Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 347: Dai Mubai's Controversy on Qin He's Tools

"Brother Qin Zhan, how are our friendships?"

In the Heaven Dou Imperial Palace, Emperor Xue Ye tightly grasped the sleeves of Qin He's father, Qin Zhan, and stared at Qin Zhan firmly, as if he was afraid that Qin Zhan would disappear before his eyes in the next moment.

Emperor Xueye, the Emperor of Tiandou Empire, even if he retires now, he is still a terrifying existence with the strength of a 98-level Title Douluo, and the pressure on his body is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.


At this time, when the Emperor Xueye spoke, his voice was gentle and like a girl, almost already imploring.

"This is the advantage of having a good son. It's really better than others, it's maddening..."

On the side of Mengshenji, the vice president of Tiandou Imperial Academy, and the confidant of Emperor Xueye, all had mixed feelings at this time.

The Great Emperor Xue Ye is clearly a 98-level powerful Title Douluo, but Qin Zhan is just a small soul king. The difference between the two is really like the difference between the ends of the world.

But in the end, the Great Xueye must beg Qin Zhan, why?

That is naturally because Qin He has the ability to bestow spirit rings on others!

Everyone knows that a hundred-level **** can have an infinite life span!


For so many years in the Douluo Continent, how many amazing and brilliant existences have been stuck in a certain realm for their entire life and cannot be improved!

If it is an ordinary talented spirit master, that's all, those strong men who have broken through to Title Douluo, who is not proud and wants to continue to break through?

It is a pity that most of those people are already old after breaking through to Title Douluo, and there is no way to continue to participate in the assessment of the gods. In the end, they can only let time pass and turn into a wave of loess!

But now, the appearance of Qin He is equivalent to giving those old and powerful Title Douluo a chance to breathe!

Rather than begging the gods for mercy and descending miracles to make them break through the 100th level, it is better to look forward to Qin He's mercy!

After all, the gods are aloof and don’t know where to hide all day. Even if you want to find them, you can’t find them, or you can go to dangerous places to participate in all kinds of weird assessments before you can see them. Incarnate one side!

And Qin He, although it is also difficult to see, but after all, he is a real person, with relatives and friends in Douluo Continent, it is relatively easy to meet.

Begging Qin He to give them a spirit ring for these titled Douluo who are dying of old age, so that they can break through to the 100th level, so that they can have an infinite lifespan...

For this purpose, what if you sell yourself to Qin He?

Emperor Xue Ye is definitely not an exception. In Douluo Continent, as long as he hears the news that Qin He can bestow spirit rings on others, it is estimated that there will be a large wave of Title Douluo's refuge!

More importantly, even if there are some strong people who are not Title Douluo, even if they are ordinary strong people, they also want to become stronger, and they also want to obtain a golden spirit ring in vain!

"Your Majesty Xueye, my son Qin He is actually not that powerful. If my son can give people a spirit ring at will, I am a father, so why am I just a soul king now? This trick is definitely There are also great restrictions..."

At the same time, Qin Zhan on the side showed a look of embarrassment.

"Yeah... this secret skill bestowed on spirit rings is really not easy to master. There may be a quota limit. In other words, if I don't hurry up, my opportunity may be taken by others... ···"

In the muddy eyes of Emperor Xue Ye, there was a rare flash of sharp expression.

Although the Great Xueye resigned from the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire on the surface, in fact, after so many years as the emperor, how could he not have his own army and power of spirit masters?

Even if Emperor Xueye knew very well, compared with a thousand-level Qin He, no matter how many soul master troops and forces he possessed, he would probably be vulnerable!


Emperor Xue Ye doesn't need to defeat Qin He, he only needs to defeat the others who compete with him!

"Douluo Continent, because of Qin He, I am afraid that another **** storm will be set off..."

"Perhaps, this is also Qin He's method to clean up those restless forces, and all the rest will be put in peace... One trick to bestow the spirit ring, it caused Douluo Continent to rise up and down. Rain, Qin He······horror like this·······"

Mengshenji was aside, looking at the murderous Emperor Xue Ye, he couldn't help but shudder.

However, Mengshenji didn't think it was so terrible to Emperor Xueye, who was braving all over his murderous aura!

On the contrary, for the distant Qin River, Mengshenji couldn't help feeling trembling hands and feet, and the whole person was a little nervous, and was about to faint!

How many people could be killed by Qin He's random layout!

too terrifying!

With Qin He as an enemy, where did those people get their courage!


"Is this guy Qin He really doing a good job? Otherwise, why are so many girls vying for the first time? Your sister, the sisters of Tianshui College, actually fell into Qin He's arms... "

Shrek Academy, Ma Hongjun sighed and wailed in the playground.

Ma Hongjun didn't care about Qin He's ability to bestow spirit rings to others, because Ma Hongjun knew very well that this ability was unique to Qin He, and it was impossible for Qin He to give spirit rings to Shrek Academy students.

At this time, Ma Hongjun only envied Qin He’s peach blossom luck·······

You know, in Shrek Academy, as a pure single dog, Ma Hongjun can only go to the red light district to find a girl for comfort, and the girls who appear casually around Qin He are of such high quality!

Why is the gap between people so big?

"Ma Hongjun, you guy, you think about women all day long. Now Qin He is so powerful. If we want to surpass Qin He, we have to start from many aspects and work harder. Is it time to think about women?"

Dai Mubai, as the boss of Shrek Academy, couldn't help but hate the education of iron and steel.

However, on the surface of education, in fact, Dai Mubai also took a look at his weapon secretly, pondered it for a while, and said in his heart: Is the weapon good? I wear Mubai, the instrument is quite big, ten centimeters or something, can't the girl still be satisfied?

Looking up, Dai Mubai saw him chatting with Ma Hongjun happily, but today Tang San doesn't seem to be very active, but is lying lazily on the grass, basking in the sun.

"Little San, what's wrong with you? How can you be so depraved, don't you want to catch up with Qin He?"

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