Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 381: Ning Fengzhi: Rongrong, Qin He is not a good match

Qin He's existence simply destroyed the mentality of most soul masters in Douluo Continent!

"I lost to Qin He. I really didn't do it wrong. Damn, Qin He is really so perfect and so invulnerable?"

Dai Mubai was also biting his teeth fiercely, and his handsome face flashed with unwillingness.

Bai Hu is proud and unwilling to let others down.


When a proud white tiger with evil eyes faces an enemy he can never defeat, what can I do, I am also desperate...

It's too difficult!

In Douluo Continent for so long, Qin He has done so many major events, and he has never seen Qin He disappear!

Whenever Qin He stopped, Dai Mubai was always excited about making some big things!


Before Dai Mubai could act, Qin He's slap seemed to fall from the sky!

Qin He's posture seemed to tell him one thing: Go to the Douluo Dream! Be a salted fish with peace of mind!

"It's true... it's really a bit stronger... Hiccups... Uh!"

Oscar on the side, as a soul master of the food department, made a sausage and was about to swallow it. Hearing this news from Qin He, he couldn't help but open his mouth!

As a result, accidentally, a whole sausage was stuffed into his mouth, and the choking Oscar's face turned purple, and he couldn't speak for a long time!

"Horrible Qin He! The world will fall apart with just one move! However, although Qin He is great, he is a bit inferior to Ma Hongjun!"

Ma Hongjun was heartless, as if Qin He's big move had no effect on him at all!

"Qin He broke the ground with a single move. Then, is he spitting casually, is it a laser cannon? Is it a tornado? It's too strong, and it's not a good thing for Qin He, I guess, Qin He here The guy is destined to be alone for a lifetime. Who can stand his boyfriend's **** and his girlfriend crashing out of a thousand miles?"

"It's better for me, Ma Hongjun, to find the red light district lady..."

Qin Zhan: "·······"

Yu Xiaogang: "·······"

Flanders: "········"

Tang San:"·······"

Dai Mubai: "·······"

This Ma Hongjun, besides stool, is the red light district lady in his mind!

It's so spicy eyes!

Tang San was also resentful in his heart!

Why did I join Shrek Academy at the time, and compared with such a group of teammates, when will I be able to surpass Qin He?

It's too difficult!

"This force... Young Master Qin He... is really terrifying... The old man has been studying martial arts for so many years. I really don’t know how to describe Qin He. Wuhun...or how to describe this person Qin He!"

The Master Yu Xiaogang on the side also sighed and sighed, and his beard had dropped several!

As a master of Wuhun theory, I like to study Wuhun, especially special Wuhun.

The Douluo Continent is so vast, it undoubtedly provided Master Yu Xiaogang with a lot of materials for research, but it is clear that no one in such a large amount of materials can be like Qin He, a martial arts soul can create so many tricks!

Sometimes this martial soul can assist, sometimes it can attack, and it can be used as agility type martial soul. Even Yu Xiaogang doubts that Qin He will use his martial soul to develop the use of food type... ·

For example, if the white tiger is cooked and eaten, can it increase the blood volume and attack power?

"This guy Qin He is really not easy. Don't look at him showing so many things. In fact, he is still hiding it. His true strength is definitely beyond your imagination!"

Yu Xiaogang spoke earnestly.

"Is there anything else hidden?"

Qin Zhan's eyes also kept flashing:

"My son is so strong, so I didn't tell your dad! Now think about it, if my son Qin He fart can cause an earthquake, my Qin Zhan has really gone through countless laps in Guimenguan for so many years... ····This cheating son········"

Qin Zhan couldn't help but cursed.

Flanders: "·······"

Can you be an individual?

Started to pretend again?


Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

There is a person sitting on a large carved rosewood chair. The face is like a crown jade, the nose is straight and the mouth is straight, the appearance is elegant and gentle, and the white robe is slender.

This person looks about forty years old, his eyes are soft, and he looks like an ordinary person no matter what. A soft black hair was scattered behind his back, everything seemed so casual, without any pretentiousness, but the spirit power on his body was faintly fluctuating, and obviously the other party's mood was not very calm at this time.

This middle-aged man is exactly the master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi!

"Hey, Rongrong, Qin He is not your good match! He said he is very strong, but he never said that his strength turned out to be so strong, this kind of ability can shake Douluo mainland The strength of is still too exaggerated..."

Ning Fengzhi felt very melancholy at this time.

He originally planned to match Qin He and his family Ning Rongrong's marriage, after all, in Douluo Continent, powerful spirit masters can often receive more welcome!

Ning Fengzhi also knew Qin He's record. In the Star Dou Great Forest, facing the attack of the Spirit Hall, he successfully defeated the Golden Crocodile Douluo. This was the most powerful soul master Qin He had ever defeated.

Among other things, just relying on this record can prove that Qin He is already standing at the top of the Douluo Continent.

The Golden Crocodile Douluo is dedicated to the Spirit Hall. The 98-level titled Douluo may not be as good as the young Bibi Dong and Tang Hao because of its old age. He can defeat the 98-level Golden Crocodile Douluo. He, there is no opponent in Douluo Continent!

It is true that soul masters worship the strong, but Ning Fengzhi absolutely does not want his son-in-law to be too strong...

For the same reason as Ma Hongjun, a person who can trigger a change in the astronomical phenomena of Douluo Continent with a single attack, who knows if the other party's fart will cause global climate warming? Won't explode?

"Unless, my family Rongrong can also become a god... However, it is too difficult to become a god... This Qin He... This Qin He is really too much... ·····"

Ning Fengzhi couldn't help sighing leisurely.

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