The game was a success, and the team was in a state of panic.

Chapter 46: A terrifying eleven-game winning streak! [Four thousand words in two]

“Blue Fox, go!”

“Blue Fox, go!”

Sitting at home, with the cheers of more than 20,000 Blue Fox fans resounding through the sky, Leicester City pressed Watford in the half from the first second of the game, rubbing wildly.

However, in the 30th minute of the game, although the ball possession rate reached an astonishing 80% and the number of shots reached five.

But the home team still did not shoot the ball into the goal.

And Watford, playing away, was also very tenacious in morale and directly adopted a defensive counterattack posture.

Facing Leicester City, which has the most goals and the most firepower in the league, Watford’s players are united and spare no effort to help each other.

“Leicester City has a steady control of the situation on the field, but Watford’s defense is watertight and leaves no room for passing.”

“We can see that Leicester City’s No. 23 player Ling Feng has become the busiest person on the field, constantly retreating to support,”

“So far, he is the player with the most touches on the field, as many as 87 times.”

With the emergence of Ling Feng, other teams in the Championship quickly came up with a targeted tactic, which is to send a midfielder to press and defend him!

Watford is no exception.

In this game, the person responsible for marking Ling Feng is Hungarian international Daniel Tozer.

This sturdy midfielder is a head taller than Ling Feng, with bulging muscles in his arms and thighs. It can be seen that he has spent a lot of time in the gym.

Whenever Ling Feng tries to get the ball in the frontcourt, this strong midfielder will force him with a fierce look on his face.

Even if Ling Feng retreated to receive the ball, he would leave his defensive area and continue to follow Ling Feng, like an inseparable follower.

The most important thing is that Tozer likes to play some insidious little tricks.

For example, he would stick to Ling Feng’s back tightly and then pinch his lower back with his hand;

Another example is to use his knee to push his popliteal fossa, making his feet suddenly soft;

In the English Championship, where the competition is very fierce and most of the leagues are rough guys, pulling jerseys and pushing hands are all basic operations.

However, this kind of small trick that is hard to guard against is the most annoying.

Compared with Brown, who has rough movements, Ling Feng hates this kind of little scoundrel who makes small moves behind his back even more.

However, even though he was very unhappy, Ling Feng still tried to control his emotions.

He knew very well that this was done deliberately by the opponent.

It was to mess with his mentality!

He also knew that after he became the tactical core of Leicester City, this kind of star treatment was the most normal thing.

Who makes him the most threatening player in the entire Leicester City team!

And Tozer’s sticky defense reminded Ling Feng of the famous “man-to-man” tactics that Manchester United adopted when dealing with the only king of the ball in London.

At that time, Manchester United’s head coach was Mourinho.

In order to deal with Hazard, Mourinho sent midfielder Herrera to do nothing and just follow Hazard throughout the game.

In that game, Manchester United successfully froze Hazard and won 2-0.

Ling Feng did not feel complacent, but tried to turn his brain and try to find a way to crack this.

The reason for pressing him tightly is to prevent him from turning forward when he holds the ball with his back to the goal, so as to pass a threatening ball.

And how can he get rid of the opponent’s tight defense and turn around?

At this time, Ling Feng suddenly had an idea and remembered the [pull back] that he secretly practiced during training.

It’s time to show real skills!

Feeling the aggressive Tozer behind him, Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, and the scene of Busquets using [Pull the ball back] suddenly appeared in his mind.

The next second!

He stepped on the ball with his right foot and pulled it back. When he pulled the ball behind him, he gently knocked it from his heel to the left.

The ball rolled past Tozer’s right side easily!

Tozer’s full attention was on Ling Feng, and he didn’t stretch his foot to intercept at all.

When he reacted, the ball had disappeared under Ling Feng’s feet.

Then, Ling Feng turned around and passed by him like a gust of wind!

This chic passing immediately won cheers from tens of thousands of home team fans at the King Power Stadium.

“What the hell?”

“Running in vain?”

When Tozer turned around a little clumsily, he was surprised to find that Ling Feng had already dribbled the ball forward!

“What a beautiful

“A brilliant dribbling pass!”

“Ling Feng showed us his delicate footwork!”

