The first yellow card was issued in response to the booing.

Chapter 52 Responding to the boos, the first yellow card [Two in one! Please read! ]

Looking at Greening who was being examined by the team doctor, the Nottingham Forest players also rushed to the referee and began to put pressure on him:

“That kid definitely did it on purpose!”

“This is a malicious shot!”

Faced with the questioning of the Nottingham Forest players, Ling Feng on the side immediately pretended to be innocent and explained with his hands spread out:

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to do it. I wanted to pass the ball, but he blocked the passing route.”

Compared to Greening’s performance just now, his acting is more natural and sincere.

Coupled with his convincing handsome face, who can doubt that his kick just now was intentional?

Although the referee was also very suspicious and sure that Ling Feng kicked Greening in the face on purpose.

After all, this kid’s passing skills and accuracy are well known.

However, he has no evidence to prove this.

Besides, anything can happen on the court.

In a fierce professional game, it is normal for players to be kicked in the face and lower body by the ball.

As long as it is not obviously malicious, it generally does not constitute a foul.

After a check by the team doctor, they believe that Greening may have a mild concussion.

In order to protect the player, he must be replaced and further examined!

In the face of this, Nottingham Forest head coach Billy Davis on the sidelines had to turn around and waved to the substitute midfielder on the bench, signaling him to warm up and get ready to play.

At this time, Vardy, who came to the Forest team doctor to drink water, suddenly came to Ling Feng, covered his mouth with his hand and asked:

“Ling, did you do it on purpose?”

Hearing this, Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, covered his mouth with his hand, and answered truthfully: “Of course!”

The two looked at each other, and almost couldn’t hold back the corners of their mouths that were wildly raised

Finally, Nottingham Forest was forced to use a substitution quota at the beginning of the first half.

The team’s main midfielder Greening was replaced by a substitute midfielder.

The game was interrupted for nearly seven or eight minutes and resumed again.

In addition to venting his anger, Ling Feng’s kick also brought unexpected surprises.

Perhaps Greening’s end shocked the Nottingham Forest players.

So much so that they dared not use rough fouls to violate Ling Feng, but only closely guarded him so that he could not turn around easily.

Although the Forest players slightly reduced their fouls against him.

However, after seeing Ling Feng kick Greening and causing him to have a concussion, tens of thousands of Forest fans in the City Stadium did not let him go.

Whenever Ling Feng got the ball, there would be harsh boos in the City Stadium.

However, such tricks obviously could not limit Ling Feng’s performance.

Through retreating and changing positions, he and Mahrez played a beautiful two-on-one cooperation on the right side, easily breaking through Forest’s left back Fox.


“Leicester City played a cooperation on the right side, and Mahrez dribbled the ball to the heart of the forest.”

Mahrez was like entering an empty space, quickly dribbling the ball to the right side of the court, all the way to

At the same time, striker Vardy and Nugent on the left side immediately attacked Nottingham Forest’s back line.

Ling Feng in the middle, and Matty James behind him, also followed up and responded at any time.

This is also one of Pearson’s tactical routines.

Once Mahrez started the attack from the right side, Ling Feng and Drinkwater would both move in from behind to try to make a reverse triangle shot or a second long shot.

The other midfielder would stay in the midfield to prevent the opponent from counterattacking.

After dribbling all the way to the right sideline of the penalty area, Mahrez looked up and looked to the left, then he did not hesitate to use his right foot to knock the ball across the middle!

“Mahrez, pass the ball!”

“Reverse triangle!”

Accompanied by the exclamations of the Forest fans in the stadium, the ball flew quickly towards the penalty spot in the middle along the grass.

Because everyone thought Mahrez would pass the ball to the front point, allowing Vardy and Nugent to grab the point.

Therefore, all the Forest players gathered in the penalty area, locking Vardy and Nugent firmly.

But they ignored the back point of the reverse triangle!

When they followed the trajectory of the ball, they were surprised to find that a blue figure quickly inserted and rushed into the penalty area!

“Ling Feng!”

In a flash, the Forest players were all surprised.

Or his eyes widened, but he was too late to stop Ling Feng from shooting.

