The new season is coming.

Chapter 372 Retire after success? He really makes me cry!

Mendes’ news was like a thunderbolt, striking Rudkin’s heart.

Although he had expected that Leicester City, a small temple, could not keep a superstar like Ling Feng.

However, when this day came, Rudkin still found it difficult to accept.

If it were other players, he could still make his own decisions.

However, this was related to the team’s star player, who was also a fan favorite, so he did not dare to make his own decisions.

In desperation, he could only report to the team owner Vichai.

At Vichai’s order, the management of Leicester City also immediately held an emergency meeting.

However, after some intense discussions, they found that Ling Feng’s departure was a foregone conclusion!

Even if they wanted to stop Ling Feng from transferring and leaving, or even use other means to force Ling Feng to stay, they couldn’t do it at all.

Because there was a 90 million pounds termination clause in Ling Feng’s contract.

As long as there was a club offering, they could bypass the club and negotiate a transfer directly with Ling Feng himself.

Finally, after a high-level meeting, the club’s top management quickly reached an agreement:

If there really was a club that paid 90 million pounds and triggered Ling Feng’s termination clause, he could leave!

But if he lost one, he wouldn’t even think about leaving the Belvoir base!

Of course, they hoped that the team could keep Ling Feng, the British superstar who came out of the youth training.

However, they were also very self-aware and knew that the Leicester City platform could not bear Ling Feng’s terrifying growth rate.

Perhaps, a peaceful breakup was the best choice for both parties.

Of course, 90 million pounds is not a small amount.

At the current exchange rate, it is equivalent to 105 million euros!

This price is not something that every wealthy club can afford.

You know, the transfer fee of Cristiano Ronaldo, who won the Golden Ball, from Manchester United to Real Madrid was only 96 million euros (80 million pounds)

And the transfer fee of Gareth Bale, another best Premier League player who transferred to Real Madrid three years ago, reached 100 million euros!

This means that if a club really triggers Ling Feng’s termination clause, then Ling Feng will surpass Cristiano Ronaldo and Bale and become the player with the highest transfer fee in football!

But if the offer of other wealthy clubs does not reach 90 million pounds, Ling Feng, who has a contract, can only stay in the team.

The management of Leicester City thinks this possibility is still possible.

Even in their opinion, Ling Feng at this time is even stronger than Bale back then.

But it is still very risky to spend 100 million euros on a player.

However, their idea is destined to be a beautiful luxury.

There is a reason why Ling Feng has attracted so many European giants!

You know, he is a terrifying existence that completely beats Melo of the same age!

He won the Premier League assist king in his first Premier League season, breaking Henry’s assist record, and helped Leicester City, a newly promoted team, break the monopoly of giants and enter the top six of the league!

At the age of 20, he led Leicester City to win the first Premier League championship in team history plus the European Championship, won the Premier League assist king again, and won all the personal honors in the Premier League!

In addition to the success of the club, he also experienced the baptism of international competitions such as the World Cup and the European Cup with the Three Lions, and his performance in the competitions was equally amazing.

If you can get 21-year-old Melo for 100 million, no matter which giant club it is, they will pay without hesitation and put the money into the arms of Leicester City Club.

Shut up and take my money!

. . .

With the end of the European Cup, the football world has officially entered the busy summer transfer window.

After passing the inspection of the European Cup, major clubs also began to take action.

Many stars have used the European Cup as a stage to show their worth and talents, thus entering the vision of the giants.

However, the headlines of the 2016 summer transfer window are destined to belong to Ling Feng!

On the night when Mendes applied for a transfer to Leicester City Club, the famous transfer reporter Romano announced this explosive news on his social media!

“According to reliable sources, Leicester City’s star player Ling Feng has decided to leave! And he has informed the club of his decision.”

“Can you guess where his next stop will be?”

As the most famous sports in today’s football world

Reporter, Romano is undoubtedly the “Ling Feng” in the sports journalism industry

Although he is only 23 years old, his qualifications in the sports journalism industry are not as senior as his predecessor Di Marzio.

