Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 355: The highest state of licking dogs

"Huo Wu, you say..."

Feng Xiaotian stared blankly at the direction of Huo Wu's disappearance, only to wake up after her figure disappeared completely.

what did she say? She said to give me a chance to socialize? As long as I can defeat that Tang San from Shrek Academy. Is she willing to be my girlfriend? Oh my God, this is a pie in the sky.

As his mind gradually became sober, uncontrollable excitement began to ignite in him.

Feng Xiaotian was excited almost to jump up.

He likes Huo Wu no longer a day or two.

Kamikaze Academy and Chihuo Academy are very close, and they often have some exchanges. When he first met Huo Wu six years ago, he fell in love with this beautiful and talented girl.

Feng Xiaotian is a very arrogant person, to the soul master of low strength, the other party has always had no good expressions.

In order to pursue Huo Wu, he even laid down his dignity to be friends with Huo Wushuang, and in the discussions with these two siblings, he has never won.

But just like that, Huo Wu has always been lukewarm to him.

The opportunity has finally arrived.

At this time, Feng Xiaotian's heart was burning entirely with the power of love. He suddenly discovered that although Qin He angered Huo Wu, if it hadn't been for Qin He angered Huo Wu, how could Feng Xiaotian have such a chance? ?


"Boss Qin He, you are really scheming. Sure enough, defeating Blazing Academy will definitely attract Shenfeng Academy. This Feng Xiaotian dared to declare war on our boss Qin He. It's just a matter of life and death!"

In the Heaven Dou Palace, Xiao Chenyu slapped the flattery as always, but the content of the flattered made the expression on Qin He's face very uncomfortable.



Your five element academy, can you stay away from me and don't want to hug my Qin He's thigh every time, please?

My Qin He's thigh was almost broken by you!

Shenfeng Academy, Feng Xiaotian, Qin He, who has read the original, is naturally very clear.

Really lick the dog Feng Xiaotian, the most miserable male partner in the original book.

I like Huo Wu, all kinds of licking Huo Wu, and even dismantled his own Kamikaze Academy team for Huo Wu. The two academies merged together and wanted to fight for the championship!

However, although the overall strength of the new Kamikaze Academy has skyrocketed, the Seven Shrek Monsters had previously hidden 2 spirit masters. The first was Ma Hongjun and the second was Ning Rongrong. After the two of them joined, they balanced out the new gods. The combat power of the Wind Academy, and when Tang San confronted the Shenfeng Academy again, his spirit power had already been upgraded, and the Clear Sky Hammer shot again, and Feng Xiaotian's end was still tragic this time.

Of course, the Shenfeng Academy still lost the game after it merged, and the relationship with Tang San was also relatively big.

This Tang San, even if he lost the game, would be able to advance, but he didn't know because of his mentality, he might just want to beat Huo Wu, he just summoned the Clear Sky Hammer to smash people, smashing the Kamikaze team directly!

To say it better is to pursue victory, to say it ugly is that Tang San is silly, because pretending to be a momentary comparison, summoning the Clear Sky Hammer to defeat Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian will relieve his anger, but this will immediately make himself a wanted person. In trouble.

In Qin He's view, summoning the Clear Sky Hammer to smash people at that time was a completely detrimental behavior.

To hurt others, naturally the hurt Feng Xiaotian could not embrace the beauty. Huo Wu said that if he defeated you, Tang San would marry Feng Xiaotian, and you just wanted to destroy him.

To be disadvantageous to yourself is that you naturally summon the Clear Sky Hammer, which is an act that causes trouble for yourself.

If you Tang San really has the strength to resist the Spirit Hall, and you expose your strength, then it is naturally understandable.

Obviously, the Spirit Hall of Martial Arts is still wanted for Tang San who possesses the Clear Sky Hammer. However, Tang Sanyi couldn't stop it when he was pretending to be forced. He could hide his strength, so he wanted to summon the Clear Sky Hammer.

The hammer fell, making Wuhundian notice Tang San, and then this time the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Young Elite Soul Master Competition became a revenge meeting. Once the melee was over, Tang San also lost this wave. Many talents ran out of the encirclement of Wuhun Hall.

If it weren’t for the protagonist’s halo, Tang San would have to die directly after all.

So to sum it up, Feng Xiaotian is the worst.

Obviously defeating Shrek Academy will be able to embrace the beauty, but Tang San insists on doing things and ruining this marriage. The key is that you Tang San doesn’t like Huo Wu, and you rejected Huo Wu, but Huo Wu still treated himself The first kiss for you Tang San.

Look at Feng Xiaotian again, even if he is with Huo Wu in the future, it will be green and green.·······

Licking a dog is really awesome!



Feng Xiaotian returned to his room, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

"I Feng Xiaotian, I must defeat Qin He and embrace the beauty!"

Feng Xiaotian shook his palm fiercely and made up his mind.

How strong Qin He is, can Feng Xiaotian know?

Even if you don't know, just ask about Qin He's record. It is said that even the 80-odd Contra and Elephant Sect Sect Master Hu Yanzhen can defeat, let alone the forty-odd Feng Xiaotian.


No matter what, this is his only chance Feng Xiaotian can pursue Huo Wu, so he will never give up!

What a miraculous existence is "dog licking"?

It is like Feng Xiaotian!

Don't think Feng Xiaotian is already the captain of the Shenfeng Academy. If you want to find a girl, the girl is waiting for him, but Feng Xiaotian is just a humble licking dog.

At the same time, Feng Xiaotian opened his diary and began to record his own experience today.

Licking Dog Diary March 2 Yin

Today is your birthday. I want to give you a gift, but I don’t have any money. I went to the Arena of Souls to make money and injured people and got arrested. I wanted to resist. The person in charge of Arena of Souls said honestly no Move, I immediately gave up resistance, because I remember you said that you like honest people.

Licking Dog Diary March 3 Rain

Today’s salary is paid, and my monthly living expenses are 1200 Gold Soul Coins. Guess how much I will give you. Do you think I will give you 1100 and the rest will be used for food. Wrong, I will borrow 114 with my teammates to make 1314 transfers to you.

Licking Dog Diary March 4th Rain

You haven't spoken to me for a long time. Under my tireless harassment, you are finally willing to return to me. You say "get away". There must be some meaning in this. I thought about it for a long time. There are three points of water, which means that your miss for me is as turbulent as the water. I was moved and cried, I don't know what you are doing now, I miss you very much.

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