Captain Collins had to subconsciously put his hands behind his back and came forward without hesitation, hoping to block the ball with his body.

However, Ling Feng did not volley the ball hard, but pushed it very cleverly!

The low shot ball was tightly attached to the grass, just passed through Collins’ crotch, and then went straight to the lower right corner of the goal.

Because there were many people on both sides in the penalty area, the sight was completely blocked. The young goalkeeper Carl Darlow from Forest Youth Training could not see Ling Feng’s shooting action or the direction of the ball.

It was not until the ball got out of the crowd that he subconsciously kicked his legs and made a side dive.

However, it was too late!

Before he landed, the ball was close to the right goal post and went straight into the goal!


“He did it!”

“Leicester City scored the first goal at the City Stadium!”

“The goal was scored by No. 23 Ling Feng!”

Seeing the team’s favorite Ling Feng score a goal, the Blue Fox fans who came to the away field gave the warmest cheers and applause!

“Well done!”

“Ling, good job!”

“That’s it, kill these Forest softies!!”

Amid the warm cheers, Ling Feng, who scored the goal, did not rush to the stands where the away fans were, but went directly to the stands where the home fans were.

Then, he made a celebration that made the City Stadium boil:

Ling Feng raised his right hand, raised his index finger, put it on his mouth, and looked at the confused Forest fans with a provocative look.

Don’t you like to boo me?

Shut your stinky mouths!

This obviously provocative celebration instantly angered all the Forest fans in the City Stadium!

The Forest fans in red in the stands were very emotional and responded one after another:

Some raised their middle fingers to send a friendly gesture to Ling Feng;

Some fans spitted and various insulting words flew out with their saliva;

Some even wanted to jump off the stands to teach Ling Feng a lesson.

If the stadium security had not stopped them in time, some of the angry Forest fans might have really jumped off the stands.

Looking at Ling Feng and the other players of Leicester City, they were a little confused.

They did not expect that Ling Feng, who was usually gentle and friendly, would respond so strongly after scoring a goal.

However, scoring a goal at the home of the mortal enemy and then asking those fans to shut up, so what? !

This kid is a man!

Vardy and others rushed to his side, surrounded him, and hugged him excitedly.

Among them, Captain Morgan, who ran all the way from the back line, hugged Ling Feng’s neck and then forced him to put down his hand.

Then, while pulling him back, the captain did not forget to whisper in his ear:

“Hurry up and don’t provoke them like this!”

Knowing that Morgan was doing this for his own good, Ling Feng did not resist, and was surrounded (protected) by his teammates and returned to his own half.

However, just after walking back for a while, Ling Feng heard the referee calling his name.

Turning his head, he saw the referee holding a yellow card in his hand, coming to him and showing it to him.

“This is a penalty for you provoking the fans. I don’t want it to happen again.”

Before making the shut-up gesture, Ling Feng had already prepared to get a card.

He did not defend himself, he just nodded to show that he understood.

At the same time.

Seeing Ling Feng, who got the first yellow card in his career for provoking fans, Pearson in the coaching booth couldn’t help but raise his hand to support his forehead, and said helplessly:

“This kid is really worrying”

Steve Walsh on the side just smiled, “Young people, it’s normal to be angry.”

The words of the old partner did not make Pearson’s frown relax.

In his opinion, Ling Feng, as the core and future of the team, is the treasure of the club.

And as the head coach of the team, he has the obligation to guide this young genius onto the right path.

Even though Ling Feng is not very old now, his performance on and off the court is far better than his peers.

However, he still hopes that Ling Feng can continue to improve in all aspects and grow into a world-class top player!

“After scoring a goal, there is no need to provoke the fans. This will only put yourself in a dangerous situation. Moreover, he got a yellow card, which is totally unnecessary.”

“We have to talk to him about this when we return to Belvoir”

Assistant coach Steve Walsh has long been accustomed to Pearson’s strict character.

He had to smile and did not continue to persuade.

In his heart, he also recognized Pearson.


Because, in the world of professional football, there are often good horses, but there are not often good horse trainers.

This is why Arsenal coached by Wenger is so attractive to young players.

