Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 384: Bibi Dong found Qin He's weakness

"Qin He rarely makes shots, because he knows that his strength is too strong, and he was shocked when he shot. This time...this time, does Qin He have any conspiracy and calculations?"

In the Palace of the Pope, while Qian Daoliu kept calculating, countless thoughts flashed through Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes at this time.

Unlike Qian Daoliu, who knew nothing about Qin He's strength, Bibi Dong had seen Qin He's strength with his own eyes, and knew how terrible the damage caused by the other party was!

Raising hands and feet to trigger an earthquake is a shocking thing if it is placed in the eyes of ordinary spirit masters, but Bibi Dong himself feels that it seems that there is nothing bad to accept on Qin He!

"Qin He's strength is no longer what we can imagine... Our Spirit Hall is not wronged. Why can we still stay in Douluo Continent with such strength? Generally speaking, not all becoming gods Should I go to the God Realm?"

Salas also opened his mouth in shock.

"It is precisely because the gods must go to the God Realm, that is why Qin He looks so terrible..."

Bibi Dong couldn't help but sigh.

In Douluo Continent, there is an unwritten rule, that is, gods must go to live in the gods, and this cannot be changed.

In the original book, Bibi Dong finally became the God of Rakshasa, and Tang San finally became the God of Sea. He could only stay in the Douluo Continent for a short while before he had to choose to return to the God Realm!

Obviously, it's not that they really want to go to the God Realm willingly, but the restriction of Heaven on these gods!]

If any gods can stay in the Douluo Continent casually, their gestures will cause huge damage to the Douluo Continent. How can ordinary civilians live in the Douluo Continent?


For the gods, going to the realm of the gods means that they must be separated from their relatives. Don’t look at your beauty at this time. After a hundred years, after all of your relatives in Douluo Continent have died, What's the point of leaving you a poor person alone, even if you can gain eternal life?

Tang San in the original book, after becoming the Sea God, looked at his teacher Yu Xiaogang and his father Tang Hao one by one, but he didn't know what he would feel.

"Yes, even the gods must be restricted. Although their strength is strong, they can't do anything wrong, and Qin He...this is simply doing whatever he wants..."

At this time, Salas also envied Qin He, and the envy was about to cry!

If Qin He has a god, then, what kind of **** is Qin He?


Other gods have to work hard to be gods and perform their own duties, and Qin He can behave in Douluo Continent, do things if he wants to do things, and be emperor if he wants to be emperor...

Because of your Qin He's appearance, Douluo Continent has been completely messed up!

Qin He, do you know that you guy is opening up? Believe it or not, I will report you!

"Bishop Salas, this fellow Qin He, I am afraid that our Wuhun Temple cannot solve it. Even if we really become gods, I am afraid...I am afraid that Qin He cannot be solved!"

A bright light flashed across Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes.

"With such a big movement, our Douluo Continent is controlled by the God Realm Monitor. If this God Realm Monitor can really manage Qin He, then they should have come to the Lower Realm to find Qin He's troubles. ······"

"And Qin He, after doing such a big thing, the gods monitors have no lower realms, which is enough to show that...it is enough to show that even gods monitors dare not go down to the world to take care of Qin He's nosy... ··Qin He, he has made a big deal..."

In the Douluo Continent, there is an upper realm called the God Realm. The people living in the God Realm are all top spirit masters who have cultivated into a **** in the Douluo Continent.

God Realm Monitors are the gods responsible for monitoring the Douluo Continent, and they are also called the God Realm Law Enforcers. The reason they want to monitor the Douluo Continent is naturally because the Douluo Continent is their foundation and is also the power of their beliefs. source.

There are five law enforcement officers in the God Realm, namely, the **** of Shura, the **** of destruction, the goddess of life, the evil god, and the good god.

After Tang San inherited the positions of God Shura and Poseidon in the future, he also became a member of the law enforcement of the gods, and became a wage earner, but I have to say that when a law enforcer of the gods is, he is also a senior wage earner. , This wave can be described as no loss at all!

It’s just that, compared with Qin He, Qin He can stay in the lower realm to enjoy, and after this Tang San became a law enforcer in the gods, he even had to righteously request his good brother Ma Hongjun to take his fiancee to the gods. The refusal of right words, the law enforcer of the gods, is meaningless at all!

"Your Majesty, defeating Qin He by force, I am afraid it is impossible for our Wuhun Temple to do it... Since even the gods can't help us... This Douluo Continent... ·····What hope does our Wuhun Temple have?"

Salas was very depressed, and looked at Pope Bibi Dong very bitterly.

I have long wanted to leave the Wuhun Hall, I have long wanted to join the arms of Young Master Qin He, okay?

If it wasn't for Bibi Dong, you **** wouldn't let me go, would I stay and hang on the tree in the Spirit Hall?

It's so difficult!

Our Pope Bibi Dong is indeed the biggest undercover in the Wuhun Hall. The other party clearly knows that Qin He is powerful, but he wants to oppose Qin He every time. This is clearly a death!]

His Majesty the Pope is very witty. She knows that with her own power, there is no way to exterminate such a powerful force in the Spirit Hall, so she is going to send her to others and ask Qin He to destroy the Spirit Hall?

Seeing Salas's bitter eyes, Bibi Dong also flashed a touch of majesty in his beautiful eyes.

"Salas, what do you mean? I'm Bibi Dong, I have no shame in my life!"

Bibi Dong snorted coldly and said loudly:

"There is nothing wrong with your analysis. In terms of force, our Wuhun Palace wants to defeat the powerful Qin He, it can be said that there is no chance at all!"


"No matter how strong Qin He is, people also have weaknesses. This time, Bibi Dong really discovered Qin He's weaknesses!"

"Do not worry!"

"This time, Qin He will definitely lose. I swear by Bibi Dong's lifetime reputation, Qin He will be stunned for a long time!"

"His Majesty, this is the hundredth time you have said this..."

Bibi Dong: "·······"

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