Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 126: Elegant and easy-going, I am Qin He

At the Wuhundian Academy, the faces of everyone were very ugly, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

As we all know, Qin He is best at teaching students. The former Xiao Chenyu or the current Avalanche, which is not considered waste material, turned out to be a big man under Qin He's teaching!

Now taking over the Imperial Fighting Team, which is already a genius, might cause even greater trouble to the Wuhun Palace!

"You don’t have to worry too much. Young Master Qin He is good at teaching special talents. For example, Xiao Chenyu like me. Team Huang Dou, although it seems that the spirit is very powerful, but Young Master Qin He may not be able to Teach them well!"

On the side, Xiao Chenyu spoke calmly, as if strategizing.

The many other Wuhundian students seemed to breathe a sigh of relief!

"What Xiao Junshi said is reasonable!"

"Qin He should not be able to teach these Emperor Fighters! Moreover, Qin He also offended a 60th-level soul emperor like Qin Ming, I am afraid he will be in trouble!"

"I have to say, Qin He relies too much on resourcefulness! This shot, even if he counts the tempting position as a teacher of the Huangdou team, but his strength, can he hold this position?"

"You said Qin He relies on resourcefulness? Come on! Young Master Qin He is perfect! He has never failed. This time, Qin Ming was expelled from the Tiandou Royal Academy, and Qin He was unscathed, and he obviously made it. Significant achievement!"

"It's true! We have been planning for the position of the emperor battle team teacher for a long time..."

Listening to the discussion of the Wuhundian Academy students, Xiao Chenyu's face was expressionless, but he sneered in his heart!

"How could I, Xiao Chenyu, an undercover agent tell you the greatness of Young Master Qin He!"

"If you guessed it correctly, Young Master Qin He made this shot to gain the management right of the Royal Fighting Team, and then to encroach on the Tiandou Royal Academy to unify the Douluo Continent, expand contacts and expand influence!"

Xiao Chenyu's admiration flashed in secret.

This group of members of the Royal Fighting Team are all top-notch geniuses, and there are no small forces behind them, and they are closely related to the upper-level figures of the Tiandou Royal Family!

The layout of Young Master Qin He began at Notting College. By drawing in young soul masters, after these young soul masters grew up, they gradually affected the big figures behind them!

Team Huangdou is just a chess piece, Qin Ming is just a chess piece, and even Xiao Chenyu, myself, is just a chess piece!

Young Master Qin He, that is the one who really plays chess, this is the real count of the world!

"I want to seize the work of wooing the Wuhundian students. When the opportunity comes, Young Master Qin He raised his arms and shouted, Xiao Chenyu can also contribute to Young Master Qin He's great cause!"

Fanaticism flashed in Xiao Chenyu's eyes!


Shrek Academy.

This is a long-established academy created by Saint Flander, the battle soul of the 78-level sensitive attack system. It is famous for only accepting monsters and has cultivated countless talents for major forces over the years!

Some of the students who graduated from Shrek entered the Tiandou Royal Academy to become teachers, and some even entered the Hall of Souls and became elders, with extremely high success rates.

Due to funding issues, this session that Tang San joined was the last Shrek Academy, and in order to maintain the academy's operations, the academy's various facilities were extremely dilapidated.

"Ms. Qin Ming, why are you back?"

In the dilapidated college office, Dean Flander frowned, lost in thought.

Flander looked surprised, but he felt a little helpless.

Qin Ming, Qin Ming, you did a good job at Tiandou Royal Academy, why are you going back to Shrek Academy?

My college is almost out of operation!

"President Flanders, I was expelled from the Heaven Dou Royal Academy!"

Qin Ming's voice was so weak and helpless.

"Expulsion? How is it possible? Tiandou Royal Academy is a regular college. How could it be possible to expel the teacher for no reason? Why?"

Flander was surprised.

"Well, when I enter the office, I take my right foot first. The Heaven Dou Empire respects the left..."

Qin Ming spoke depressedly.

Flanders: "······"

The reason that Su Longtao was fired last time was because he took his left foot first!

This is so extraordinary, it is clearly the standard expulsion posture after offending Qin He!

Heaven Dou Empire, for Qin He, can he even change whatever he respects?

"Teacher Flender, Shrek Academy, should be in great need of talent like me!"

Aside, Qin Ming didn't seem to see Flander's changed face, his eyes still had a slight look of expectation.

Flender's face turned dark: "Teacher Qin Ming, you should go somewhere else to hide, don't offend Qin He, this guy, we really didn't offend us!"


Did you offend Qin He?

Is your brain flooded?

Young Master Qin He, at the age of 12, was able to be a teacher at the Imperial Academy on the same day, and he was also registered in the martial arts theory research field, and even the Great Emperor Xueye praised him Qin He!

You returned to my Shrek Academy, do you want my Shrek Academy to close down soon?


early morning.

A new day is coming for Tiandou Royal Academy.

Qin He walked on the path of Tiandou Imperial College, the sunshine was so gentle and leisurely.

Squinting his eyes, even while walking, Qin He looked sleepy, as if he would fall down at any time.

"Ms. Qin He, congratulations!"

"Teacher Qin He, a member of the Huangdou team, is already in the classroom, you go slowly!"

"Teacher Qin He, you don't know me! Don't you know? Oh, then I can rest assured!"

"Teacher Qin He, you were so careless that you dropped such a big bag of Soul Gold Coins on the ground. I will help you pick it up. You must take it!"

"Ms. Qin He, why did you drop such a big gift box on the ground!"

For Qin He to become the instructor of the Emperor Fighting Team, it was a very helpless thing.

At this time, he could not help but sighed as he looked at so many teachers from the Tiandou Royal Academy who came to curry. ·"

Those who came and went were all teachers from the Tiandou Royal Academy. Hearing Qin He's words, the backbones couldn't help but feel cold!

"Master Qin He, you must not say that!"

It's over, we're over!

Qin He said that he is very easy-going. There must be a deep meaning in his words. I can't understand it. Will he be expelled and warned like the previous two seniors?

Qin He, I was wrong, you are so easy going!

All the teachers are crying.

Qin He's mouth, a deceitful ghost!

Qin He can't even believe the punctuation, we are not fools!

I am too difficult...

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