However, the accuracy of his reports, coupled with the influence of modern social media, quickly promoted him to the “transfer report leader” in the hearts of fans

And this news verified by Romano instantly set off the entire British football world, and even the entire European football world!

Last summer, in fact, the major European giants had already taken a fancy to the emerging Ling Feng, and they all extended olive branches.

However, at that time, Ling Feng was very determined to stay in the team, rejected all offers, and then resolutely completed the contract renewal with Leicester City.

At that time, everyone was sighing for Ling Feng’s loyalty.

Many Blue Fox fans thought that Ling Feng would stay in Leicester City.

However, after helping Leicester City create the Blue Fox miracle and winning the first Premier League championship in team history plus the European Cup championship, this person actually took the initiative to apply for a transfer? !

In just one year, his attitude has changed drastically.

Why? !

Facing everyone’s confusion, the media quickly helped Ling Feng find the reason:

Ling Feng didn’t want to join a bigger club and stand on a higher stage.

He just wanted to retire after winning enough championships for Leicester City!

This is also the best reward for the team’s training.

This wave of analysis is indeed very accurate and has been praised by many English celebrities.

Most of the Blue Fox fans who thought that Ling Feng wanted to transfer because of the high salary of the giants were directly in tears.

He really… I cried to death!

Although they can understand Ling Feng’s idea of ​​switching to a giant.

However, 99.9% of the Blue Fox fans do not want Ling Feng, the child trained by the team, to leave.

For a while, Ling Feng’s personal social media was flooded with comments from fans, and the comments to keep him began to flood the screen:

“Ling! Don’t go!”

“This is your home!”

“We need you! Don’t leave!”

In addition to the Foxes fans who didn’t want him to leave, fans from other teams also came to join in the fun.

“Come to Bayern, we will all treat you as our own!”

“A good man should join the army! The Red Army Liverpool welcomes you!”

“Come to Manchester City (Chelsea)! Our boss is super rich!”

In addition to the fans, in order to capture the first-hand news of Ling Feng’s transfer, paparazzi all went out and rushed to Sardinia.

Fortunately, Ling Feng predicted the media’s “hunt”

In order to avoid being involved in the huge storm caused by his transfer, he came to Sardinia, far away from England, for vacation in advance, and directly booked the entire resort!

Under the protection of the resort’s many security guards, unless the paparazzi have the disguise ability of Killer 47, they will definitely not be able to get within five meters of him.

Just as the British football world was shaken by his own news, on a beach far away at the southern tip of Sardinia in the Mediterranean,

Ling Feng, Rooney, Kane, Lingard, Henderson and other Three Lions internationals were all naked and playing beach football barefoot.

The rules of the game are very simple. Three people form a group. Every kick of the ball must be passed to the opponent and the ball cannot be dropped.

Once the ball falls to the ground or is passed to a teammate, it is considered a loss of points.

The team that loses ten points first loses.

The bet is the cost of barbecue and drinks in the evening!

“Please! Pass it more accurately!”


“Ling, right foot! Don’t use your left foot!”

“Don’t talk nonsense! I’m practicing my left foot!”

Just when everyone was having a great time, Barbara, wearing a sexy black lace bikini, came to the beach with a mobile phone:

“Baby, there’s a call for you!”

“Who is it?”


Hearing this, Ling Feng kicked the flying ball back to Kane on the opposite side, and then raised his hands to signal:

“Guys, I’m going to leave for a while.”

Then, he Pointing to Rashford who was sitting on the side watching, he said: “Marcus, help me first!”

Hearing this, Rashford, who looked young and immature, immediately jumped up and responded with a bright face:

“Got it!”

Leaving the warm beach and coming under the parasol, Ling Feng took a sip of freshly squeezed juice before answering the phone:


“Ling, they have already set off!”


“Yes, Manchester United’s executive chairman Woodward and Jose!”

Hearing this, Ling Feng couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

“You mean, they are going to come to Sardinia to see me?”

Oh, Manchester United is quite respectful.

“That’s right! Pack up, we will arrive at your place in about half an hour.”

“I understand.”

After hanging up the phone, Barbara asked curiously:

“Who do you want to see?”

