Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 359: Qin He: No, I don't

Qin He can easily attract such a powerful hurricane. The Shenfeng Academy specializes in playing wind. A wind attribute academy, in front of Qin He's powerful strength, there is no room for resistance at all!

If he surrendered to Qin He, Qin He seemed to give him some sweetness. As long as he surrendered, Qin He didn’t even mind playing a scene with Feng Xiaotian, pretending to lose to Feng Xiaotian, in order to win Huowu’s heart. .

On the one hand it was the temptation to embrace the beauty, on the other hand it was a fist warning, carrot and stick, Qin He's operation was a two-pronged approach. It was clearly not given to the Kamikaze team and Feng Xiaotian was not given any choice!

"It's terrifying! Qin He didn't give us a choice at all. He wants to subdue our Shenfeng Academy. The calculations are really terrible..."

There was a bitter meaning in Feng Xiaotian's eyes.

From the perspective of the structure, when Feng Xiaotian was still licking a dog for a woman, when he flew to win the game, Qin He had already jumped out of this low-end realm!

A dispensable battle wins or loses. If a big power like the Kamikaze Academy can be replaced, it will be no loss to Qin He!

Qin He... terrible!


"Master Qin He's sorrow operation is still as much as before! Facing the provocation of the Shenfeng Academy, Master Qin He didn't bother to care about them, deliberately surrendered, and unexpectedly received the allegiance of the Shenfeng team..."

In the Martial Soul Palace, Salas stroked his gray beard with one hand, and said with emotion.

The Kamikaze Team and the Kamikaze Academy behind them are quite good. Although they are definitely not as good as the Wuhun Temple, it is indeed impossible for the Wuhun Temple to subdue the Kamikaze Academy!

In the original book, the Four Elements Academy even opposed the Spirit Hall. While the Spirit Hall wanted to unify the Douluo Continent, the Shenfeng Academy stood on Tang San’s side, which also caused Tang San’s power to soar. , Laid the groundwork for the failure of the final Wuhun Palace!

At that time, the Wuhun Temple had an absolute power to overwhelm the Shenfeng Academy, so it was enough to destroy the Shenfeng Academy directly!


In the Douluo Continent, if you want to rule a country, if you want to rule a force, you will never go far by simply fighting and killing!

It's true that you fight fiercely. Like Tang San in the later stage, no one can fight when he becomes a god, but what contribution did he bring to Douluo Continent?

In many cases, soul masters are also stubborn. They would rather their own power be wiped out than surrender. It is really difficult to get a big power back to heart...

"Qin He's move is called Enwei and Wei Shi..."

Bibi Dong couldn't help but squinted his eyes:

"Huo Wu asked Feng Xiaotian to marry him if he defeated Qin He, and Feng Xiaotian's dog-licking behavior to Huo Wu is simply known to the Douluo Continent..."

"To subdue Feng Xiaotian, it is impossible to succeed from other levels. Only the combination of grace and power is the king!"

"On the one hand, Qin He pretended to admit defeat and gave Feng Xiaotian a chance to embrace the beauty. On the other hand, Qin He also showed his own strength. If Feng Xiaotian gains the advantage and dares to betray, he will suffer from Qin He. Thunder Fury!"

"The move with one carrot in one hand and a big stick in one hand forced Feng Xiaotian to surrender. It's amazing..."

Bibi Dong’s eyes were shining with excitement, and she seemed to wonder if Qin He’s method could also be used...

"Master Pope, although Young Master Qin He is powerful, but this method is probably impossible for our Soul Hall to use, and our Soul Hall does not have the absolute strength of Young Master Qin He..."

Seeing Bibi Dong looking eager to try, Salas couldn't help but a cold sweat broke out of his forehead, and couldn't help but exhort.

Salas has been working with her for so long, so naturally he also understands what kind of character his Pope is.

On the surface, his Pope Bibi Dong looks beautiful, has the means, and is powerful, and he will be a perfect queen!

But in fact, this guy is a mad woman, looks good on the surface, but who knows when he will have a convulsion and make some inexplicable moves!

In the original book, such a good card in the Spirit Hall of Martial Arts couldn't destroy a Tang San who was inferior in the power menu, but instead let Tang San destroy her. Among them, Bibi Dong played a big role...

Obviously he wanted to hunt down Tang San, and he knew that Tang San was a threat, but when Tang San was at his weakest, he didn't want to kill him. Various kinds of water were released to let Tang San develop...

Waiting abruptly for Tang San to pretend to be Liu Shen and then go to give away the head, this guy is also miraculous...

"Damn it, it seems, I really can't learn Qin He..."

After listening to Salas, Bibi Dong, who was still in a period of excitement, gradually calmed down at this time. At this time, he could not help but sighed leisurely.

She Bibi Dong, indeed does not have the absolute strength of Qin He, and even not as handsome as Qin He!

As far as Qin He’s face is a disaster for the country and the people, even if he says something useless, it is estimated that many people are willing to join in!

This world is too malicious towards her Bibi Dong!


"Sister Huo Wu, I have defeated Qin He, you said before, you can be my girlfriend if you defeat Qin He..."

At Blazing Academy, Feng Xiaotian was like a twisted little girl, her face flushed red, and she cautiously spoke to a beautiful girl with red hair.

Feng Xiaotian carefully stretched out his hand, trying to pull Huowu.

"Damn Qin He... this fellow... he deliberately gave in..."

Huo Wu's face at this time obviously didn't look happy, but she had heard from start to finish how Feng Xiaotian defeated Qin He.

Qin He deliberately conceded defeat, and only said a word, in exchange for Feng Xiaotian's allegiance, this wave of Qin He is not at all a loss!

It was only her Huo Wu who was at a loss, but who told her to make such a bet on her own?

Seeing Feng Xiaotian carefully stretched out her hand, Huo Wu didn't feel any joy at all, but was rather disgusted!

In the original book, Huo Wu didn’t like Feng Xiaotian. In order to escape Feng Xiaotian, Tang San gave the first kiss. Of course, in the end, Tang San, a scumbag, didn’t choose Huo Wu. In the end, Feng Xiaotian would take over. Up.

"Feng Xiaotian, get out of here!"

Huo Wu glanced at Feng Xiaotian in disgust, turned her head and left!

I hope you defeat Qin He, but what I hope is that Qin He will come to me after he is defeated and ask me to marry him...

You Feng Xiaotian looks so ugly, still want to be beautiful?

"Why? In this Douluo Continent, even the **** is pulled, why is no one pulled my hand?"

Feng Xiaotian was wronged.

"Lick the dog's hand, it smells more smelly than shit..."

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