"His Royal Highness Xuebeng, you and I are both teachers of Qin He's disciples now, and we need more exchanges in the future!"

Yu Tianheng's smile is so amiable, so brilliant, but the sharp color flashing in his eyes is actually received by Avalanche!

"Captain Jade, you are kidding..."

Xue Beng couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead, and looked in the direction of Qin He with the corner of his eye.

Teacher Qin He, his power is not only powerful, but also powerful!

Teacher Qin He must know the strength of my avalanche. He knew that I couldn't beat Yu Tianheng, so why did he call me over?

Could it be that Teacher Qin He simply wants me to suffer and wants me to lose the game?

No, Teacher Qin He will never do something uncertain, and his layout has never failed once!

Underneath, the other members of the Huangdou team suddenly realized.

"Captain Jade is really wit, challenging Qin He is looking for abuse, but against Xue Beng, the winning rate is very high!"

"Persimmons should be soft and pinched! Look at the expression of avalanche, you are properly afraid!"

"His Royal Highness Xue Beng is of course scared, a twenty-fourth-level great soul master will face our Captain Jade, and use his toes to know that he can't win!"

"The toes are not the point! The point is, how many tricks does Captain Jade use to get rid of the avalanche in seconds?"

"Probably a trick!"

"Give teacher Qin He a little bit of face, after all, His Highness Xue Beng is also making progress. Let's do two tricks!"

Douluo Continent is a world of spirit masters respected by the strong.

The Huangdou team was afraid of Qin He's strength and did not dare to attack Qin He.

However, they think they know the avalanche better, so they are also very confident!


"Brother Qin He, the big thing is not good! This member of the Emperor Fighting team seems to welcome you Brother Qin He, but in fact they are deliberately testing Brother Qin He by competing against Xue Beng!"

"Doesn't this avalanche be sure to lose?"

On the side, Xiao Wu's big watery eyes flashed with worry and dignity.

Qin He's undefeated myth has already been circulated in Douluo Continent.

There are countless people who want to break Qin He's undefeated myth, unable to start from Qin He, or even defeat Qin He's apprentice, they will be happy for a long time!

Xue Beng is Qin He's apprentice and the weakest link at present, which naturally arouses the coveting of many people!

The place where Qin He and Xiao Wu stood was still some distance away from everyone in the Huang Dou team.

At this time of the avalanche, standing on the ring with trembling hands and feet, facing the majestic Yu Tianheng, he almost didn't cry.

"Let him go!"

Qin He's expression is very calm, and his indifferent eyes are like a bottomless lake.

That's right, I didn't expect to be seen by you, I, Qin He, wanted to let Xue Beng go up and send people away!

After all, my Qin He is too perfect, without the slightest weakness, others dare not attack me Qin He!

Undefeated golden body, there is no way on your own.

Then, I had to let Xue Beng play for me, breaking my undefeated myth of Qin He.

Thinking of this, Qin He looked at Xue Beng's expression with a touch of softness: "Xue Beng, don't worry, it doesn't matter if you lose!"

The words seemed unremarkable, but Xiao Wu's face was a little more solemn.

"Brother Qin He is truly extraordinary, and Yu Tianheng's provocation must have been planned!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Wu couldn't help showing her admiration.

"What am I planning?"

Qin He looked blank.

Xiao Wu nodded with approval, and said in praise: "Brother Qin He, this time Xue Beng and Yu Tian are constantly fighting against each other, Qin He's plan, I guess it is like this!"

"Brother Qin He, you will deliberately let Avalanche lose the game to achieve your seemingly low-key goal!"

The appearance of Xiao Wu made Qin He's mouth twitch.

"I didn't want to be low-key on the surface, I really want to be low-key..."

Xiao Wu suddenly realized, "I understand, I understand!"

His Royal Highness Xue Beng, that is the weakness that Qin He deliberately exposed to others, don't look at His Highness Xue Beng's precarious appearance, in fact Qin He has secretly planned!

On the surface, His Highness Xue Beng's strength is weak, which has attracted others to try, in fact, His Highness Xue Beng has already obtained the true biography of Qin He, and it must be a stable victory, so he is so calm!

My Xiao Wu is really worried for Brother Qin He!


The classroom was very large, and Xue Beng and Yu Tianheng were already standing in a relatively large open space.

"Master Qin He, how could he make such a decision, obviously my Avalanche's strength is definitely not as good as Yu Tianheng, so why should I take the stage to compete?"

His Highness Xue Beng was also lost in thought at this time, squinting his eyes.

The spirit power aura in his body trembles endlessly, and the surrounding air also trembles.

"Carefully pay attention to Master Qin He's words, let him go, these ordinary words contain an indomitable momentum!"

"Master Qin He at the time said these four words so lightly, so lightly, this is a realm that regards the enemy as nothing, it is too high and deep!"

"Just looking at Master Qin He's expression, my avalanche feels unfathomable!"

"Yes, although I have recently achieved success in Xue Beng's cultivation and have also comprehended the mutated spirit ability, my previous mentality of waste materials has not changed. Facing a master like Yu Tianheng, I will be so concerned about gains and losses..."

"I understand! Just as Master Qin He said, let him go, forever, this is the way of a soul master!"

In Xue Beng's eyes, there was a feverish light!

At the same time, his spirit power fluctuated more and more surging!

Twenty-fifth level...Twenty-sixth level...

Level 27······Level 28······

Breakthrough again!

In just a few breaths, Avalanche's spirit power level broke through from level 24 to level 30!

If it weren't for the absence of a spirit ring, maybe this avalanche level would continue to break through!

"Wait, this avalanche, is he enlightening now?"

In Douluo Continent, there are always some spirit masters who will encounter some adventures, and people can't find the reason for the rapid breakthrough of soul power level, so these things that quickly break through the soul power level are called epiphany!

Epiphany is the dream of countless soul masters!

At this moment, Yu Tianheng's eyes almost didn't come out. He obviously didn't expect Qin He's teaching ability to be so outstanding!

He made a few words without a word, and he actually made Xue Beng directly break through to level 30, and the spirit power aura on his body became more surging!

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