The reason is simple, Wenger is a famous horse trainer!

He will not only discover good horses, but also help them to realize their potential and run faster as much as possible.

However, Wenger is only the most famous one in the world of professional football.

Some horse trainers will only cultivate the good horses they like.

For Pearson, Ling Feng is his good horse.

. . .

Seeing Ling Feng get a yellow card, the Forest fans in the City Stadium calmed down and slowly died down.

Even if they were angry and unwilling, they could not change the situation of falling behind on the field.

And the Nottingham Forest players on the field were more helpless than angry.

They have been restricting Ling Feng’s passes from the beginning to now.

At first, they thought Ling Feng was easy to bully.

Therefore, they followed the coach’s tactical arrangement and continued to make rough attacks on him.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng did not become timid because of their actions. Instead, he used a precise “pass” to shoot one of his teammates into a concussion.

Use practical actions to tell them a fact:

He is not easy to mess with!

Moreover, he found an opportunity when the defense was slightly relaxed, instigated this attack, and scored the goal himself.

After all, they underestimated this black-haired young man who did not look strong.

Kick-off again, the game continued.

The score was behind, and under the call of Billy Davis, Nottingham Forest continued to adopt a high-pressure tactic and kept pressing in the frontcourt.

And they kept committing fouls, trying to interrupt Leicester City’s offensive rhythm and make the game fragmented.

In this way, Vardy, Nugent, and Mahrez in the frontcourt were all fouled more or less.

However, although such foul tactics prevented Leicester City from advancing on the wing several times, it gave Leicester City many set-piece opportunities.

When the game reached the 38th minute, Leicester City got a free kick in a good position outside the penalty area on the right side of Forest’s half.

Ling Feng stood in front of the ball and prepared to take the penalty.

“This is Leicester City’s chance!”

“It is about 32 meters away from the goal. Ling Feng, who took the penalty, is a right-footed player and should not choose to shoot directly.”

The commentator was right.

At the referee’s whistle, Ling Feng swung his right leg violently and rubbed the bottom of the ball with the inside of his foot.

At the moment Ling Feng passed the ball, the Leicester City players in blue jerseys rushed into the penalty area at the same time.

Vardy rushed to the front point, and Nugent rushed to the back point.

In the middle were the team’s two tall and strong central defenders, Morgan and Waselowski!

The ball with an inward arc flew through the air and landed near the penalty spot.

At this moment, the captain Morgan, who was like a black tower in the crowd, seized the opportunity, jumped up suddenly, and swung it hard.

With a “bang”, his forehead came into close contact with the flying ball, and then changed direction slightly and flew to the upper right corner of the goal.

The 1.9-meter-tall goalkeeper Karl Darlow subconsciously jumped sideways and stretched out his right arm.

Touched it!

Even though he felt his fingertips gently scrape the surface of the ball, he couldn’t stop the aggressive ball from flying into the net.


“Header goal!”

The next second, whether it was in the stadium or in front of the TV, the Foxes fans jumped up from their seats excitedly!

With Morgan’s header, Leicester City was two goals ahead of Nottingham Forest at home in the first half.

The huge gap in strength made the fans of the home team at the City Stadium look desperate and confused.

They didn’t expect that in just three months, Leicester City, which lost to their team 2-0 at home, would become so strong!

Soon, they focused their attention on the black-haired young man on the field.

It was all because of this No. 23 kid!

The last time they defeated Leicester City, this kid had not started, and was not even in the first-team lineup.

And this time, he started and contributed one pass and one shot.

Rather than saying that they lost to Leicester City, it’s better to say that they lost to Ling Feng!

Leading by two goals into the halftime break, the Leicester City players were very relaxed.

After a short break, the second half of the game began.

Already two goals behind, Nottingham Forest was no longer conservative and pressed forward directly, trying to score a goal to save face.

However, the players of Leicester City like the opponent to press forward and attack.

Because, if the formation is pressed forward, it means that the defense is empty!

“Drinkwater takes the ball and passes it long!”

“Vardy is racing with Collins!”

“Enter the penalty area!”



(End of this chapter)

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