Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 443: The praised Qin He

Shrek Academy.

Tang San and Tang Hao are talking.

Tang San's brow furrowed deeply, and the expression on his face was a little reluctant.

Tang San was a traverser, speaking of it, it had nothing to do with the Clear Sky Sect of Douluo Continent, but actually it had nothing to do with Tang Hao.

When he was a child, Tang Hao drank every day, and he didn’t care to raise Tang San very much.·······

If Tang Hao dedicated his life to the sect and was forgiven, it would be strange that Tang San was brainwashed so easily.

"Dad, other people can fall in love with the soul beast in Hei Qinhe, but dad you...you are the least qualified to Hei Qinhe..."

At this moment, Tang San wanted to spit out countless slots in his heart!

Qin He and Xiao Wu are still just dating, they haven't even done any sex!

If you want to say that you are the vanguard of falling in love with the soul beast, your own father is more powerful!

His own father, Tang Hao, married a hundred thousand year soul beast, and even gave birth to himself.········

"So what? People in Douluo Continent will not pay attention to whether Tang Hao is married to the soul beast. They will only pay attention to Qin He's affairs. Who is famous for Qin He? This is the so-called spear shot. reason·······"

Tang Hao couldn't help but smile, and he also praised his wit in his heart.

Speaking of it, when Tang Hao received the mission from Hei Qinhe from the Haotian School, he was a little uncomfortable.

Qin He is really perfect. Regarding IQ, strength, or conspiracy, no matter what the comparison, Tang Hao seems to have no way to find a spot where Qin He can be black!

Therefore, if he hadn't had personal experience, he wouldn't have started from this aspect.······

Thinking about it now, it is really thanks to me, Tang Hao, that I can achieve such outstanding results!

Tang San:"·········"


"This guy Qin He would rather leave the position of Emperor Tiandou, and marry the soul beast? This...this is too willful..."

In the Spirit Hall, Bishop Salas couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this time, and Salas felt very incredible about the choice Qin He made.

What are the efforts of Wuhun Palace for?

Naturally, it is to unify the Douluo continent!

And if you want to unify the Douluo Continent, the first goal of the Wuhun Palace is the Heaven Dou Empire!

The Wuhun Palace did everything possible to make Qian Renxue incognito and replace the original prince Xue Qinghe, not to control the Tiandou Empire. After Qian Renxue really became the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, this way the Wuhunxue could successfully occupy the magpies. Nest out.

The position of Emperor Tiandou Empire is the dream goal of Wuhun Palace!

However, in the original work, the Spirit Hall wanted to seek the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, but Tang San failed to confuse it. This time, because of Qin He, the Spirit Hall failed again!


The Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, who was diligently seeking in the Spirit Hall, was so unbearable in Qin He's eyes. For a soul beast, could Qin He even give up the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire?

"This guy Qin He...Although he is a bit of a **** in normal times...If he weren't the enemy of our Wuhun Palace, this guy is actually really good!"

Bibi Dong, with a beautiful face, took a breath when he heard the surprising news, and then couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Bibi Dong told most spirit masters in Douluo Continent from his own personal experience that men are unreliable.

His Bibi Dong's experience was really bumpy, and it was all tears!

After being slapped by Chihiro Ji, Bibi Dong had no strength to fight back. You know, Bibi Dong was also an orphan before. It was the Spirit Hall who adopted her. If Chihiro Ji didn’t slap her, Bibi Dong turned out to be an orphan. Chihiro Ji is her dearest teacher!

Who could have imagined that a teacher would be so polite and act on his own students?

I like Yu Xiaogang, but Yu Xiaogang, a scumbag, this coward, because of various reasons, escapes when she says she escapes, and even if Bibi Dong is slapped by Qianxun, Bibi Dong treats the world or the Douluo continent. The man was very disappointed!

As for Qin He, he knew that making such a decision would make him lose his position as Emperor of Heaven Dou Empire, but Qin He did it without hesitation!

Such a good man who considers his wife, with Qin He, that soul beast named Xiao Wu, should be very happy!

"His Majesty the Pope...you wake up... Qin He must have made such a decision not just for a soul beast. According to the old man, Qin He This guy must have a conspiracy!"

At this time, Salas, looking at Bibi Dong's idiotic appearance, couldn't help but several black lines appeared on his forehead, and couldn't help but reminded him.

Bibi Dong, your majesty, you should wake up!

Even if you want to fall in love with Young Master Qin He, the problem is that you are already an old woman, and Young Master Qin He would not like an old woman like you.········


Bibi Dong was so interrupted by Salas, this time he also woke up.

For a long time, I saw this beautiful woman, and a deep sense of loss flashed in her eyes:

"I have no birth but no one, and I am old now..."



Shrek Academy, Master Yu Xiaogang suddenly felt itchy in his nose at this time, and couldn't help but sneezed, looking around in confusion.

"What's going on... My condition is a bit wrong today..."

Dean Flanders saw Yu Xiaogang's behavior.

Dean Flender couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "Master, do you have a cold... You are in a terrible state now, and your eyes are a little green. It should be no sleep. It was caused..."

"I'm okay...I am very energetic now..."

Master Yu Xiaogang shook his head, skipped this topic, and said:

"Master Qin He, what he did this time,

I think there must be something strange! "

"The reason why Qin He would rather give up the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire and keep the soul beast called Xiao Wu is probably not just because of love, but also for many political reasons... Qin He, really It’s too powerful. I only want to understand this until now. It’s another way to count the birds with one stone..."

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