Full Marks Hidden Marriage

Chapter 105: Buy small buns

This time Ning Xueluo's face changed completely, almost screaming, "Ning Xi, you lunatic!"

She is not afraid of Ning Xi's uncontrollable desire to fight with her for status and status, and she is most afraid that she will let her out and not kill everything.

"Hehe ..." Looking at Ning Xueluo's pale face, Ning Xi couldn't help laughing, and patted her shoulder with a relaxed expression. "Miss Ning, don't worry, just kidding, you This kind of dregs, isn't it worth my share with you ... "

Speaking of which, Ning Xi's careless eyes suddenly became extremely cold, lowered her voice, and her voice was attached to her ear like a devil crawling out of hell, "But if you threaten me again with that incident, It ’s hard to guarantee what I will do out of control for a while. Applying your pig teammate, even if I die, I will pull you to death! Jia Qingqing ’s straw bag is just a talk on the outside, but I ’m not the same Oh!"

After Ning Xi spoke, she loosened Ning Xueluo's shoulders and Shi Shiran left.

The threat of Ning Xueluo could not be threatened. As soon as Ning Xi left, she suddenly collapsed to the ground, and then her face was dumbfounded and she slammed her foot on the door.

No, she must find a solution to Ning Xi!

Otherwise, as long as she exists for one day, all that she has may disappear at any time, and she absolutely does not allow this kind of thing to happen!


After leaving the company, Ning Xi was ready to go to the mall after seeing nothing in the afternoon. Last time, she promised to help Xiaobao buy clothes.

When she thought of Xiaobao, her somber mood suddenly cleared for thousands of miles, and she happily went to buy and buy.

After arriving, Ning Xi went straight to the children's clothing area.

There are all kinds of children's clothes all over the eyes, and Ning Xi is just like playing with chicken blood, planted in one head, and even crazy than buying clothes by herself.

Speaking of meeting Xiaobao, some aspects of her life have really changed dramatically. In the past, she passed by similar places such as children's clothing stores and children's clothing stores, and now she can no longer see these associations. It was those memories that suffocated her, but the cute buns.

This mood of wanting to buy and give him whenever you see cute and interesting things is just like falling in love!

The things in this mall are all big brands, which are generally very expensive, and children's clothing is the same, but it is given to Xiaobao, she is naturally willing. Buying fewer sets of cosmetics will save you.

Today Ning Xi is wearing a skirt designed by a designer she likes but has little fame. Although it is good-looking, it is a pity that it can't reach a big-name LOGO.

Shopping guides like to watch people eat dishes, so I didn't take care of her, but always followed behind a lady wearing a full set of Chanel.

Ning Xidong strolled around the west, and finally saw a suit in the corner that made her very attractive.

This is a small royal blue suit. It is not only super bright in color, but also has a Superman logo badge with S in the chest triangle. The most important thing is that she has a lot of clothes with Superman elements. Wear parent-child outfits together.

The word "parent-child outfit" that popped out of her mind made Ning Xi startled a little, and she was shocked. It was like a love, she always wanted to give the best to the other person's mood, but it was also the mood when treating her child.

Ning Xi was in a complicated and silent mood for a while before returning to God, and then went to the shopping guide, "Miss, I want this suit, please help me pack it."

The shopping guide did not respond immediately, but reminded indifferently, "This set of twelve thousand."

"I know. I saw a tag and wrapped it for me."

The shopping guide's complexion is a little better, and there is a smile, softly, "Need to help you make a gift box?"

After Ning Xi responded, a hand with a jade bracelet suddenly inserted in and grabbed the dress. "Ah, this is good! I want it!"

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