Full Marks Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1120: Relaxing breath

Mo Ling Tianqiang propped his headache, cracked head, drove the car, aimlessly driving on the road in the dark night sky.

That's right ...

Cao Lirong is dead ...

The explanation given by Zi Yao was that Cao Lirong was already in poor health, and the environment in the detention center was too bad to survive, and then she died suddenly. From the point of view of forensic examination, it was true, and there was nothing unusual.

But it was at this time that Cao Lirong was dead. How could he believe that this matter was an exception from beginning to end?

However, he couldn't even think about what Ziya really did in this matter ...

In his impression, she is such a chic temperament, how could she do such a violation of the principle for personal affection?

Mo Lingtian kept giving her excuses for excuses. The last time she investigated Ning Xi, it was her father who did it without permission. This time, it must have been her father's hands in private without her knowledge.

Mo Lingtian felt that her soul was almost split into two halves, half of whom believed in herself, and the other half of whom doubted her ...

Before he knew it, he drove up to a small row of small houses, and then walked towards one of the very old small buildings, stumbling in front of the door, and knocking **** the door panel ...


At the door, accompanied by a rush of footsteps, a girl in pajamas and a jacket hurriedly opened the door and appeared at the door with a look of astonishment on her face, and then a dazzling star-like gush came under her eyes. Surprise, "Lingtian ..."

In the thick and depressing night, the girl stood in the doorway in the Yingying, innocent and elegant like a lily, exuding an extremely comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.

Mo Lingtian felt like a traveler walking in the wilderness late at night, and finally returned home ...

Because suddenly relaxed, the strength of the whole body was evacuated immediately, and all of a sudden planted towards the front ...

"Ah ..." the girl exclaimed, hurriedly reaching out to help, but she couldn't bear the weight of the man, and finally the two fell to the ground together.

Before the man fell to the ground, the girl covered the man's head with the back of his hand in advance, but was almost sobbed with tears, and asked in a panic, "Is it okay? Is there a pain? Get up!"

While the girl was talking, she was trying to help the person up. Mo Lingtian looked at the girl's face unconsciously, and was lifted to half, but suddenly pushed hard, pressed the girl under her, a hot kiss, a hot one One by one fell on the girl's lips, clavicle, shoulder ...

The girl pushed hard, but the man's strength was too great, and he drank again. He pressed her knee with one leg, and placed her hands on the top of her head with her palms locked. She could not move easily. He bit his skin a little bit, opened the neckline of his pajamas, and the hot kiss went down ...


Lu Group, Office of the President.

"Chairman Guan, you can't go in, the president isn't seeing you now! Guan Dong ... Guan ..."

Guan Rui ignored the obstruction of the little secretary and pushed open the door of the president's office. "Lu Tingxiao!"

At the large desk, the man looked up from a pile of documents and glanced at the little secretary.

The secretary backed out tremblingly and tightened the office door.

"Lu Tingxiao, what do you mean?" Guan Rui threw a newspaper fiercely in front of the man.

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