Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 349: Blazing Academy: Severely condemn the beauty scheme

Blazing Academy defeated all the opponents in the qualifiers, but the reason why their expressions are still so solemn is naturally because of Qin He.

Fire and water are incompatible. At this point in time, Blazing Academy has not yet played against Tianshui Academy, but it is clear that the two academies are also regarded as rivals to some extent.

In the original work, the girls of Tianshui Academy have an average spirit power level higher than that of Blazing Academy, and their strength is a little stronger.

If it were the original Tianshui College, perhaps Blazing College still had the mind to compete with Tianshui College!

But now!

If it were Tianshui Academy with all members at level 50, then in front of Blazing Academy, the most powerful group of spirit masters with more than forty levels, wouldn't it be killed in seconds?

"Tianshui College, it's really shameless! In order to win, in order to obtain resources and soul bones, it is really shameless to use a beauty trick to win over the organizer Qin He!!"

Huo Wushuang, the male captain of Blazing Academy, was also very depressed at this time.


There are too many shady scenes in this year's mainland Advanced Soul Master Academy Young Elite Soul Master Competition!

As long as you please Qin He, even if you are a pig, you will be able to improve your strength, even if you have not won the championship of the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Young Elite Soul Master Competition, but as long as you get Qin He's guidance, this wave will definitely not lose!

After all, even if you won the championship of the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Young Elite Soul Master Competition, the rewards would only be the soul bones and gold soul coins of things outside your body, but Qin He can really help you improve your strength!

A good young elite soul master contest of the mainland senior soul master academy will probably become a contest to please Qinhe.

"Tianshui College is indeed too much. It's backing mountains, mountains and rivers. However, among the Five Element Colleges, Tianshui College and Elephant Academy have both chosen to join Qin He's team. Qin He's next goal should not be us. Fire Academy!"

Huo Wushuang couldn't help but frowned.

In Douluo Continent, it is normal to take refuge in the strong. If Qin He is really as strong as the rumors, and taking refuge in the other party can bring benefits to Blazing Academy, then there is nothing wrong with doing so.

But obviously, Huo Wushuang also has his own worries!

After all, Blazing Academy is not the first force to take refuge in Qin He. If the first force to take refuge in Qin He can obtain Qin He’s support, then the Blazing Academy only took refuge in Qin He so late. There is no more soup.

not to mention······

Their Blazing Academy, unlike Tianshui Academy, has so many beautiful girls!

"It is rumored that Qin He is lustful. This is probably Qin He’s only weakness. However, it is not easy to grasp such a weakness. Qin He does not look down on ordinary girls. If we say that our Blazing Academy has If you are a girl at the level of Tianshui College, it is estimated that there are only..."

Huo Wushuang cast his eyes on the only girl in his team.

The only woman among the participating players in the Blazing Academy is a beautiful girl, which can be said to be a team favorite.

The golden and red team uniforms complement each other well with her long dark red hair. She is as eye-catching as a flame that can melt any man.

Although she is the only girl in Blazing Academy, her height is the highest among the seven, and she is extremely well-proportioned, standing in the middle of the seven.

There was always a faint smile on the girl's face, and a faint red light loomed around her body.

If you think she is the weakest point in Blazing Academy during the battle, then she will definitely die miserably.

Because this girl is a spirit master above level forty in addition to the captain of the Blazing Academy team, Huo Wushuang. And it is the highest level in the entire team.

Forty-three-level control system war spirit master Huo Wu!

She is the soul of the entire team and the deputy captain of the team.

Why do you say that?

Because obviously, in Douluo Continent's soul master team, the team leader is generally the strongest soul master, usually the spirit master of the power attack type, but the team soul is generally the control type soul master.

Huo Wu's martial arts spirit is herself, a shadow that takes her as its body, Hokage.

The value created by Huo Wu in the original work seems to be to set off Tang San's power. Because Tang San is a control type spirit master, so if his opponent is a sister, he must also be a control type spirit master. This seems to be very tit-for-tat. have a feeling.

But in fact, Huo Wu is in the team, as the only girl, it can be said to be the existence of the team favorite, all the team members will subconsciously let her.

Compared with Xiao Wu, the rabbit, he was in the role of being beaten every time he participated in the competition. Huo Wu, as a control system spirit master, was obviously safer.

Huo Wu is very beautiful. Her figure is similar to Xiao Wu, but she is slightly plump than Xiao Wu. Her dark red long hair hangs down to her waist. She has a white face and delicate features. She has a pair of shining silver light. big eyes.

If you want to arrange the beauty seat for the contestants, this woman is definitely in the top five.

In this Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Young Elite Soul Master Competition, Huo Wu has been confessed by a powerful soul master quite a few times. Such a big beauty is naturally more arrogant than ordinary girls. If the opponent cannot exceed Huo If you dance a lot, it's hard to make Huo Wu fall in love.

"Captain, what do you mean when you look at me? You don't want me to use beauty tricks against Qin He!"

Huo Wu's eyes widened, hands on his hips, bringing a great sense of oppression to Huo Wushuang.

"Haha, Xiao Huo Wu, you think too much, captain, I am an upright person, we severely condemn Tianshui College's behavior of beauties, even if I die, I won't say anything about beauty! It is an insult to the soul master!"

Huo Wushuang touched his forehead awkwardly, and said straightforwardly.

"Humph, that's good!"

Huo Wu's eyes seemed to be able to see through everything. Although he understood his own captain's thoughts, Huo Wu didn't break it, but spoke indifferently:

"Shui Bing'er of Tianshui College, I thought that the other party would be my opponent, but I can't think of it now!"

"Girls are definitely going to marry people. If you marry a handsome young soul master in the future, it will be a big deal even if you use the beauty plan!"

"But I haven't met Qin He, but he can be the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, and he has great strength. How can he be more than a hundred years old!"

"The old cow eats tender grass. This Shui Binger can compromise to improve her strength. Huo Wu is the first to look down on her!"

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