Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 147: I'm Qin He, a little flustered


I don't know how long it took, when the spies of the major forces were about to fall asleep, a thunder blasted in the sky!

A string of scorched and crisp thunders shocked people's scalp. Then, a purple lightning struck Qin He's head with lightning speed!

This scene caused the spirit masters present to close their eyes involuntarily, and some forcibly did not want to close their eyes. At this time, they were also covering their eyes and wailing!

The huge coercion enveloped the sky, thunder and roar, as if someone was beating a drum and fighting!

It was originally a terrifying sight, but at this time, most of the onlookers seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Finally... it's hacked down!"

Whether it is worrying about Qin He or cursing Qin He, everyone seems to have unloaded an important burden.

The purple thunder fell in the air, the air seemed to be torn apart, but at this time Qin He didn't lift his eyelids!


That purple thunderbolt hit Qin He's body, but it made a soft noise, and immediately it was as if the snow in winter met the sun, and it melted instantly without a trace!

The second thunder was struck down immediately, giving no chance to breathe at all!

The third way, the fourth way...

The thunder slashed one after another, at this speed, it was almost like a wind, which made everyone stunned!

You have been brewing for so long before, but when you split it off, you are like rushing to reincarnate, why bother?

"It deserves to be the extremely terrifying Thunder Tribulation in the rumors of the Douluo Continent. Even if it is Qin He, he will definitely die!"

At this time, those spirit masters who seemed to be unhappy with Qin He, spoke quite a little gloating, most of them were spirit masters in the Spirit Hall.


When the thunder was gone, Qin He's face was filled with confusion and astonishment, but there was no fear at all!

"Wow, what a terrible Thunder Tribulation!"

Qin He couldn't help frowning, searching his stomach, and finally pulled out a word.

It's still a familiar recipe, or a familiar taste!

This thunder tribulation, I have not experienced Qin He for many years, it is still so weak!

No, I, Qin He, want to keep a low profile and can't tell the truth!

I, Qin He, how can I pretend that this Thunder Tribulation is very powerful?

"Too much bullying!"

In the sky, Lei Jie's eyes exuding a ruthless and cold breath, only felt his own ciliary muscle formed by clouds, and couldn't help twitching.

I have hacked you Qin He so many times, my eyes of thunder robbery, do you know what urinary **** you have?

The four thunder tribulations in front of this were just bludgeoning, if they were facing an ordinary one hundred thousand year soul beast, or a titled Douluo, there would be no more scum left on the opponent.

Although only one ten thousandth of the power of the Eye of Thunder Tribulation was used, Tianwei is not to be desecrated!


The eyes of Lei Jie’s years of experience in hacking people told him that it was useless for Qin He at all!

His Qin He screamed and said it was amazing, but he should actually be mocking me!

I hacked you with all my strength, and I was about to vomit blood when I was tired. You Qin He didn't have any damage!

And these four thunders were brushed down together, but it was like taking a hot bath for Qin He, making Qin He even more energetic!

The four thunders in the front are magnificent, but in terms of their sturdiness, they are probably as thick as chopsticks, and they seem to be within the tolerance range.


The Eye of Thunder Tribulation was speechless, but the thunder brewing in the sky became more and more intense.

The fifth way, the sixth way...

The next two thunder tribulations were brewing for a quarter of an hour, and the richness of the thunder tribulation was far surpassed the four previous thunder tribulations!

No, these two thunder tribulations can no longer be said to be smashed down, it should be said that they were smashed down!

One after another, like a basketball-sized thunder, directly hit Qin He's handsome face and slammed it down!


Thunder rang in the middle of the low clouds, making people's ears buzzing.

What was roaring over Qin He's head was the Purple Cloud Thunder Tribulation, which was more terrifying than ordinary thunder and lightning. At this time, the Tiandou Royal Academy, the earth centered on Qin He was shaking.


Qin He in the middle of the storm was like a towering mountain, motionless, even the powerful thunder calamity did not cause any harm to Qin He's clothes!

"It's a bit interesting! I didn't expect that this thunder tribulation would break a piece of my Qin He's clothes! It was terrifying!"

Qin He raised his eyelids lazily, looking helpless.

For Qin He, his spirit power level has reached a thousandth level, and in many cases he can't control it, so he can only rely on external forces.

Lei Jie was the external force Qin He wanted to find.

Every time he was hacked by Thunder Tribulation, Qin He's control of his soul power would be much higher than before.

Otherwise, with Qin He's 1,000-level strength, there would be no way to survive on Douluo Continent, and it would be possible to blow Douluo Continent with a single breath!

Of course, the higher the strength, the harder it is to suppress it with Thunder Tribulation!

Especially, Qin He is about to break through the 1,000th level, this is indeed a difficult problem...

Eye of Thunder Tribulation: "······"

I'm too hard!

Sure enough, this Qin He can't die!

It's dead, this Douluo Continent should be peaceful!

Eye of Lei Jie wanted to cry, really wanted to cry.

To be honest, it really doesn't want to hack Qin He, because it knows that hacking is also for nothing.

However, although it is the incarnation of Thunder Tribulation that everyone is afraid of, it actually strikes people according to the procedure, saying that it is necessary to split Qinhe nine ways, that is, nine ways!

Seventh way...Eighth way...

The next thunder was already extremely lethal, and the ground five miles around Qinhe had already sunk several layers!


Such a huge lethality and such a terrifying Tianwei still did not bring even the slightest harm to Qin He.

Ninth way!

In the end, Qin He's whole body was covered by the thunder. At this time, Qin He seemed to have become a thunderball. The surrounding ground was sinking for tens of meters, the surrounding flowers and trees were cut off, and the spirit power in the air Disorder, thundering!


When the thunder was gone, Qin He’s handsome face did not suffer any damage from the thunder, but instead became more handsome.······

In the sky, the Eye of Thunder Tribulation was half-open and half-closed, and it was indeterminate. It looked like...tired!

The clouds disappear and the thunders are scattered, and the color is clear.

The expression on Qin He's face was full of helplessness: "That's it? Xiao Jie Jie, you can hack a few more times, otherwise I really can't suppress my strength, I will break through!"

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