Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 398: Learning from Qin He

Ning Rongrong also looked at Oscar with a bad look.

Oscar thought it was an affectionate look, and it was a little enjoyable.

"Grandpa, he bullied me..."

Ning Rongrong grievedly looked at Gu Rong next to him, as if tears were streaming out.

Ning Rongrong's martial soul is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. To be honest, this auxiliary type martial soul really has no combat power!

Of course, Oscar is also a food-type martial soul, and it is also the kind of existence without any combat power!

However, even though Ning Rongrong was angry, if he wanted to fight with Oscar, that would be too shameful for Miss Qibao Liulizong!

The dignified lady, the princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, had a fight with an ugly-looking uncle at the stall, and it spread to Qin He’s ears, and it’s harder to get to Qin He by then...

And I, Ning Rongrong, took my grandfather out. Grandpa Gu Rong, didn't he follow me just to protect me?

"Where did you come from, kid? What do you want to do?"

Listening to Ning Rongrong calling himself grandfather, Gu Rong’s heart is half soft. Although Ning Rongrong is usually very squeamish and often plays with her temper, Ning Rongrong is also Gu Rong’s favorite, and can make Gu Rong happy from time to time. , For Ning Rongrong, Gu Rong is love from the heart!

And his most beloved granddaughter, at this time, he didn't know where he was molested by a guy who appeared. How could Gu Rong bear this kind of thing?

Gu Rong was the first to speak, intending to ask about the background of this guy. No matter what your background is, I’m going to have a fight first, and then let your parent lead the person!

If you refuse to accept it, I will call it again!

My Bone Douluo is not a vegetarian. The Bone Dragon Martial Spirit is originally the top martial spirit of the Douluo Continent. Apart from being inferior to Qin He, I'm 50-50!

"Hello, grandpa, boy Oscar, Wuhun sausage, a student of Shrek Academy and a classmate of Rongrong... Hehe... Rongrong, that warm meridian... ·"

Oscar's voice is too wretched, and Gu Rong's brows can't help but furrow deeper.

What kind of stem is the Wenyang meridian?

Wait, this seems to be a novel written by Qin He recently, a plot called Dou Po Cangqiang!

Gu Rong has also read this novel. The juvenile enthusiasm is indeed shocking, but Gu Rong is already old, and Gu Rong doesn't care much about enthusiasm.

He just wants to protect the best glory in the world, no matter what continental struggles, what enthusiasm...


"This warming meridian seems to be touching the girl’s room in the middle of the night, and touching the girl’s body all over the girl’s body... This special change was made by Qin He. It is indeed the warming meridian, so I changed it to this wretched guy. Come and do it, I want to take advantage of my Rongrong!"

Gu Rong immediately became angry.

"Oscar, I have nothing to do with you. If you talk nonsense, I will kill you!"

Ning Rongrong's complexion also changed drastically, flushing anxiously!

No wonder Ning Rongrong has rarely played recently, and Young Master Qin He has not come to see me Ning Rongrong.

Originally, my Ning Rongrong advantage was very big. My father, Ning Fengzhi, had already found an opportunity to tell Qin He that he would come to Qibao Liuli Sect to propose marriage!

But I have waited for several months. During this time Qin He has done a lot of important things, but he didn't mention me Ning Rongrong at all!

What is the reason?

Ning Rongrong was not clear to me before, but now it seems that it must be you, the **** Oscar!

You discredited my Ning Rongrong's reputation outside, what kind of warming meridians, what to eat sausages, Qin He heard this, how could he not misunderstand?

It is estimated that Young Master Qin He thought that Ning Rongrong was already impure, so he didn't come to me...


Ning Rongrong was even more wronged, and I looked at Gu Rong with pity!

But at this time, Gu Rong's violent temper had long been unable to bear it!

Seeing Oscar so wretched, Gu Rong's huge soul power burst out!

"Shameless little thief, dare to bully my princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, and still speak out here!"

A thick golden mist suddenly spurted out from behind Gu Rong, and thunderous vibrations rang in the street. The surrounding ground began to crack. The pressure caused by the huge spirit power made the surrounding passers-by I couldn't help but step back a few steps!

"What happened?"

"Crazy? The boss of Qin He issued new rules in the Tiandou Empire. Fighting on the street is not allowed, and there are people seeking death and challenging the laws of Young Master Qin He?"

"The one in the fight seems to be Titled Douluo, and the other is the uncle of the stall, who looks a bit wretched. How come these two unrelated characters suddenly got together?"

"It seems that a wretched uncle molested Ning Rongrong, the daughter of the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, and the result made the Qi Treasure Glazed Glass Sect's Ke Qing angry!

"No wonder it will fight, this wretched uncle is really too much, according to the laws of Young Master Qin He, this kind of people should be thrown into prison to pick up soap!"

"Yeah, I don't even look at what I look like. I dare to covet the girl of the sky from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. I don't have the courage to look so handsome..."

"Actually, you are not handsome, but compared with that wretched uncle, you have a lot of advantages..."

"I really want to hit you very much, but think about it carefully, no matter how handsome is not as handsome as Qin He, in fact, it is good to grow as long as you want, there is no need to be too serious!"

"What you said makes sense..."

At the same time, passers-by on the street saw someone fighting and wanted to join in the fun. At this time, they couldn't help but start the eating melon mode!

After all, the Douluo Continent is controlled by Qin He, and fighting is not allowed. Spirit masters already lack a way to vent!

Now, someone is fighting, isn't this a good opportunity to watch the excitement?

Anyway, it would take at least fifteen minutes to wait for the city guards of the Heaven Dou Imperial City to come over. The efficiency of the city guards was very high.

However, how can you watch the fifteen minutes of excitement, this wave is not a loss...


Huge soul power poured directly on Oscar's face, and the other's uncle's face swelled up directly, looking like a pig's head.

With Gu Rong's strength, it is easy to kill Oscar in one shot, but Gu Rong didn't want to kill Oscar, he just wanted to teach this wretched **** a vicious lesson!

"Tell you to molest my Princess Rongrong!"

"Grandpa, this is a misunderstanding, I don't have one!"

"What's the matter, this is different from what is written in Qin He's book!"

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