The first time, the second time.

Chapter 93 I am so good, it is well known [Please subscribe! ]

In mid-May, the five major leagues basically came to an end.

The most dramatic one is the Premier League championship battle.

After the “shocking slip” at Anfield, Liverpool gave the initiative to win the championship to Manchester City.

In the penultimate round of the league, when playing against Crystal Palace, Crystal Palace was tenaciously tied at 3-0, and completely lost the hope of competing for the championship.

In the end, Manchester City, which was in the championship group throughout the season, came from behind and won the 13-14 season Premier League championship!

Liverpool finished second and Chelsea ranked third.

Arsenal, which ranked first in the first 20 rounds and won the half-season championship, began to habitually fall behind in February and finally returned to its familiar position – fourth!

Worthy of being a top four contender!

Arsenal fans have both joy and sorrow about the team’s performance this season.

The sad thing is that the team ranked fourth in the league again and missed the Premier League championship again.

The good thing is that the team reached the FA Cup final and still has a chance to compete for the championship!

Since the FA Cup championship in 2004-05, Arsenal has experienced an embarrassing period of nine years without a championship.

In these nine years, many Arsenal players left Arsenal for championships, money, or competitive reasons.

Among them, the story of the four gentlemen in North London is the most widely circulated and most talked about.

Zhongyi Fa, Fan Xiongxin, Na Sili, and Song Gongming are the names that Arsenal fans are most reluctant to mention.

In addition, since Vieira in 2006, captains of different periods such as Henry, Fabregas, and Van Persie have all transferred and left the team for various reasons.

In this regard, selling the captain has become a traditional skill of Arsenal and a joke made by fans.

In the final analysis, the team’s performance is still unsatisfactory.

If the captain and the main players can be sold every year and the championship can be won every year, then the fans will not remember these jokes at all, but will only remember what championship the team won this season.

But that is impossible!

Under the background of gold-dollar football, strong capital has entered the Premier League, and excellent players have also joined from major leagues. The competitiveness of various Premier League teams is more than a little stronger than that of the last century.

It is not easy for Wenger to lead Arsenal to stay in the top four every year and qualify for the Champions League despite the loss of captains and main players every year and the low salary space.

Of course, after many years, it has reached the FA Cup final again. Whether it is the coach, players, or fans, they all hope to win this championship and end the embarrassing record of nine years without a championship!

. . .

May 16, the day before the FA Cup final.

The BBC’s old football program “Match of the day” specially planned a special FA Cup preview program.

At the beginning of the program, a carefully edited game highlights were played.

In the highlights, the game scenes of Arsenal and Leicester City were interspersed to introduce the audience to the promotion path of the two teams.

Then the pre-match interview clips of the two head coaches were played, asking the two head coaches about their feelings about reaching the FA Cup final.

Finally, the main players of the two teams appeared on the screen and talked about their feelings.

The player who appeared on the screen for Arsenal was the team’s defensive backbone, French central defender Koscielny.

And the player who appeared on the screen for Leicester City was the team’s midfield core Ling Feng!

During this period, the feelings of the fans of the two teams about this final were also collected.

Due to the lack of championships for many years, and the failure to win the championship again this year, Wenger’s position as coach is not so stable.

Many Arsenal fans believe that the team needs to change.

However, no one directly said that Wenger should be fired.

After all, Wenger has coached the club for nearly 18 years since 1996. He is the coach who has coached the same Premier League club for the longest time after Manchester United’s Ferguson.

It is no exaggeration to say that Arsenal is Wenger and Wenger is Arsenal!

No one dares to imagine what Arsenal will be like if Wenger leaves.

It is worth mentioning that most Arsenal fans are optimistic about this final and believe that their team will win.

In their view, although Leicester City is the overlord of the English Championship, it has even eliminated three Premier League teams, Stoke City, Chelsea and Hull City, in the FA Cup.

However, they are still very confident and believe that

Arsenal’s passing and controlling style can completely destroy Leicester City.

Leicester City fans are very open-minded.

In their view, winning the Championship this season, being promoted directly to the Premier League, and reaching the FA Cup final are already surprising results.

Regardless of the result of the final, this season is a satisfying season!

Finally, it is the interview content of the head coaches of the two teams.

After playing the carefully produced video, the screen returned to the studio.

Lineker, sitting in the chair, looked at the camera and showed his signature smile:

“Welcome to the Match of the Day FA Cup special program, I am Gareth Lineker.”

“For this FA Cup final preview special program, we invited Martin Keown, a champion member who helped Arsenal win two FA Cup titles.”

Martin Keown is the last of Arsenal’s famous “five old men in defense” and a defensive fighter who witnessed Arsenal’s step-by-step rise in the 1990s.

Because the host Lineker is a die-hard and famous player of Leicester City, and then invites an Arsenal famous player to come, and the two support one team each, so as to create a topic.

This arrangement is too skilled for the “Match Day” program team

The two first analyzed every game of the two teams in the process of advancing to the final, and then predicted the starting lineups of the two teams in the final.

Then, Lineker suddenly asked;

“Martin, who do you think will be the key player in Arsenal in this game?”

Faced with this question, Martin Keown thought about it and then answered:

“I will choose Cazorla.”


“He is an indispensable brain in Arsenal. With his organization, the team’s offense can be smooth”

After answering, Martin asked Lineker in turn according to the script: “Gary, who do you think will be the key player in Leicester City?”

“It is undoubtedly Ling Feng!”

“I can hear that you are very optimistic about this young man.”

“I have said more than once that this young man’s Very talented, he will definitely become a world-class player in the future”

Just as Lineker was praising Ling Feng on the show, on the Leicester City team bus.

Mahrez, who was sitting next to Ling Feng, was watching the “Match Day” program on his mobile phone and learning English, while poking Ling Feng, who was resting with his eyes closed, with his elbow:

“Ling, Lineker is praising you again!”

Hearing this, Ling Feng turned his head, glanced at Mahrez’s mobile phone screen, and then closed his eyes again, and replied lightly:

“It is well known that I am so good. He has been praising me for more than one or two days.”

Hearing this, Mahrez was speechless.

Although there is nothing wrong with this.

But why does it sound so annoying?

Yesterday’s update.

(End of this chapter)

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