Full Marks Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1367: The first place

Ning Xi's face suddenly changed. "So, is something really wrong at home?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Tang Nuo clenched his fists tightly and didn't want to say, but because he was worried that Ning Xi would misunderstand her as an outsider, he had to say intermittently, "There is something wrong at home ... you know, My dad was so soft-headed that some time ago, a co-worker who knew on the construction site suddenly borrowed a lot of money to go out ... results ... results ... now he would not come back ... "

"How much did you borrow?" Ning Xi frowned.

"Probably ... all the savings ... even the last few times you hit the house ... and added up to a total of 600,000 ... the house was originally going to buy a house in town ... but now, I couldn't even get my tuition fees ... Grandma was ill some time ago ... Medical expenses were borrowed ... "The younger the teenager said, the more embarrassed he was.

Ning Xi was silent for a while, Shen said, "Did you go to Ning Xueluo?"

The teenager heard the words and said, "Because there is no way out ... or I would never come to her ... As a result ... Oh, I shouldn't have come ..."

The boy looked for what happened after Ning Xueluo. Even if he didn't say it, Ning Xi probably knew what happened.

Ning Xi was about to say "Why don't you find me"? After all, I swallowed it back, sighed, and said directly, "Well, I know the situation. You have been running for a day, and you must be tired now, tonight Stay with me for one night and take a good rest. I'll go home with you tomorrow. "

Tang Nuo immediately looked up, "Sister ..."

In case the boy refused, Ning Xi interrupted him directly. "When I'm your sister, don't stop talking nonsense and go to sleep! You went to Ning Xueluo today but didn't look for me, it made me very angry. ! "

Ning Xi has already talked about this situation, Tang Nuo has no choice but to sleep uncomfortably obediently.

In fact, he has been, always looking forward to his sister to go back.

However, when that mother said that kind of thing, she must have broken her heart. Even if he missed it again, where would he dare mention the matter of getting her back, even if there was such a big thing at home, he didn't face to trouble her.

But now, I still have to trouble her ...


late at night.

Tonight is still an insomnia night.

She walked lightly to the boy's house, helped the boy to be horned, and quietly looked at the boy's sleeping face for a while.

Let's go back……

It ’s okay to go back ...

Maybe going back to the original place can make her sober.



Early the next morning, Ning Xi took Tang Nuo to City C, and after quickly deciding things over there, she had to rush back to see Lu Tingxiao at night.

So as not to be recognized, Ning Xi disguised as usual.

Dressed as a simple and lovely country girl this time.

Tang Nuo looked at the girl in a flowered skirt with two twisted braids and red cheeks, and her eyes suddenly became wet.

For so long, I didn't dare to come to her even if I missed it, but it was because I was scared. I was afraid that the sister in his memory would never return.

Fortunately, fortunately his sister is still ...

Ning Xi knew that she hadn't slept well for several days and was afraid to drive tiredly, so she made a long-distance bus to go back with Tang Nuo.

Tang Nuo did not care at all, but was very happy and at ease.

The sisters and brothers talked about each other along the way, and soon recovered the intimacy as if they had never been separated.

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