After using the [Drawing back] move to easily get rid of Tozer, there was an open area in front of him.

Ling Feng did not pass the ball immediately, but carried it two meters forward.

His dribbling speed was not fast, but very determined.

At the same time, seeing Ling Feng pass Tozer, Vardy, Mahrez and Nugent did not have time to marvel, but ran forward subconsciously!

This is the offensive routine that Pearson has formulated for the team.

Once Ling Feng turns to face the goal, the three players who are offensive players in the front court must resolutely insert behind the opponent’s defender.

As long as they run, the rest will be left to Ling Feng!

And this time, he They followed the coach’s instructions and ran forward relentlessly

Three arrows fired at once!

Vardy and the other two were like three sharp knives, stabbing at Watford’s back line at the same time.

Such a neat forward run immediately attracted all the attention of the defenders.

Ling Feng, who was dribbling forward in the middle, did not send a straight pass forward until he attracted another Watford midfielder to steal the ball!

The ball rolled forward quickly along the grass, passing by the midfielder who was stealing the ball, and also passing between the two central defenders.

Finally, it arrived in front of Vardy smoothly!

Faced with such an opportunity, how could Vardy, as a shooter, miss it? !

“Straight pass!”

“Vardy! Single-handed!”

“Shoot! ”


With a push, goalkeeper Almunia’s ten fingers could no longer stop the ball from moving forward.

With a “swish” sound, the ball went into the net, creating a white wave, and the stadium suddenly erupted in warm cheers!

In the 35th minute of the game, with Ling Feng’s fatal through pass after passing the opponent in the midfield, Vardy helped Leicester City break the deadlock on the field first!

“Good shot!”

“Ling Feng’s pass is amazing! Jamie’s shot was also impeccable! ”

“The cooperation between these two people is getting better and better.”

With Ling Feng becoming the starting midfielder, Vardy is the biggest beneficiary of the entire team.

In the past five games, including the cup, Ling Feng averaged two key passes per game and contributed a total of six assists.

And four of the assists were for Vardy.

Ling Feng made the last pass, and Vardy made a fatal blow!

Such a scene is no stranger to Leicester City fans.

On the contrary, Ling Feng’s operation of passing the opponent’s player in the midfield was even more surprising to them.

In the diehard fans’ stand, William shook the Blue Fox scarf in his hand and said to his friend beside him:

“Bob, did you see that? Ling actually passed the opponent? !”

“Yes, I saw it. ”

Pushing the black-framed glasses on his nose, Bob pretended to be deep and said:

“I wonder if this is the first time Ling has successfully passed the ball in an official match.”

Not only the fans in the stands were surprised, but also the other teammates of Leicester City were a little surprised.

When Vardy scored a goal and everyone gathered together to celebrate, Mahrez did not forget to ask Ling Feng:

“Ling, your passing was so cool just now. When did you secretly learn it? ”

Hearing this, Vardy also looked at Ling Feng, his eyes full of curiosity:

“Yes, when you got rid of the back and pushed forward, you directly attracted everyone’s attention, so the central defender didn’t follow me so closely.”

You know, whether in training or in the game, Ling Feng rarely dribbled or passed the ball.

Generally, he passed the ball and then ran to the empty space to support. The two-pass one-pass is his favorite and good weapon in the game.

The Leicester City players have only two comments on Ling Feng’s playing style:

Mature and reasonable!

If you can pass the ball, don’t pass the ball, if you can run, don’t dribble, if you can two-pass one, don’t single out.

This is why Ling Feng is the player who touches the ball the most but loses the ball the least in every game.

However, they don’t know that Ling Feng doesn’t want to dribble past the defense or dribble, but he doesn’t dare to!

His [Ball Control] attribute level is only C.

[Dribbling] and [Stop] attributes are just barely above the passing line of 60.

What’s more, with his physical fitness, the opponent can squeeze him out as long as he comes up to block the position.

It’s good enough to be able to dribble forward steadily, and he uses his head to dribble past the defense!

And this time, the dribble looks very cool, but it’s actually a bit tricky.

It’s mainly the skill of [Pull the ball back]

The bonus, coupled with the confusion that had never been passed before, caught Tozer off guard.

However, judging from this passing, this move is very practical when used to get rid of the back.

