing on Qin He's handsome face, giving Qin He's body an inexplicable mysterious charm.

"Brother Qin He, you taught Avalanche to learn mutated soul skills, it is the most successful teaching case I have ever seen!"

The deputy director of Mengshenji happily patted Qin He's shoulder, causing Qin He's mouth to twitch.

I succeeded again?

what happened?

Who really wants to be successful? I just teach you this way. Is your brain sick in this avalanche? Can this also comprehend the mutant spirit ability?

Beside Qin He, Xue Beng and Xiao Wu were separated from each other, like a pair of flags behind the old general on the stage.

My Qin He... was back stabbed again?

Can anyone tell me why I can comprehend so many things by saying a few words casually?

Is the per capita understanding of Douluo mainland Einstein?

"Teacher Qin He, why are you looking at me like this? Is it because my understanding is too low and my understanding is too slow?"

Aside, Xue Beng lowered his head shyly, and said, "Boss Qin He's thinking is really unbelievable. Speaking of which, he can comprehend the mutant spirit ability, but luck is the most!"

"I admit that I have a gambling element, but I bet right! I didn't shame you, Master!"

While talking, Xue Beng's eyes flashed with fanaticism!

If we talk about the previous avalanche, maybe Qin He's teaching ability still has some doubts!

So now, Xue Beng has completely transformed into Qin He's brain-dead fan, the brain-depleted kind that is hopeless!

"Brother Qin He, why are you still stubborn? Although His Highness Xue Beng has a low understanding, but he works very hard, so don't blame him anymore..."

Xiao Wu on the side, seeing Qin He's dark face, also showed a suddenly enlightened expression, and persuaded.

Indeed, how ambitious is Qin He's goal, he wants to unify the Douluo mainland!

And to unify the Douluo Continent, you need to cultivate top talents, and cultivating talents is what Qin He is best at!

However, if all people are as stupid as an avalanche, and cultivated for so long to realize a little bit, then they will indeed be mad!

"Yes, boss Qin He, don't be angry anymore, my talent is not in the cultivation of soul masters, what I want to learn more is your unfathomable wisdom, boss Qin He!"

On the side, Avalanche also echoed his opening.

God's wisdom!

I am wise, you big head ghost!

Qin He's face became darker, and he even wanted to slap this **** to death!

"How do I think this is pretending?"

The corners of Mengshen's mouth twitched, I really didn't know what to say.

Your avalanche, your talent is not in cultivation, you can comprehend the unique mutant soul ability!

But those who think that their talents are in the cultivation of soul masters have not understood anything for so many years!

Are you sure this is not deliberately counterattack, deliberately hit us in the face!

This avalanche, and Qin He's characteristic, is really a nest of snakes and rats!

"His Royal Highness, what you said is wrong! As the second prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, in Douluo Continent, you can't go far with wisdom alone!"

"Didn't you see Brother Qin He getting more angry?"

"Look at you. If you don't have enough strength, even if you learn the wisdom of Qin He, and indulge in scheming and routine all day long, you will become useless in the face of absolute strength!"

Xiao Wu instantly turned into the head of the elder sister, and persuaded her with earnestness.

"That's it! Master Qin He, I am superficial, I was wrong!"

Xue Beng nodded suddenly.

"This son, Qin He, is well-informed! Obviously this avalanche has done so well, but Qin He still requires such strict requirements, for fear that the avalanche will go a wrong way!"

"Strictly teaches students! With a teacher like Qin He, this avalanche, the future achievements are limitless!"

"This Qin He deserves to teach such an excellent apprentice!"

Mengshenji also sighed.

In the declining world, in the Douluo Continent now, if students don't study well, they know fighting all day long.

Of course, in the Tiandou Royal Academy, the teachers were not very good at teaching, following behind some nobles all day long, bowing to the nobles, arrogant to the commoners, and making the school smug!

If everyone can be like Qin He, teach well and strictly demand, then sooner or later, Tiandou Royal Academy will surpass all the academies in Douluo Continent and become the strongest academy!

"Teacher Qin He, I intend to let the best students in our college, all members of the Huangdou team, learn from you!"

"You are so good, you must be able to teach them all! I believe you!"

Mengshen Ji made a look that I was optimistic about you, and said solemnly.

Qin He: "Deputy Dean Meng, I really can't teach students..."

What did I do again?

Your brains are too much to make up!


Ling sings in the evening, and the sunset is full of wind and smoke.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, saying goodbye to Meng Shenji and Xue Beng, Qin He walked sadly.

At this moment, he was following Xiao Wu who was still thinking about it, but the other party looked excited!

"Brother Qin He's layout is really wonderful!"

Xiao Wu was on the sidelines, and she couldn't help but express her admiration: "The teacher of the Emperor Fighting Team, but a very honorable position. After all, the members of the Emperor Fighting Team are all geniuses. To be able to be teachers of these geniuses is undoubtedly in the Heaven Dou Empire. It’s a very good qualification!"

"Brother Qin He, if you want to unify the Douluo Continent, you have to win over young geniuses, so have you already set your sights on the Huangdou team?"

It must be so!

Although I don’t know how Qin He did it, you must know that in the entire Tiandou Royal Academy, there are many teachers who are coveting the position of teacher of the Huangdou team, but the deputy dean of Mengshenji is out against the crowd. Teach this position to Qin He?

This must be the result of Qin He's calculations behind the scenes, maybe it also involves the exchange of interests, so calmly completed so many layouts, so terrifying...

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