Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 396: A brand new door is opening

Since Oscar bought the novel Dou Po Cangqiang and read it without sleep and food, the whole person has lost several jins, as if collapsed!

I saw bloodshot eyes in the opponent's eyes, but the excitement in his eyes could not dissipate for a long time!

"I think Qin He's book of Fights Breaking the Sky is really a wonderful book on the Douluo Continent! Although the plot is just unfolding, the way of picking up girls revealed in it by Master Qin He really made me amazed by Oscar! "

Oscar's peachy eyes flashed with blurred brilliance!

Oscar looks just like an uncle with a rough beard, but the toad likes Ning Rongrong who wants to eat swan meat.

It's a pity that Ning Rongrong has no good feelings for Oscar. After all, Oscar, your appearance, is really not comparable to Qin He!

Ning Rongrong is the daughter of the Sovereign of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect. She has been spoiled since she was a child, and can be described as the number one rich woman in Tianzi!

Since you are a rich woman, isn't it normal to like handsome guys?

Is it possible to like an ugly one?

However, Oscar obviously did not feel that he was ugly, nor was he conscious, but felt that his methods were wrong!

"I understand!"

"Like Young Master Qin He showed in the book Dou Po Cangqiang, picking up girls or something should be picked up from a young age. No wonder Ning Rongrong doesn't like me. It turns out that I lost at the starting line from the beginning!"

Oscar was full of emotion, as if he had already regarded Qin He as a life mentor for picking up girls!

Xiao Yan was able to break into Xiao Xun'er's room at the age of five to touch Xiao Xun'er, and it is said that the appearance that Xiao Yan showed in the book is nothing remarkable. His looks are beautiful, hehe, don't my Oscars look like Xiao Yan?

At most, it was a little bit worse than Qin He. Why did I fail to get to Ning Rongrong in the end, but Qin He was the first to board!

Obviously, Qin He must have understood the principle of starting first, so he touched Ning Rongrong first. Otherwise, how could this plot be described so meticulously and thoroughly...

Thinking that his goddess might have been touched by the **** Qin He, Oscar couldn't help showing sad tears!

"It's okay, Rongrong, I will always bless you! Damn Qin He, after I have fully learned your way of picking up girls, I will be an Oscar one day, and I will never be a dog licker. !"

Oscar is very confident!

After reading the content of the first volume released by Qin He, Oscar decided to take a break and go to the street to continue his big business of selling sausages!

After all, the novels written by Qin He are not cheap. In Shrek Academy, even the teachers have a miserable life and are very poor. Common students like Oscar usually need work-study programs to be able to study and pay tuition at Shrek Academy!

Oscar doesn't know whether his talent is good or not. Anyway, going to other colleges will cost more tuition, so he can only stay in Shrek Academy and earn a living by selling sausages!

"Sell sausages! Sell sausages! I have a big sausage!"

On the street, Oscar's loud voice rang.

The sausage exudes a tempting fragrance. If you don’t know that the sausage was made with Oscar’s saliva and soul power, Oscar’s sausage is indeed very fragrant, and it can be restored after eating. It looks very good and sells. The amount has been good!

His face and beard covered almost all his looks, he was tall and his hair was unkempt, because after reading the novel for too long, the Oscar's rough appearance at this time was like a wild man who didn't know where he came from!

However, the other party's confident appearance is quite aura, at least, when Oscar walked on the street at this time, the passers-by on the street avoided Oscar one after another.

"Oh, I forgot to change clothes...but it's not a big problem. My Oscar is handsome, with thick black hair, soft and soft, just so confident!"

At this moment, Oscar shook his head very badly.


While Oscar was selling sausages, on the other side of the street, a beautiful girl came over!

It was a feminine figure to the utmost, with a long white dress covering the feet, and the delicate face like an elf could not find any flaws. The black hair spread out and the beautiful face gave people a very amazing feeling. It's like a goddess descending!

Ning Rongrong!

"Hmph, what about Ning Rongrong? After reading Qin He's book, my Oscar has already deeply understood a truth!"

"When chasing a girl, you must not be a dog licker, you must be confident and decisive! You must know how to act first!"

Ning Rongrong's footsteps are getting closer, but obviously, Ning Rongrong's attention at this time is not on Oscar's body, but is walking absent-mindedly.

Beside Ning Rongrong, there was a middle-aged man with extraordinary aura following Ning Rongrong, his eyes revealed a deep love.

Ning Rongrong is the princess of the Seven Treasure Glass Sect. It is not only his father, Ning Fengzhi, who is controlled by a daughter. Even the two powerful titles of the Seven Treasure Glass Sect Douluo, Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo, are also very good to Ning Rongrong. Spoiled.

And the one who followed Ning Rongrong was naturally one of the guests of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Gu Rong Bone Douluo!

Gu Rong followed Ning Rongrong expressionlessly, seemingly ordinary, but in fact, the other party looked around vigilantly from time to time, for fear that Ning Rongrong would be hurt by unknown danger.

Ning Rongrong is a girl who can't help herself. She used to stay in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and could enjoy the best education of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but she was unwilling to go to Shrek Academy to suffer!

Later, because of Qin He, Ning Rongrong returned to the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, but obviously, Ning Rongrong couldn’t stay long, so he clamored to go out to play and went to Qin He.·······

In desperation, Ning Fengzhi, the lord of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, could only release his daughter Ning Rongrong.

However, at the same time it was released, Bone Douluo was also allowed to follow along for protection, which was already very important!

You know, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has just two famous fighting titled Douluo, a Bone Douluo and a Sword Douluo, and they directly sent one to protect their daughter. This is already very powerful.

Obviously, Gu Rong treated Ning Rongrong as his daughter. Otherwise, if he only regards Ning Rongrong as the daughter of his boss, why should Gu Rong be so nervous?

At the same time, Gu Rong's eyes suddenly condensed...

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