As long as he continues to try a few more times, he will gradually become proficient and finally master it completely!

Facing his teammates’ doubts, Ling Feng smiled generously and told the truth:

“I learned it from watching the game video, how is it? The effect is okay, right?”

Ling Feng did not lie.

After obtaining the skill of [Pull the ball back], in addition to secretly practicing on the stadium near his home, he also asked the team coach to find Busquets’ personal game video for study.

When this was said, the Leicester City players were stunned at first.

Then, they couldn’t help but respect this 18-year-old young man in their hearts.

They never thought that Ling Feng’s strength was already outstanding in the team, but he was still actively learning and improving!

You know, Ling Feng’s passing and vision are recognized as the best in the team.

But he was not complacent or proud at all.

He is still working hard to develop his dribbling ability to become stronger? !

Is this kid really only 18 years old? !

Genius is not scary, the scariest thing is the genius who is not satisfied with the status quo and is hardworking and self-disciplined!

Thinking of this, Vardy and Mahrez, and even the team captain Morgan, all gave Ling Feng a thumbs up.

And the other teammates finally understood why Ling Feng was snatched by many Premier League clubs, but they did not have such treatment.

The gap between people is really big

. . .

With the lead in the score, the balance of victory in the game began to tilt towards Leicester City.

Falling behind in the score, Watford had to press the formation forward, strengthen the pressing in the frontcourt, and strive to snatch the ball from the feet of Leicester City players, so as to launch a fast break.

However, such a scene made Pearson on the sidelines smile!

Watford players were surprised to find that no matter how they pressed, they could not snatch the ball from the opponent’s feet.

The ball would not stay at the feet of a Leicester City player for too long, and it was always in a flowing state.

The rhythm of the game was under the control of Leicester City.

As the frontcourt strengthened the pressing, the back line began to move forward, and more space naturally appeared in Watford’s backcourt.

First use bait to lure the fish out, and then stab the fish with a harpoon in one fell swoop, killing it with one blow!

This is the tactic often used by strong teams when facing weaker opponents.

It’s called fishing in short order!

With continuous short passes, the ball came to Ling Feng’s feet again.

And he saw that the opponent’s right side was relatively empty, so he passed it to Mahrez on the right side.

After stopping the ball steadily, Mahrez looked up and observed.

Seeing that there was only one full-back in front of him and the winger had no time to come back to assist, Mahrez did not hesitate and directly made a soup!

However, using speed to pass the opponent was not Mahrez’s idea.

When the full-back chased him and got close to him, he stopped the ball with his heel and then dribbled it.

When the full-back was shaking and almost slipped, he immediately flicked his left foot and started to cut inside!

When he came to the arc of the penalty area, the central defender came to fill the position, and Mahrez flicked his left foot directly, opened up the space and made a long diagonal pass.

The ball drew an inner arc in the air and flew to the back of the goal.

Nugent, who was ambushing at the back point, jumped up and headed the ball!

Because the distance was too close, the goalkeeper subconsciously reached out to block it, but couldn’t stop the ball from hitting the goal.


Nugent, who scored the goal, stood there without hesitation and roared, waving his fists, venting his inner depression.

After celebrating, he did not forget to turn around and raised his hand to point to Mahrez who assisted him.

And this is the terrible thing about this Leicester City.

Ling Feng can create opportunities by passing the ball; Mahrez can create threats by dribbling; Vardy and Nugent can seize opportunities in front of the goal! The most important thing is that the four players in the frontcourt are capable of scoring goals. How to defend against this? ! With this goal, the first half of the game ended quickly. During the halftime break, Pearson reminded his disciples to stay focused and not relax. Leading by two goals into the second half, Leicester City’s players played more calmly and confidently. In the 80th minute of the game, Brother Drinking Water, who came in from behind, scored with a beautiful long shot, setting the final score at 3-0. Another 3-0. Leicester City beat Watford both at home and away, which was a revenge for the one-goal loss in last year’s promotion play-offs. As the team’s home court

After defeating Watford, Leicester City won all the games from December 21st to February 8th in a month and a half!

Including the league and the FA Cup, it achieved a terrifying 11-game winning streak!

(End of this chapter)

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