“The CEO of Manchester United and the head coach.”

Although she knew that her boyfriend was going to leave Leicester City, Barbara didn’t know which team he was going to transfer to.

However, she was ready to face the new environment and new team together.

“Baby, do you like Manchester?”

Faced with Ling Feng’s question, Barbara just smiled lightly: “As long as you are there, I like it!”

Barbara’s answer made Ling Feng couldn’t help but hold her angelic face and kiss her deeply.

. . .

Half an hour later.

In the office of the holiday villa.

Ling Feng, who changed into a black casual suit, waited for his guests.

The first to enter the office was his agent Mendes.

Following closely behind were Manchester United’s boss, Ed Woodward, and the club’s head coach, Mourinho!

“Hello, Mr. Chairman”

“Jose, how are you?”

After greeting each other, they sat down.

This meeting was arranged by Mendes, and it was Ling Feng’s first official meeting with Manchester United.

In order to win Ling Feng, Woodward, who always likes to control everything behind the scenes, also personally took action.

First, both sides talked nonsense about the warm weather in Sardinia.

Then they got straight to the point:

Ling Feng was very grateful for Manchester United’s sincerity and was willing to join Manchester United.

Manchester United was also willing to pay a 90 million pound buyout fee to bring Ling Feng from Leicester City to the Theatre of Dreams.

However, this fee will be paid in installments.

Ling Feng didn’t care how Manchester United paid his buyout fee.

What he cared about was how much Manchester United valued him.

Signing Kante was definitely a good start.

After reaching an agreement on whether to join, the players and the club will officially enter the negotiation stage.

“I want to know, if I join Manchester United, what will be my position and role on the field? What does the club want from me? What is the team’s goal for the new season?”

Faced with Ling Feng’s question, Woodward turned his head and looked at Mourinho on the side.

That look seemed to say: It’s your turn to play!

The latter took over the conversation and described his tactical ideas to his future team core:

“Ling, we hope you will become the team’s frontcourt offensive core! We will focus on the 4231 formation in the new season. You will mainly play the role of the tenth position, supplying ammunition to the team’s center and wingers, and then participate in the offense through your own forward insertion.”

“You have unlimited firing rights in the team. As long as you are within your range, you can shoot.”

“As for the season’s goal, we are Manchester United, and we have always fought for the championship!”

“We aim to regain the league title this season and then be competitive in the Champions League.”

Mourinho’s goal, at first glance, is a bit overconfident.

But if you think about it carefully, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

Last season, Manchester United, which had a constipated offense, was able to get fourth place in the league.

This season, they welcomed the Magic Bird, one of the best coaches in the world, and strengthened the team with Bailly, Ibrahimovic, Kante and the upcoming Ling Feng, which is simply a strong team!

If they don’t fight for the championship, will they fight for the fourth place? !

After Mourinho finished talking about the team’s general tactical concept and season goals, Woodward couldn’t help but add:

“Of course, in addition to your important role on the field, we also hope to make you the new spokesperson for Manchester United off the field!”

“For this reason, we have prepared the club’s most legendary and greatest No. 7 jersey for you!”

Hearing this, Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at Mendes, and then said:

“Thank you very much for your club’s attention to me. However, as far as I know, doesn’t the No. 7 jersey have an owner?”

“Don’t worry about this, when you join, the No. 7 jersey will definitely be yours!”

Woodward’s words made Ling Feng only say in his heart:

Sorry, Depay!

It has to be said that Manchester United, which regards Ling Feng as the primary transfer target in the summer window, is full of sincerity.

Next, the two sides conducted preliminary negotiations on the player’s personal treatment.

Compared to Leicester City’s weekly salary limit of 200,000, Manchester United opened its mouth with a weekly salary of 260,000!

This amount is almost the highest salary in Manchester United and even in the Premier League!

You know, the superstar Ibrahimovic, who just joined Manchester United as a free agent, only gets 250,000 a week.

If Ling Feng accepts this salary, he will surpass Aguero, Yaya Toure, Hazard and others.

Superstar, the second highest paid player in the Premier League after Rooney!

(End of this chapter)

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