Full Marks Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1705: Waiting to be young grandma

Is Xiaobao dead! ?

Upon hearing this, Guan Ziyao, Guan Ziyao, and Guan Mu suddenly looked at Chongshan before landing.

Lu Chongshan's face was very ugly, and he answered ambiguously: "The situation of Xiaobao is unclear, and Ting Xiao has gone to find someone."

Still unclear?

That's ... Life and death are unknown, and there are fewer evils?

Guan Rui's eyes flickered slightly, and he said with sorrow in his face, "It is also blame that our son Yao is a girl with little courage. At that time, I couldn't help anything. After returning, I have been blaming myself for a long time, so I am not assured that I came here. I'm sorry to ask about the situation! "

Guan Zihao also said comfortingly, "Uncle Lu, Xiaobao's affairs are very sad. Please take care of yourself. The entire Lu family and the company still rely on you! If there is anything I need to help, Uncle Lu Although you mention, we can do everything we can to help! "

"Thank you, but it's not necessary for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience of hospitality today, please go back first." Lu Chongshan said a few words casually, and then let people off.


Outside the house.

After getting on the bus, Mother Guan immediately changed her face and looked at Guan Ziyao's wounds with distress. "Damn! That Yan Ruyi loses her money or is born from a wealthy family! Where is this lady? It's just a shrew! You Look at beating our son Yao? It's too hard to start! "

"Forget it, the only baby grandson is dead, it's normal to get mad." Guan Rui said, his tone sounding good.

"Isn't that clear? How did you know that you were dead?" Guan asked.

"Don't you know Lu Chongshan's personality? You must have kept time to hide Lu Tingxiao in order to keep the company, and then forced the other party to tear up the ticket. Otherwise, how can you be so excited about Yan Ruyi? There must be something wrong. Guan Rui began to analyze.

"Well ... what about Ning Xi?" Guan Ziya gloomily touched his red and swollen cheek, and then asked.

Guan Zihao on the side said, "The little prince is dead, and she can still survive if she doesn't matter? Naturally she died earlier!"

"However, the woman is very good ... Is it bad?" Guan Ziyao worried.

Guan Zihao raised his eyebrows. "Are you kidding me? That woman can be so powerful if she's alone, or a woman, what can she do in the face of a group of kidnappers? You just wait to be your grandmother Lujia!"

"But this time, Aunt Lu had such a big gap with me ..." Guan Ziya was worried.

Guan Guan said indifferently, "Stupid girl, she's just too sad to lose her grandson now. Waiting for you to give her another one, can she still dislike it? Isn't she holding you as a baby! Mother! Zigui, these four words work everywhere!

That's why I said that Lu Tingxiao's illegitimate child must not be left! The Lu family attaches great importance to this child, and the family property will be left to him in the future. Isn't it our loss to marry the Lu family? Even if the child is not in trouble this time, we will definitely have to find a way to get rid of it. This time it is really trouble-free, but also kills two birds with one stone, even the woman is solved! "

Guan Zihao laughed, "Mother said so, sister, don't worry about it, let's go back to celebrate tonight! You should hear the" good news "of that little cub tomorrow!"

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