Full Marks Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1166: Some interest

"Oh ... your History design department, is there no one?" Han Yan sat in the boss chair of Ning Xueluo, legs crossed on the expensive desk, looked at each other with a smile.

Greetings Dawei said, Da Wei's face was a bit unsure immediately, he was the boss of the design department!

But where did Dawei dare to greet with Han Yu, he could only accompany his smiling face carefully and follow what Han Yu said.

"Don't hide Mr. Han, our History design department has some lack of inspiration recently. The market share has been surpassed by the company's biggest rival, otherwise, I wouldn't expect to bother you." Ning Xueluo didn't avoid anything and said directly .

The priority now is to overwhelm the spirit, and everything else is easy to say.

It's understandable that a talented man has a weird temperament, as long as he really has that ability!

"Zering ..." murmured in Han Yan's mouth.

He has researched on the clothing of Ze Ling. The designer is indeed a genius. From the appearance of the clothing to some charms, it is perfect. From this aspect alone, it has already surpassed History too much.

Today's History is only because of its early fame and consumers' preconceived consciousness. In addition, History's past famous works have supported the hype and exposure of the previous media bombardment, so that History can still fight with the spirit now. Otherwise, this History would have been dumped a few streets by Zi Ling.

To put it bluntly, it is an endangered company. Although, at present, it seems that the spirit is still enough, but if time goes by, History has not been able to produce a dazzling work, and it will be completely trampled by Ze Ling. Underfoot, it's only a matter of time.

The spiritual designer is indeed called a genius. Such a person and his work can indeed make some cold blood surge.

Although studying clothing design that year was just because of boredom, no matter what the field, as long as there was something that aroused his interest, he would be happy to continue playing.

After seeing Han Yan pondering for a long time, Ning Xueluo asked with a smile: "I don't know Mr. Han, do you know anything about the Zeling brand?"

Greetings did not answer Ning Xueluo's question, and some of the works in the shop that night appeared in his mind were ancient and elegant, with a special oriental flavor and charm.

And those few works actually inspired a lot of his creative inspiration.

If it was him, he would completely tear this special oriental charm into pieces, break the mundane maggots, and create a feast of death and blackness.

"Zering, I'm a bit interested." Han Yan straightened his hat, and a glow of hotness appeared in his eyes.

He said to Ning Xi that night, the designer of Ling was inferior to himself, but the woman did n’t believe it, and uttered a sarcasm against him. Now, let ’s do activities and compare with the talented designer of Zeling Seeing whose works are full of irresistible magic.

Ning Xueluo looked at the handsome and evil-looking man in front of her eyes, and couldn't help shining his eyes, which meant that there was a drama ...?

"Mr. Han, if I can, I would like to hire you at a high salary and be our chief designer of History." Ning Xueluo looked at Han Yan and laughed softly.

"Boss ..." Dawei's face changed suddenly, trying to say something, but Ning Xue dropped her eyes and looked back.

Dai Wei's face was overcast for a while, and after all his hard work, he finally invited the greeting to him today. He never expected that the boss Ning Xueluo wanted him to be his position.

At the beginning, he said clearly that he just asked him to come to the rescue ...

[Notice: I'm sorry baby, everything is piled up today, the computer is crashing, update this chapter first ~ don't wait today (┬_┬)]

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